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(roughly similar)

  • 1 roughly

    1) (violently) roh; grob
    2) (crudely) leidlich; grob [skizzieren, bearbeiten, bauen]
    3) (approximately) ungefähr; grob [geschätzt]
    * * *
    adverb rauh
    * * *
    1. (harshly) grob, roh
    2. (without refinement)
    \roughly built roh [o grob] zusammengezimmert
    to calculate \roughly grob kalkulieren [o überschlagen]
    \roughly speaking ganz allgemein gesagt
    \roughly similar [or the same] ungefähr gleich
    \roughly about ungefähr, schätzungsweise
    * * *
    1) (= not gently) grob, roh; play rau; speak grob; answer, order grob, hart
    2) (= crudely) make, sew, sketch, chop, slice grob
    3) (= approximately) ungefähr

    roughly ( speaking) — grob gesagt

    roughly similarin etwa ähnlich

    to be roughly similar to sth —

    * * *
    roughly [ˈrʌflı] adv
    1. rau, roh, grob
    2. grob, ungefähr, annähernd:
    a) etwa, ungefähr, über den Daumen gepeilt umg,
    b) ganz allgemein (gesagt)
    * * *
    1) (violently) roh; grob
    2) (crudely) leidlich; grob [skizzieren, bearbeiten, bauen]
    3) (approximately) ungefähr; grob [geschätzt]
    * * *
    annähernd adv.
    grob adv.
    ungefähr adv.

    English-german dictionary > roughly

  • 2 roughly

    adverb ásperamente; rudamente; duramente
    roughly adv
    1. aproximadamente
    2. bruscamente / violentamente
    1 (about) aproximadamente; (more or less) más o menos
    2 (not gently) bruscamente
    roughly ['rʌfli] adv
    1) : bruscamente
    to treat roughly: maltratar
    2) crudely: burdamente
    3) approximately: aproximadamente, más o menos
    aproximadamente adv.
    asperamente adv.
    bruscamente adv.
    toscamente adv.
    a) ( approximately) aproximadamente

    roughly speaking, the organ acts as a filter — el órgano se comporta como un filtro, por así decirlo

    b) ( not gently) < play> bruscamente, de manera violenta

    to treat somebody roughlymaltratar or tratar mal a alguien

    c) ( crudely) toscamente
    1) (=approximately) [equal] aproximadamente, más o menos

    he was roughly the same age/height as me — tenía aproximadamente or más o menos la misma edad/altura que yo

    2) (=generally) [describe, outline] en líneas generales, más o menos

    roughly speaking, it means an increase of 10% — en líneas generales, supone un incremento del 10%

    roughly speaking, it acts as a transformer — viene a actuar más o menos como un transformador

    roughly speaking, his job is that of an administrator — su trabajo es, por así decirlo, de administrador

    3) (=not gently) [push] bruscamente; [play] de forma violenta; [speak, order] con brusquedad

    to treat sth/sb roughly — tratar mal algoatar a algn con brusquedad

    4) (=crudely) [constructed, built, carved] toscamente
    5) (Culin) [chop] en trozos grandes; [slice] en rodajas grandes
    * * *
    a) ( approximately) aproximadamente

    roughly speaking, the organ acts as a filter — el órgano se comporta como un filtro, por así decirlo

    b) ( not gently) < play> bruscamente, de manera violenta

    to treat somebody roughlymaltratar or tratar mal a alguien

    c) ( crudely) toscamente

    English-spanish dictionary > roughly

  • 3 roughly

    rough·ly [ʼrʌfli] adv
    1) ( harshly) grob, roh
    \roughly built roh [o grob] zusammengezimmert
    3) ( approximately) grob;
    to calculate \roughly grob kalkulieren [o überschlagen];
    \roughly speaking ganz allgemein gesagt;
    \roughly similar [or the same] ungefähr gleich;
    \roughly about ungefähr, schätzungsweise

    English-German students dictionary > roughly

  • 4 примерно одинаковый

    Примерно одинаковый-- The CO variability levels are roughly similar though the shapes of the curves differ.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > примерно одинаковый

  • 5 close

    close1 [kləʊs]
    proche1 (a), 1 (b), 1 (f) serré1 (d), 1 (g) attentif1 (e) mal aéré1 (h) près1 (a), 2 (a) étroitement2 (b)
    (compar closer, superl closest)
    the library is close to the school la bibliothèque est près ou proche de l'école;
    in close proximity to sth dans le voisinage immédiat de ou tout près de qch;
    they're very close in age ils ont presque le même âge;
    his death brought the war closer to home c'est avec sa mort que nous avons vraiment pris conscience de la guerre;
    we are close to an agreement nous sommes presque arrivés à un accord;
    at close intervals à intervalles rapprochés;
    I saw him at close quarters je l'ai vu de près;
    at close range à bout portant;
    to be close at or to hand (shop, cinema etc) être tout près; (book, pencil etc) être à portée de main;
    to be close to tears être au bord des larmes;
    to be (very) close to victory être (tout) près de la victoire;
    familiar I came close to thumping him one j'ai bien failli lui en coller une;
    he keeps things close to his chest il ne fait guère de confidences;
    to see sth at close quarters voir qch de près;
    to give sb a close shave raser qn de près;
    familiar that was a close shave or American call! on l'a échappé belle!, on a eu chaud!;
    the bill was passed but it was a close thing la loi a été votée de justesse;
    they're very close (friends) ils sont très proches;
    he's a close friend of mine c'est un ami intime;
    a close relative un parent proche;
    I'm very close to my sister je suis très proche de ma sœur;
    he has close ties with Israel il a des rapports étroits avec Israël;
    there's a close connection between the two things il y a un rapport étroit entre les deux;
    the President consulted his closest advisers le président consulta ses conseillers les plus proches;
    sources close to the royal family des sources proches de la famille royale;
    a subject close to my heart un sujet qui me tient à cœur;
    to keep sth a close secret garder le secret absolu sur qch
    they stay in close contact ils restent en contact en permanence
    (d) (in competition, race etc) serré; (election) vivement serré;
    it was a close contest ce fut une lutte serrée;
    to play a close game jouer serré;
    close finish arrivée f serrée
    (e) (thorough, careful) attentif, rigoureux;
    pay close attention to what she says faites très attention ou prêtez une grande attention à ce qu'elle dit;
    have a close look at these figures examinez ces chiffres de près;
    upon close examination après un examen détaillé ou minutieux;
    to keep (a) close watch or eye on sb/sth surveiller qn/qch de près;
    I keep close control of the expenses je contrôle étroitement les dépenses;
    in close confinement en détention surveillée
    his version of events was close to the truth sa version des faits était très proche de la réalité;
    he bears a close resemblance to his father il ressemble beaucoup à son père;
    it's the closest thing we've got to an operating theatre voilà à quoi se réduit notre salle d'opération
    (g) (compact → handwriting, print) serré; (→ grain) dense, compact;
    Military in close formation en ordre serré
    (h) British (stuffy → room) mal aéré, qui manque de ventilation ou d'air;
    it's very close in here on manque vraiment d'air ici;
    it's terribly close today il fait très lourd aujourd'hui
    (i) (secretive) renfermé, peu communicatif;
    he's very close about his private life il est très discret sur sa vie privée
    (j) familiar (miserly) pingre, radin
    (a) (near) près;
    don't come too close n'approche pas ou ne t'approche pas trop;
    I live close to the river j'habite près de la rivière;
    did you win? - no, we didn't even come close avez-vous gagné? - non, loin de là;
    she came close to losing her job elle a failli perdre son emploi;
    to come close to death frôler la mort;
    to come close to the world record frôler le record du monde;
    they walked close behind us ils nous suivaient de près;
    she lives close by elle habite tout près;
    I looked at it close to or up je l'ai regardé de près;
    close together serrés les uns contre les autres;
    sit closer together! serrez-vous!;
    it's brought us closer ça nous a rapprochés
    (b) (tight) étroitement, de près;
    he held me close il m'a serré dans ses bras
    3 noun
    (a) (field) clos m
    (b) British (street) impasse f
    (d) Scottish = passage conduisant de la rue à une cour ou à un immeuble en retrait
    it's close on nine o'clock il est presque neuf heures;
    she must be close on fifty elle doit friser la cinquantaine ou doit avoir près de cinquante ans
    (almost, nearly) presque;
    the baby weighs close to 7 pounds le bébé pèse presque 3 kilos et demi
    ►► Military close combat corps à corps m;
    Music close harmony tessiture f limitée
    ✾ Film 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' Spielberg 'Rencontres du troisième type'
    close2 [kləʊz]
    fermer1 (a)-(d), 1 (j), 2 (a) conclure1 (e), 1 (h) arrêter1 (f) liquider1 (g) se refermer2 (b) se terminer2 (d) clôturer2 (e) fin, conclusion3
    (a) (shut → door, window, shop, book) fermer;
    he closed his eyes and went to sleep il ferma les yeux et s'endormit;
    figurative the committee had not closed the books on the inquiry le comité n'avait pas refermé le dossier de l'affaire;
    to close one's eyes to sth fermer les yeux sur qch;
    to close one's mind to sth refuser de penser à qch;
    she closed her mind to anything new elle s'est fermée à tout ce qui était neuf
    (b) (opening, bottle) fermer, boucher;
    figurative we must close the gap between the rich and the poor nous devons combler le fossé entre riches et pauvres
    (c) (block → border, road) fermer;
    they've closed the airport ils ont fermé l'aéroport;
    a road closed to motor traffic une route interdite à la circulation automobile
    (d) (shut down → factory) fermer;
    they plan to close more rural stations ils ont l'intention de fermer d'autres petites gares de campagne
    (e) (conclude → matter) conclure, terminer; (→ meeting, session) lever, clore; (→ debate) fermer;
    she closed the conference with a rallying call to the party faithful elle termina la conférence en lançant un appel de solidarité aux fidèles du parti;
    a neat way of closing the discussion un habile moyen de clore la discussion;
    the subject is now closed l'affaire est close
    (f) Commerce & Finance (account) arrêter, clore;
    to close the books balancer les comptes, régler les livres;
    to close the yearly accounts arrêter les comptes de l'exercice
    (h) (settle → deal) conclure;
    we closed a deal with them last week nous avons conclu un accord avec eux la semaine dernière
    (i) (move closer together) serrer, rapprocher;
    Military close ranks! serrez les rangs!;
    figurative the party closed ranks behind their leader le parti a serré les rangs derrière le leader
    (a) (shut → gate, window) fermer, se fermer; (→ shop) fermer; (→ cinema, theatre) faire relâche;
    this window doesn't close properly cette fenêtre ne ferme pas bien ou ferme mal;
    the door closed quietly behind them la porte s'est refermée sans bruit derrière eux;
    the bakery closes on Fridays la boulangerie ferme le vendredi
    (b) (wound, opening) se refermer;
    the gap was closing fast l'écart diminuait rapidement
    (c) (cover, surround)
    the waves closed over him les vagues se refermèrent sur lui;
    the onlookers closed around us un cercle de curieux se forma autour de nous;
    my fingers closed around the gun mes doigts se resserrèrent sur le revolver
    (d) (meeting) se terminer, prendre fin; (speaker) terminer, finir;
    I closed with a reference to Rimbaud j'ai terminé par une référence à Rimbaud
    (e) Stock Exchange clôturer;
    the shares closed at 420p les actions ont clôturé ou terminé à 420 pence;
    the share index closed two points down l'indice (boursier) a clôturé en baisse de deux points
    3 noun
    fin f, conclusion f; (of day) tombée f; Stock Exchange (on financial futures market) clôture f; (closing price) cours m de clôture;
    at close of business à la ou en clôture;
    the concert came to a close le concert s'acheva;
    the year drew to a close l'année s'acheva;
    it's time to draw the meeting to a close il est temps de mettre fin à cette réunion;
    towards the close of the century vers la fin du siècle;
    at close of play (in cricket) à la fin du match
    ►► Computing close box case f de fermeture;
    British close season Hunting fermeture f de la chasse; Fishing fermeture f de la pêche; Football intersaison f
    (a) (business, factory) fermer;
    the shop had to close down le magasin a dû fermer
    (b) British Television & Radio terminer les émissions
    (business, factory) fermer;
    they had to close down their shop ils ont dû fermer leur magasin
    (a) (approach) approcher, se rapprocher; (encircle) cerner de près;
    to close in on or upon se rapprocher de;
    the hunters closed in on their prey les chasseurs se rapprochèrent de leur proie;
    the police/his creditors are closing in l'étau de la police/de ses créanciers se resserre
    (b) (evening, night) approcher, descendre; (day) raccourcir; (darkness, fog) descendre;
    darkness closed in on us la nuit nous enveloppa
    isoler, fermer;
    the area was closed off to the public le quartier était fermé au public;
    some of the rooms in the house have been closed off certaines pièces de la maison ont été fermées;
    Accountancy to close off an account arrêter un compte
    se rapprocher de;
    we were closing on them fast nous nous rapprochions d'eux rapidement
    (a) American (factory, shop, business) liquider (avant fermeture)
    (b) (complete successfully → game, competition) remporter;
    to close it out l'emporter
    to close a position boucler ou clore ou fermer une position
    (a) (seal) fermer; (opening, pipe) obturer, boucher; (wound) refermer, recoudre
    (c) (shop, house) fermer
    (a) (wound) se refermer
    (b) (shopkeeper) fermer
    (a) (finalize deal with) conclure un marché avec
    (b) literary (fight with) engager la lutte ou le combat avec

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > close

  • 6 delegate

    "A type that references a method. Once a delegate is assigned a method, it behaves exactly like that method. Delegates are roughly similar to function pointers in C++; however, they are type-safe and secure."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > delegate

  • 7 semblable

    semblable [sɑ̃blabl]
    1. adjective
       a. ( = similaire) similar (à to)
       b. (avant le nom = tel) such
       c. ( = qui se ressemblent) semblables alike
    2. masculine noun, feminine noun
    * * *
    1) ( comparable) similar (à to)

    des résultats à peu près/tout à fait semblables — roughly/quite similar results

    2) ( identique) identical
    3) ( tel) (before n) such

    nom masculin et féminin fellow creature
    * * *
    1. adj
    1) (= ressemblant) similar

    semblable à — similar to, like

    2) (= de ce genre) such
    2. nm
    fellow creature, fellow man
    * * *
    A adj
    1 ( comparable) similar (à to); des résultats à peu près/tout à fait semblables roughly/quite similar results; ils sont semblables en tout they are alike in all respects; une réunion semblable à d'autres/à celles qu'on a connues a meeting similar to others/to those we knew; une journée semblable à tant d'autres a day like any other; elle est toujours semblable à elle-même she's always the same; je n'ai jamais rencontré quelqu'un de semblable I've never met anyone like him/her; je n'ai jamais rien entendu/écrit de semblable I've never heard/written anything like it; j'en ai vu de semblables I've seen similar ones;
    2 ( identique) identical; des maisons toutes semblables identical looking houses;
    3 ( tel) (before n) such; semblable proposition such a proposal; semblables propositions such proposals; une semblable théorie ne pouvait pas trouver de défenseurs such a theory could not find anyone to defend it.
    B nmf fellow creature; il n'a pas son semblable pour faire rire les autres there's nobody like him for making people laugh; il n'a d'audience qu'auprès de ses semblables he has no audience other than his own kind; eux et leurs semblables they and their kind.
    [sɑ̃blabl] adjectif
    1. [pareil] similar, alike
    semblable à similar to, like
    [sɑ̃blabl] nom masculin et féminin (avec possessif)
    1. [être humain]
    2. [animal] related species

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > semblable

  • 8 modo

    1 way (manera, forma).
    ¿has visto el modo en que o el modo como te mira? have you seen how o the way he's looking at you?
    no encuentro el modo de dejar el tabaco whatever I do, I just can't seem to give up smoking
    a modo de as, by way of
    al modo de in the style of
    de ese modo in that way
    de ningún modo in no way
    de todos modos in any case, anyway
    de un modo u otro one way or another
    en cierto modo in some ways
    modo de empleo instructions for use
    ¿de modo que no te gusta? so, you don't like it (then)?
    2 mood (grammar).
    modo adverbial adverbial phrase
    3 mode, brand, manner, way.
    4 grammar mood, mood.
    * * *
    1 way, manner
    1 manners
    a modo de as a, like a
    de todos modos anyhow, at any rate
    en cierto modo in a way
    modo de empleo instructions plural
    modo de ser character
    * * *
    noun m.
    1) way, manner
    2) mode
    3) mood
    - de modo que
    - de todos modos
    * * *
    1) (=manera) way, manner frm

    ¿no hay otro modo de hacerlo? — isn't there another way of doing it?

    a mi modo de pensar o ver — in my view, the way I see it

    2) [locuciones]

    a mi/tu modo — (in) my/your (own) way

    a modo de — as

    a modo de ejemplo/respuesta — by way of example/reply

    en cierto modo — in a way, to a certain extent

    de cualquier modo — [antes de verbo] anyway, in any case; (=después de verbo) anyhow

    de cualquier modo, ahora tenemos que irnos — we have to go now anyway o in any case

    hazlo de cualquier modo — do it anyway you like, do it anyhow, do it any old how *

    de modo + adj

    eso nos afectará de modo directo — this will have a direct effect on us, this will affect us directly

    de ese modo — [antes de verbo] (in) this way; [después de verbo] like that

    grosso modo — broadly speaking

    esa fue, grosso modo, la contestación que nos dio — broadly speaking, that was the answer he gave us

    de mal modo — rudely

    del mismo o de igual modo — in the same way

    todos van vestidos del mismo o de igual modo — they are all dressed the same o in the same way

    de ningún modo o en modo alguno, no quiero de ningún modo o en modo alguno implicarla en esto — I don't want to involve her in this in any way

    ¡de ningún modo! — certainly not!, no way! *

    de todos modos — anyway, all the same, in any case

    aunque no me dejes, me iré de todos modos — even if you don't let me, I'll go anyway o all the same o in any case

    aunque lo esperaba, de todos modos me sorprendió — even though I was expecting it, I was still surprised


    de modo que[antes de verbo] so; [después de verbo] so that

    ¡de modo que eras tú el que llamaba! — so it was you that was calling!

    4) Esp frm (=moderación) moderation
    5) LAm

    ¡ni modo! — (=de ninguna manera) no way *, not a chance *; (=no hay otra alternativa) what else can I/you etc do?

    si no me quieres, ni modo — if you don't love me, what else can I do?

    6) pl modos (=modales) manners

    buenos modos — good manners

    malos modos — bad manners

    7) (Ling) [del verbo] mood

    de modomanner antes de s

    8) (Inform) mode
    9) (Mús) mode

    modo mayor/menor — major/minor mode

    * * *
    a) (manera, forma) way, manner (frml)

    a mi modo de ver — to my way of thinking, in my opinion

    modo de empleo — instructions for use, directions

    me lo pidió de muy mal modo — (AmL) she asked me (for it) very rudely

    a mi/tu/su modo — (in) my/your/his (own) way

    a modo de: se puso una manta a modo de poncho he put a blanket round his shoulders like a poncho; a modo de introducción by way of introduction; de cualquier modo ( de todas formas) (indep) in any case, anyway; ( sin cuidado) anyhow; del mismo or de igual modo que just as, in the same way (that); de modo que ( así que) so; ( para que) (+ subj) so that; ¿de modo que se van? so they're going, are they?; de modo que se vean desde aquí so that they can be seen from here; de ningún modo no way; de ningún modo puedo aceptar there's no way I can accept; de todos modos anyway, anyhow; en cierto modo in a way; ni modo (AmL exc CS fam): ¿pudieron entrar? - no, ni modo did they get in? - no, no way (colloq); traté de persuadirlo pero ni modo I tried to persuade him but it was no good; ni modo, yo soy como soy that's tough o too bad, I am the way I am (colloq); ni modo que te quedes aquí — there's no way you're staying here (colloq)

    2) modos masculino plural ( modales) manners (pl)

    con buenos/malos modos — politely/rudely o impolitely

    3) (Ling) mood
    4) (Mús) mode
    * * *
    = approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, guise, means, mode, way, manner, fashion.
    Ex. During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.
    Ex. In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
    Ex. In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.
    Ex. The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.
    Ex. Various modes of operation are possible for such a journal, and the precise operation will depend upon the type of information being conveyed.
    Ex. They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.
    Ex. City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.
    Ex. It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.
    * actuar de otro modo = do + otherwise.
    * actuar de un modo despiadado = play + hardball.
    * actuar de un modo diferente = strike out on + a different path.
    * actuar de un modo implacable = play + hardball.
    * actuar de un modo independiente = go it alone.
    * actuar de un modo intransigente = play + hardball.
    * adverbio de modo = adverb of mode.
    * a groso modo = crudely.
    * a grosso modo = roughly, rough draft.
    * al actuar de este modo = by so doing, in so doing, by doing so.
    * al modo de = a la.
    * a mi modo de ver = in my books.
    * a modo de = by way of, in the vein of, as a kind of.
    * a modo de aclaración = in parenthesis, on a sidenote.
    * a modo de advertencia = cautionary.
    * a modo de ejemplo = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de explicación = parenthetically.
    * a modo de ilustración = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de inciso = in passing, by the way of (a) digression.
    * a modo de paréntesis = parenthetical.
    * a modo de prólogo = prefatory.
    * a modo de resumen = wrap-up.
    * analizar de un modo imparcial = take + a cool look at.
    * andar de un modo pausado = stroll + at a leisurely pace.
    * artículo a modo de réplica = rebuttal article.
    * así como... de igual modo... = just as... so....
    * avecinarse de un modo amenazador = loom + large on the horizon.
    * buscar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * como un modo de = as a way of.
    * conocer de algún modo = know + on some grounds.
    * crecer de modo exhuberante = grow + rampant.
    * de algún modo = in any way [in anyway], somehow, after a fashion, in some form, some way.
    * de algún modo + Adjetivo = otherwise + Adjetivo.
    * de algún modo u otro = of some sort.
    * decir Algo de un modo colérico = flame out.
    * decir de un modo enfadado = spit out.
    * de cualquier modo = however, either way.
    * de diferente modo = differently.
    * de ese modo = in doing so, in this,, thereby.
    * de este modo = by so doing, by this means, in so doing, in this fashion, in this manner, thereby, this way, thus, this way round, in this way, by doing so, in these ways, this is how, in doing so.
    * definir de un modo predeterminado e inamovible = hardwire [hard wire].
    * de igual modo = alike, equally, in like fashion, in like vein.
    * de igual modo que = just as, just as well... as..., along the lines of, on the lines (of).
    * del mejor modo posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * del mismo modo = exactly, in the same vein, by the same token.
    * del mismo modo que = as, in the form that, in the same way (as), in the same way that, just as, in the same manner (as), along the lines, after the fashion of, similar to, in common with.
    * del otro modo = the other way (a)round.
    * de modo + Adjetivo = on a + Adjetivo + basis.
    * de modo agresivo = aggressively.
    * de modo alarmante = alarmingly.
    * de modo alternativo = alternatively.
    * de modo altivo = superciliously, haughtily.
    * de modo apreciable = to an appreciable extent.
    * de modo caprichoso = capriciously.
    * de modo censurable = reprehensibly.
    * de modo claro = transparently.
    * de modo comercial = on a commercial basis.
    * de modo competitivo = competitively.
    * de modo complementario = complimentarily.
    * de modo conjunto con = in partnership with.
    * de modo considerable = to a considerable extent.
    * de modo convincente = cogently, unconvincingly.
    * de modo decisivo = decisively.
    * de modo desastroso = disastrously.
    * de modo desconcertante = bewilderingly.
    * de modo divertido = funnily.
    * de modo egoísta = selfishly.
    * de modo errático = erratically.
    * de modo especulativo = speculatively.
    * de modo estructurado = in a structured fashion.
    * de modo fácil = with the tip of a hat.
    * de modo gracioso = funnily.
    * de modo gratuito = on a complimentary basis.
    * de modo heurístico = heuristically.
    * de modo humorístico = in a humorous vein.
    * de modo imaginativo = imaginatively.
    * de modo inconfundible = unmistakably.
    * de modo individual = on a case-by-case basis.
    * de modo inequívoco = unambiguously.
    * de modo inesperado = like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * de modo informal = informally.
    * de modo ininterrumpido = in an unbroken line.
    * de modo insinuante = suggestively.
    * de modo irregular = erratically.
    * de modo irritante = annoyingly.
    * de modo pesimista = gloomily.
    * de modo poco imaginativo = unimaginatively.
    * de modo provocativo = suggestively.
    * de modo que = so.
    * de modo que + poder + oír = within earshot of.
    * de modo raro = funnily.
    * de modo recíproco = reciprocally.
    * de modo reprobatorio = reprovingly, reproachfully.
    * de modos diversos = variously.
    * de modos extraños = funnily.
    * de modo sorprendente = shockingly.
    * de modo tal que = so much so that.
    * demostrar de un modo contundente = demonstrate + beyond (all) doubt, prove + beyond all doubt.
    * de ningún modo = by no means, in no way, on no account, in no sense, by any means, not at all, under no/any circumstances, in any shape or form, for the life of me, not on any account, by no stretch of the imagination.
    * de nuevos modos = in new ways.
    * de otro modo = conversely.
    * de qué modo = by what means.
    * de tal modo que = in such a way that, so.
    * de tal modo que raya en lo ridículo = ridiculously.
    * de tal modo que + Subjuntivo = in such a way as to + Infinitivo.
    * de todos modos = at any rate.
    * de un mod discreto = unobtrusively.
    * de un modo = in a fashion.
    * de un modo absorto = absently.
    * de un modo aburrido y pesado = tediously.
    * de un modo acalorado = hotly.
    * de un modo adecuado = appropriately, fitly.
    * de un modo + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + fashion, in + Adjetivo + measure, in a + Adjetivo + manner, in + Adjetivo + manner, on a + Adjetivo + scale, to a + Adjetivo + degree, in a + Adjetivo + vein.
    * de un modo afirmativo = affirmatively.
    * de un modo ahorrativo = thriftily.
    * de un modo aleatorio = at random.
    * de un modo anafórico = anaphorically.
    * de un modo anárquico = anarchically.
    * de un modo anodino = prosaically.
    * de un modo antieconómico = wastefully.
    * de un modo apropiado = fitly, appropriately.
    * de un modo aprovechado = opportunistically.
    * de un modo atractivo = appealingly.
    * de un modo auténtico = authentically.
    * de un modo barato = inexpensively, thriftily.
    * de un modo bochornoso = shamefully.
    * de un modo cansado = wearily.
    * de un modo caro = expensively + Participio.
    * de un modo casual = in a by-the-way fashion.
    * de un modo chirriante = jarringly.
    * de un modo chocante = jarringly.
    * de un modo compacto = compactly.
    * de un modo concluyente = positively.
    * de un modo conservador = conservatively.
    * de un modo constante = on an ongoing basis.
    * de un modo constructivo = constructively.
    * de un modo convincente = convincingly, forcibly.
    * de un modo coordinado = synergistically.
    * de un modo crítico = critically.
    * de un modo decepcionante = disappointedly.
    * de un modo desconcertado = disconcertedly.
    * de un modo descontrolado = uncontrollably.
    * de un modo desenfadado = playfully.
    * de un modo deshonesto = dishonestly.
    * de un modo desordenado = higgledy-piggledy.
    * de un modo devastador = devastatingly.
    * de un modo diferente = differentially.
    * de un modo discreto = quietly.
    * de un modo disonante = jarringly.
    * de un modo económico = economically, thriftily.
    * de un modo elegante = elegantly.
    * de un modo encantador = charmingly.
    * de un modo engorroso = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de un modo equivalente = equivalently.
    * de un modo espectacular = spectacularly.
    * de un modo estrafalario = freakishly.
    * de un modo exhaustivo = comprehensively, in depth, exhaustively.
    * de un modo extraño = freakishly.
    * de un modo fiable = reliably.
    * de un modo flexible = flexibly.
    * de un modo fortuito = haphazardly.
    * de un modo fraudulento = fraudulently.
    * de un modo gradual = incrementally.
    * de un modo habitual = as a matter of routine.
    * de un modo heterogéneo = heterogeneously [heterogenously].
    * de un modo holístico = holistically.
    * de un modo imparcial = impartially.
    * de un modo impreciso = fuzzily.
    * de un modo impresionante = impressively.
    * de un modo impulsivo = impulsively.
    * de un modo incidental = incidentally.
    * de un modo incómodo = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de un modo incompetente = inefficiently.
    * de un modo incompleto = incompletely.
    * de un modo inconsistente = vagrantly.
    * de un modo incorrecto = inaccurately.
    * de un modo indiferente = regardless.
    * de un modo inductivo = inductively.
    * de un modo innovador = innovatively.
    * de un modo insolente = defiantly.
    * de un modo insulso = prosaically.
    * de un modo inteligente = intelligently.
    * de un modo interesante = interestingly.
    * de un modo intermitente = in bursts.
    * de un modo lógico = logically.
    * de un modo malsonante = jarringly.
    * de un modo matemático = mathematically.
    * de un modo mecánico = mechanically.
    * de un modo meditabundo = pensively.
    * de un modo molesto = annoyingly.
    * de un modo moralista = sanctimoniously.
    * de un modo muy general = crudely.
    * de un modo muy interesante = most interestingly + Verbo.
    * de un modo nervioso = nervously.
    * de un modo nítido = cleanly.
    * de un modo o de otro = either way.
    * de un modo oportunista = opportunistically.
    * de un modo opresivo = oppressively.
    * de un modo óptico = optically.
    * de un modo optimista = optimistically.
    * de un modo pasivo = passively.
    * de un modo penetrante = piercingly.
    * de un modo pensativo = pensively.
    * de un modo poco constructivo = unconstructively.
    * de un modo poco económico = wastefully.
    * de un modo poco natural = unnaturally.
    * de un modo positivo = positively, constructively.
    * de un modo práctico = practically.
    * de un modo provocador = defiantly.
    * de un modo provocativo = defiantly.
    * de un modo que causa confusión = confusingly.
    * de un modo racional = rationally.
    * de un modo rápido = rapidly, overnight, at short notice.
    * de un modo rapsódico = rhapsodically.
    * de un modo raro = freakishly.
    * de un modo regional = regionally.
    * de un modo regular = on a regular basis, on an ongoing basis, on a continuing basis.
    * de un modo relacionado = connectibly.
    * de un modo remunerado = gainfully.
    * de un modo retribuido = gainfully.
    * de un modo secuencial = step by step.
    * de un modo seguro = securely.
    * de un modo similar = in a similar vein.
    * de un modo simplista = simplistically.
    * de un modo sistemático = systematically.
    * de un modo susceptible = sensitively.
    * de un modo tautológico = tautologically.
    * de un modo temporal = on a temporary basis.
    * de un modo tosco = crudely.
    * de un modo trágico = tragically.
    * de un modo tranquilizador = soothingly, reassuringly.
    * de un modo transparente = seamlessly.
    * de un modo u otro = somehow, some way.
    * de un modo vergonzoso = shamefully.
    * de un modo voluntario = voluntarily.
    * de un nuevo modo = in a new way.
    * dicho de otro modo = in other words, said differently.
    * distribuir de un modo escalonado = lay out in + stages.
    * distribuir de un modo planificado = zone.
    * el mejor modo de = the best way of.
    * el modo como = the way in which.
    * el modo de = the way in which.
    * el modo de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * en cierto modo = to some extent, after a fashion, to a certain extent, in a manner of speaking, so to speak, to some degree.
    * en cierto modo + Verbo = sort of + Verbo.
    * encontrar el modo de = find + way of/to.
    * encontrar el modo de paliar un problema = find + way (a)round + problem.
    * encontrar el modo de regresar = find + Posesivo + way back.
    * encontrar su propio modo de actuar = find + Posesivo + own way.
    * en metálico y de otro modo = in cash and in kind.
    * en modo alguno = by no means.
    * estimar a grosso modo = guesstimate.
    * estudiar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * examinar el modo de = examine + way.
    * extenderse a modo de abanico = fan out.
    * flujo de datos de un modo intermitente = bursty traffic.
    * frase a modo de título = title-like phrase.
    * funcionar de un modo autónomo = operate under + an autonomous hand.
    * hablar del mismo modo = talk + alike.
    * hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = mess about, pootle, piddle around.
    * indizar de modo KWIC = KWIC.
    * información a modo de ejemplo = sample data.
    * ingeniarse el modo de = dream up + ways to.
    * modo de actuar = arrangement, course of action, practice, rationale.
    * modo de ahorro de energía = power save mode.
    * modo de andar = gait.
    * modo de aprendizaje = learning style.
    * modo de comportamiento = mode of behaviour, way of conduct.
    * modo de comunicación = communication pathway.
    * modo de conducta = mode of conduct, way of conduct.
    * modo de conseguir Algo = lever.
    * modo de expresión = way of expression, mode of expression.
    * modo de hacer preguntas = questioning behaviour.
    * modo de introducción de datos = input mode.
    * modo de pensar = thinking, way of thinking, mindset [mind-set], mode of thought, mode of thinking.
    * modo de presentación visual = display device.
    * modo de resaltar = spotlight.
    * modo de vida = way of life.
    * modo de vida tradicional = folklife.
    * modo no interactivo = non-interactive mode.
    * no haber modo de = there + be + no means of.
    * no hay modo de que = for the life of me.
    * o de algún otro modo = or otherwise.
    * pensar del mismo modo = think + alike.
    * pensar de un modo diferente = think out(side) + (of) the box.
    * pero no hubo modo = but no dice.
    * por decirlo de algún modo = in a manner of speaking, so to speak.
    * por el modo = by the way.
    * preparar de un modo rápido = throw together.
    * recordar de un modo rápido = sweep back to.
    * saber de algún modo = know + on some grounds.
    * ser en cierto modo un + Nombre = be something of a + Nombre.
    * surgir de un modo confuso = grow + like Topsy.
    * tratar de igual modo = treat as + equal.
    * usando el tiempo de un modo eficaz = time efficient [time-efficient].
    * usar de un modo descuidado = bandy (about/around).
    * usar de un modo despreocupado = bandy (about/around).
    * uso de un modo descuidado = bandying about.
    * ver las cosas de diferente modo = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de un modo diferente = see + things differently.
    * * *
    a) (manera, forma) way, manner (frml)

    a mi modo de ver — to my way of thinking, in my opinion

    modo de empleo — instructions for use, directions

    me lo pidió de muy mal modo — (AmL) she asked me (for it) very rudely

    a mi/tu/su modo — (in) my/your/his (own) way

    a modo de: se puso una manta a modo de poncho he put a blanket round his shoulders like a poncho; a modo de introducción by way of introduction; de cualquier modo ( de todas formas) (indep) in any case, anyway; ( sin cuidado) anyhow; del mismo or de igual modo que just as, in the same way (that); de modo que ( así que) so; ( para que) (+ subj) so that; ¿de modo que se van? so they're going, are they?; de modo que se vean desde aquí so that they can be seen from here; de ningún modo no way; de ningún modo puedo aceptar there's no way I can accept; de todos modos anyway, anyhow; en cierto modo in a way; ni modo (AmL exc CS fam): ¿pudieron entrar? - no, ni modo did they get in? - no, no way (colloq); traté de persuadirlo pero ni modo I tried to persuade him but it was no good; ni modo, yo soy como soy that's tough o too bad, I am the way I am (colloq); ni modo que te quedes aquí — there's no way you're staying here (colloq)

    2) modos masculino plural ( modales) manners (pl)

    con buenos/malos modos — politely/rudely o impolitely

    3) (Ling) mood
    4) (Mús) mode
    * * *
    = approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, guise, means, mode, way, manner, fashion.

    Ex: During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.

    Ex: In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
    Ex: In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.
    Ex: The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.
    Ex: Various modes of operation are possible for such a journal, and the precise operation will depend upon the type of information being conveyed.
    Ex: They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.
    Ex: City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.
    Ex: It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.
    * actuar de otro modo = do + otherwise.
    * actuar de un modo despiadado = play + hardball.
    * actuar de un modo diferente = strike out on + a different path.
    * actuar de un modo implacable = play + hardball.
    * actuar de un modo independiente = go it alone.
    * actuar de un modo intransigente = play + hardball.
    * adverbio de modo = adverb of mode.
    * a groso modo = crudely.
    * a grosso modo = roughly, rough draft.
    * al actuar de este modo = by so doing, in so doing, by doing so.
    * al modo de = a la.
    * a mi modo de ver = in my books.
    * a modo de = by way of, in the vein of, as a kind of.
    * a modo de aclaración = in parenthesis, on a sidenote.
    * a modo de advertencia = cautionary.
    * a modo de ejemplo = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de explicación = parenthetically.
    * a modo de ilustración = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de inciso = in passing, by the way of (a) digression.
    * a modo de paréntesis = parenthetical.
    * a modo de prólogo = prefatory.
    * a modo de resumen = wrap-up.
    * analizar de un modo imparcial = take + a cool look at.
    * andar de un modo pausado = stroll + at a leisurely pace.
    * artículo a modo de réplica = rebuttal article.
    * así como... de igual modo... = just as... so....
    * avecinarse de un modo amenazador = loom + large on the horizon.
    * buscar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * como un modo de = as a way of.
    * conocer de algún modo = know + on some grounds.
    * crecer de modo exhuberante = grow + rampant.
    * de algún modo = in any way [in anyway], somehow, after a fashion, in some form, some way.
    * de algún modo + Adjetivo = otherwise + Adjetivo.
    * de algún modo u otro = of some sort.
    * decir Algo de un modo colérico = flame out.
    * decir de un modo enfadado = spit out.
    * de cualquier modo = however, either way.
    * de diferente modo = differently.
    * de ese modo = in doing so, in this,, thereby.
    * de este modo = by so doing, by this means, in so doing, in this fashion, in this manner, thereby, this way, thus, this way round, in this way, by doing so, in these ways, this is how, in doing so.
    * definir de un modo predeterminado e inamovible = hardwire [hard wire].
    * de igual modo = alike, equally, in like fashion, in like vein.
    * de igual modo que = just as, just as well... as..., along the lines of, on the lines (of).
    * del mejor modo posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * del mismo modo = exactly, in the same vein, by the same token.
    * del mismo modo que = as, in the form that, in the same way (as), in the same way that, just as, in the same manner (as), along the lines, after the fashion of, similar to, in common with.
    * del otro modo = the other way (a)round.
    * de modo + Adjetivo = on a + Adjetivo + basis.
    * de modo agresivo = aggressively.
    * de modo alarmante = alarmingly.
    * de modo alternativo = alternatively.
    * de modo altivo = superciliously, haughtily.
    * de modo apreciable = to an appreciable extent.
    * de modo caprichoso = capriciously.
    * de modo censurable = reprehensibly.
    * de modo claro = transparently.
    * de modo comercial = on a commercial basis.
    * de modo competitivo = competitively.
    * de modo complementario = complimentarily.
    * de modo conjunto con = in partnership with.
    * de modo considerable = to a considerable extent.
    * de modo convincente = cogently, unconvincingly.
    * de modo decisivo = decisively.
    * de modo desastroso = disastrously.
    * de modo desconcertante = bewilderingly.
    * de modo divertido = funnily.
    * de modo egoísta = selfishly.
    * de modo errático = erratically.
    * de modo especulativo = speculatively.
    * de modo estructurado = in a structured fashion.
    * de modo fácil = with the tip of a hat.
    * de modo gracioso = funnily.
    * de modo gratuito = on a complimentary basis.
    * de modo heurístico = heuristically.
    * de modo humorístico = in a humorous vein.
    * de modo imaginativo = imaginatively.
    * de modo inconfundible = unmistakably.
    * de modo individual = on a case-by-case basis.
    * de modo inequívoco = unambiguously.
    * de modo inesperado = like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * de modo informal = informally.
    * de modo ininterrumpido = in an unbroken line.
    * de modo insinuante = suggestively.
    * de modo irregular = erratically.
    * de modo irritante = annoyingly.
    * de modo pesimista = gloomily.
    * de modo poco imaginativo = unimaginatively.
    * de modo provocativo = suggestively.
    * de modo que = so.
    * de modo que + poder + oír = within earshot of.
    * de modo raro = funnily.
    * de modo recíproco = reciprocally.
    * de modo reprobatorio = reprovingly, reproachfully.
    * de modos diversos = variously.
    * de modos extraños = funnily.
    * de modo sorprendente = shockingly.
    * de modo tal que = so much so that.
    * demostrar de un modo contundente = demonstrate + beyond (all) doubt, prove + beyond all doubt.
    * de ningún modo = by no means, in no way, on no account, in no sense, by any means, not at all, under no/any circumstances, in any shape or form, for the life of me, not on any account, by no stretch of the imagination.
    * de nuevos modos = in new ways.
    * de otro modo = conversely.
    * de qué modo = by what means.
    * de tal modo que = in such a way that, so.
    * de tal modo que raya en lo ridículo = ridiculously.
    * de tal modo que + Subjuntivo = in such a way as to + Infinitivo.
    * de todos modos = at any rate.
    * de un mod discreto = unobtrusively.
    * de un modo = in a fashion.
    * de un modo absorto = absently.
    * de un modo aburrido y pesado = tediously.
    * de un modo acalorado = hotly.
    * de un modo adecuado = appropriately, fitly.
    * de un modo + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + fashion, in + Adjetivo + measure, in a + Adjetivo + manner, in + Adjetivo + manner, on a + Adjetivo + scale, to a + Adjetivo + degree, in a + Adjetivo + vein.
    * de un modo afirmativo = affirmatively.
    * de un modo ahorrativo = thriftily.
    * de un modo aleatorio = at random.
    * de un modo anafórico = anaphorically.
    * de un modo anárquico = anarchically.
    * de un modo anodino = prosaically.
    * de un modo antieconómico = wastefully.
    * de un modo apropiado = fitly, appropriately.
    * de un modo aprovechado = opportunistically.
    * de un modo atractivo = appealingly.
    * de un modo auténtico = authentically.
    * de un modo barato = inexpensively, thriftily.
    * de un modo bochornoso = shamefully.
    * de un modo cansado = wearily.
    * de un modo caro = expensively + Participio.
    * de un modo casual = in a by-the-way fashion.
    * de un modo chirriante = jarringly.
    * de un modo chocante = jarringly.
    * de un modo compacto = compactly.
    * de un modo concluyente = positively.
    * de un modo conservador = conservatively.
    * de un modo constante = on an ongoing basis.
    * de un modo constructivo = constructively.
    * de un modo convincente = convincingly, forcibly.
    * de un modo coordinado = synergistically.
    * de un modo crítico = critically.
    * de un modo decepcionante = disappointedly.
    * de un modo desconcertado = disconcertedly.
    * de un modo descontrolado = uncontrollably.
    * de un modo desenfadado = playfully.
    * de un modo deshonesto = dishonestly.
    * de un modo desordenado = higgledy-piggledy.
    * de un modo devastador = devastatingly.
    * de un modo diferente = differentially.
    * de un modo discreto = quietly.
    * de un modo disonante = jarringly.
    * de un modo económico = economically, thriftily.
    * de un modo elegante = elegantly.
    * de un modo encantador = charmingly.
    * de un modo engorroso = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de un modo equivalente = equivalently.
    * de un modo espectacular = spectacularly.
    * de un modo estrafalario = freakishly.
    * de un modo exhaustivo = comprehensively, in depth, exhaustively.
    * de un modo extraño = freakishly.
    * de un modo fiable = reliably.
    * de un modo flexible = flexibly.
    * de un modo fortuito = haphazardly.
    * de un modo fraudulento = fraudulently.
    * de un modo gradual = incrementally.
    * de un modo habitual = as a matter of routine.
    * de un modo heterogéneo = heterogeneously [heterogenously].
    * de un modo holístico = holistically.
    * de un modo imparcial = impartially.
    * de un modo impreciso = fuzzily.
    * de un modo impresionante = impressively.
    * de un modo impulsivo = impulsively.
    * de un modo incidental = incidentally.
    * de un modo incómodo = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de un modo incompetente = inefficiently.
    * de un modo incompleto = incompletely.
    * de un modo inconsistente = vagrantly.
    * de un modo incorrecto = inaccurately.
    * de un modo indiferente = regardless.
    * de un modo inductivo = inductively.
    * de un modo innovador = innovatively.
    * de un modo insolente = defiantly.
    * de un modo insulso = prosaically.
    * de un modo inteligente = intelligently.
    * de un modo interesante = interestingly.
    * de un modo intermitente = in bursts.
    * de un modo lógico = logically.
    * de un modo malsonante = jarringly.
    * de un modo matemático = mathematically.
    * de un modo mecánico = mechanically.
    * de un modo meditabundo = pensively.
    * de un modo molesto = annoyingly.
    * de un modo moralista = sanctimoniously.
    * de un modo muy general = crudely.
    * de un modo muy interesante = most interestingly + Verbo.
    * de un modo nervioso = nervously.
    * de un modo nítido = cleanly.
    * de un modo o de otro = either way.
    * de un modo oportunista = opportunistically.
    * de un modo opresivo = oppressively.
    * de un modo óptico = optically.
    * de un modo optimista = optimistically.
    * de un modo pasivo = passively.
    * de un modo penetrante = piercingly.
    * de un modo pensativo = pensively.
    * de un modo poco constructivo = unconstructively.
    * de un modo poco económico = wastefully.
    * de un modo poco natural = unnaturally.
    * de un modo positivo = positively, constructively.
    * de un modo práctico = practically.
    * de un modo provocador = defiantly.
    * de un modo provocativo = defiantly.
    * de un modo que causa confusión = confusingly.
    * de un modo racional = rationally.
    * de un modo rápido = rapidly, overnight, at short notice.
    * de un modo rapsódico = rhapsodically.
    * de un modo raro = freakishly.
    * de un modo regional = regionally.
    * de un modo regular = on a regular basis, on an ongoing basis, on a continuing basis.
    * de un modo relacionado = connectibly.
    * de un modo remunerado = gainfully.
    * de un modo retribuido = gainfully.
    * de un modo secuencial = step by step.
    * de un modo seguro = securely.
    * de un modo similar = in a similar vein.
    * de un modo simplista = simplistically.
    * de un modo sistemático = systematically.
    * de un modo susceptible = sensitively.
    * de un modo tautológico = tautologically.
    * de un modo temporal = on a temporary basis.
    * de un modo tosco = crudely.
    * de un modo trágico = tragically.
    * de un modo tranquilizador = soothingly, reassuringly.
    * de un modo transparente = seamlessly.
    * de un modo u otro = somehow, some way.
    * de un modo vergonzoso = shamefully.
    * de un modo voluntario = voluntarily.
    * de un nuevo modo = in a new way.
    * dicho de otro modo = in other words, said differently.
    * distribuir de un modo escalonado = lay out in + stages.
    * distribuir de un modo planificado = zone.
    * el mejor modo de = the best way of.
    * el modo como = the way in which.
    * el modo de = the way in which.
    * el modo de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * en cierto modo = to some extent, after a fashion, to a certain extent, in a manner of speaking, so to speak, to some degree.
    * en cierto modo + Verbo = sort of + Verbo.
    * encontrar el modo de = find + way of/to.
    * encontrar el modo de paliar un problema = find + way (a)round + problem.
    * encontrar el modo de regresar = find + Posesivo + way back.
    * encontrar su propio modo de actuar = find + Posesivo + own way.
    * en metálico y de otro modo = in cash and in kind.
    * en modo alguno = by no means.
    * estimar a grosso modo = guesstimate.
    * estudiar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * examinar el modo de = examine + way.
    * extenderse a modo de abanico = fan out.
    * flujo de datos de un modo intermitente = bursty traffic.
    * frase a modo de título = title-like phrase.
    * funcionar de un modo autónomo = operate under + an autonomous hand.
    * hablar del mismo modo = talk + alike.
    * hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = mess about, pootle, piddle around.
    * indizar de modo KWIC = KWIC.
    * información a modo de ejemplo = sample data.
    * ingeniarse el modo de = dream up + ways to.
    * modo de actuar = arrangement, course of action, practice, rationale.
    * modo de ahorro de energía = power save mode.
    * modo de andar = gait.
    * modo de aprendizaje = learning style.
    * modo de comportamiento = mode of behaviour, way of conduct.
    * modo de comunicación = communication pathway.
    * modo de conducta = mode of conduct, way of conduct.
    * modo de conseguir Algo = lever.
    * modo de expresión = way of expression, mode of expression.
    * modo de hacer preguntas = questioning behaviour.
    * modo de introducción de datos = input mode.
    * modo de pensar = thinking, way of thinking, mindset [mind-set], mode of thought, mode of thinking.
    * modo de presentación visual = display device.
    * modo de resaltar = spotlight.
    * modo de vida = way of life.
    * modo de vida tradicional = folklife.
    * modo no interactivo = non-interactive mode.
    * no haber modo de = there + be + no means of.
    * no hay modo de que = for the life of me.
    * o de algún otro modo = or otherwise.
    * pensar del mismo modo = think + alike.
    * pensar de un modo diferente = think out(side) + (of) the box.
    * pero no hubo modo = but no dice.
    * por decirlo de algún modo = in a manner of speaking, so to speak.
    * por el modo = by the way.
    * preparar de un modo rápido = throw together.
    * recordar de un modo rápido = sweep back to.
    * saber de algún modo = know + on some grounds.
    * ser en cierto modo un + Nombre = be something of a + Nombre.
    * surgir de un modo confuso = grow + like Topsy.
    * tratar de igual modo = treat as + equal.
    * usando el tiempo de un modo eficaz = time efficient [time-efficient].
    * usar de un modo descuidado = bandy (about/around).
    * usar de un modo despreocupado = bandy (about/around).
    * uso de un modo descuidado = bandying about.
    * ver las cosas de diferente modo = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de un modo diferente = see + things differently.

    * * *
    1 (manera, forma) way, manner ( frml)
    éste no es modo de hacer las cosas this is no way of going about things
    no lo digas de ese modo don't say it like that
    hay que hacerlo del siguiente modo it has to be done in the following manner
    a mi modo de ver to my way of thinking, in my opinion
    ¿qué modo de hablarle a tu abuela es ése? that's no way to speak to your grandmother
    [ S ] modo de empleo instructions for use, directions
    me lo pidió de muy mal modo ( AmL); she asked me (for it) very rudely o in a very rude way
    2 ( en locs):
    a mi/tu/su modo (in) my/your/his (own) way
    hazlo a tu modo do it (in) your (own) way
    le gusta hacer las cosas a su modo he likes to do things his (own) way
    a modo de: se puso una manta a modo de poncho he put a blanket round his shoulders like a poncho
    a modo de introducción by way of introduction
    de cualquier modo (de todas formas) ( indep) in any case, anyway; (sin cuidado) anyhow, any which way ( AmE colloq), any old how ( BrE colloq)
    del mismo or de igual modo que just as, in the same way (that)
    de modo que (así que) (+ indic) so;
    (para que) (+ subj) so that
    lo hiciste porque quisiste, de modo que ahora no te quejes you did it because you wanted to, so don't complain now
    ¿de modo que se van? so they're going, are they?
    colócalos de modo que se vean desde aquí arrange them so that they can be seen from here
    yo no puedo aceptarlo, de ningún modo there is no way I can accept it
    de todos modos anyway, anyhow
    no creo que lo pueda lograr, de todos modos volveré a intentarlo I don't think I can do it, but I'll have another try anyway o anyhow
    en cierto modo in a way
    ni modo ( AmL exc CS fam): ¿pudieron entrar? — no, ni modo, las entradas se habían acabado did they get in? — no, no way o not a chance, it was sold out ( colloq)
    traté de persuadirlo para que fuera pero ni modo I tried to persuade him to go but it was no good
    ni modo, yo soy como soy that's tough o too bad, I am the way I am ( colloq)
    ni modo que ( AmL exc CS): tienes que regresar a tu casa, ni modo que te quedes aquí you have to go home, there's no way you're staying here ( colloq)
    B modos mpl (modales) manners (pl)
    con buenos/malos modos politely/rudely o impolitely
    C ( Ling) mood
    el modo indicativo/subjuntivo the indicative/subjunctive mood
    D ( Mús) mode
    modo mayor/menor
    major/minor mode
    E ( Inf) mode
    sleep mode
    * * *


    modo sustantivo masculino
    a) (manera, forma) way, manner (frml);

    del siguiente modo in the following manner;
    a mi modo de ver to my way of thinking, in my opinion;
    no lo digas de ese modo don't say it like that;
    de un modo u otro one way or another;
    su modo de ser the way he is;

    ( on signs) modo de empleo instructions for use, directions;

    b) ( en locs)

    a mi/tu/su modo (in) my/your/his (own) way;

    de cualquier modo ( de todas formas) ( indep) in any case, anyway;

    ( sin cuidado) anyhow;
    del mismo or de igual modo que just as, in the same way (that);

    ( para que) so that;

    de ningún modo puedo aceptar there's no way I can accept;
    de todos modos anyway, anyhow;
    en cierto modo in a way;
    ni modo (AmL exc CS fam) no way;
    traté de persuadirlo pero ni modo I tried to persuade him but it was no good;
    ni modo que te quedes aquí there's no way you're staying here (colloq)
    modos sustantivo masculino plural ( modales) manners (pl);

    con buenos/malos modos politely/rudely o impolitely
    modo sustantivo masculino
    1 (forma de hacer) way, manner: habla de un modo extraño, he speaks in a strange way
    2 Ling mode: modo imperativo, imperative mood 3 modos, manners: ¡no vengas aquí con esos malos modos!, don't come around here with those bad manners!
    ' modo' also found in these entries:
    - así
    - camino
    - cante
    - canto
    - carácter
    - censurar
    - cocina
    - como quiera
    - comoquiera
    - con
    - conforme
    - de
    - dicha
    - dicho
    - empleo
    - en
    - estilo
    - forma
    - ir
    - gustar
    - habla
    - igualmente
    - inciso
    - indicativa
    - indicativo
    - mirada
    - olla
    - parcial
    - pensión
    - poner
    - proceder
    - radical
    - reconocer
    - replicar
    - risa
    - según
    - sentada
    - sic
    - sistema
    - tal
    - temeraria
    - temerario
    - temperamento
    - tono
    - tres
    - uso
    - ver
    - vía
    - vida
    - alike
    - allowance
    - aloud
    - anyhow
    - as
    - at
    - captivate
    - casually
    - deliriously
    - depressingly
    - direction
    - dramatically
    - educationally
    - fashion
    - funnily
    - gloomily
    - haphazardly
    - harmlessly
    - illegibly
    - impressively
    - inadequately
    - incompletely
    - incomprehensibly
    - inconclusively
    - inconveniently
    - instruction
    - keenly
    - kind
    - loophole
    - love
    - maddeningly
    - manner
    - mode
    - modus operandi
    - mood
    - mother
    - nowhere
    - observe
    - offhandedly
    - originally
    - ostentatious
    - other
    - outrageous
    - pass round
    - plausibly
    - quizzical
    - ravishingly
    - reassuringly
    - reciprocally
    * * *
    1. [manera, forma] way;
    no encuentro el modo de dejar el tabaco whatever I do, I just can't seem to give up smoking;
    ése no es modo de comportarse that's no way to behave;
    ¿has visto el modo en que o [m5] el modo como te mira? have you seen how o the way he's looking at you?;
    esta vez lo haremos a mi modo this time we'll do it my way;
    al modo de in the style of, after the fashion of;
    a modo de as, by way of;
    a mi modo de ver the way I see it;
    de algún modo somehow;
    se le cayó el botón porque lo cosió de cualquier modo the button fell off because he sewed it on carelessly o any old how;
    hazlo de cualquier modo do it however you like;
    no te preocupes, de cualquier modo no pensaba ir don't worry, I wasn't going to go anyway;
    de ese/este modo that/this way;
    del mismo modo similarly, in the same way;
    lo hice del mismo modo que ayer/tú I did it the same way as yesterday/you;
    lo organizaron de modo que acabara antes de las diez they organized it so (that) it finished before ten;
    ¿de modo que no te gusta? so, you don't like it (then)?;
    de ningún modo o [m5] en modo alguno deberíamos dejarle salir under no circumstances should we let her out;
    de ningún modo o [m5] en modo alguno quise ofenderte I in no way intended to offend you;
    ¿te he molestado? – de ningún modo o [m5] en modo alguno did I annoy you? – not at all o by no means;
    ¿quieres que lo invitemos? – ¡de ningún modo! shall we invite him? – no way o certainly not!;
    de otro modo [si no] otherwise;
    de tal modo (que) [tanto] so much (that);
    de todos modos in any case, anyway;
    de todos modos seguiremos en contacto in any case, we'll keep in touch;
    de todos modos, ¿qué es eso que decías de un viaje? anyway, what's that you were saying about going away?;
    de un modo u otro one way or another;
    dicho de otro modo in other words, put another way;
    en cierto modo in a way;
    ¡qué modo de hacer las cosas! that's no way to do things!
    Ling modo de articulación manner of articulation;
    modo de empleo instructions for use;
    modo de pensar way of thinking;
    a mi modo de pensar to my way of thinking;
    modo de ser: [m5] tiene un modo de ser muy agradable she has a very pleasant nature;
    no me gusta su modo de ser I don't like the way he is;
    modo de vida way of life, lifestyle
    modos [modales] manners;
    buenos/malos modos good/bad manners;
    me contestó de buenos/malos modos she answered politely/rudely
    3. Gram mood;
    modo indicativo/subjuntivo indicative/subjunctive mood;
    en modo indicativo in the indicative (mood)
    4. Informát mode
    modo de edición edit mode;
    modo gráfico graphic mode;
    modo de inserción insert mode
    5. Mús mode
    ni modo loc adv
    Am salvo RP [de ninguna manera] no way, not a chance;
    ¿llegaremos a tiempo? – ni modo will we get there on time? – no way o not a chance;
    ni modo pues there's nothing we can do about it, then
    * * *
    1 way;
    a mi modo de ver to my way of thinking;
    dicho de otro modo to put it another way;
    de este modo like this;
    modo de ser personality
    2 GRAM mood
    3 MÚS mode
    modos pl manners;
    de modo que so that;
    de ningún modo not at all;
    de otro modo otherwise;
    de tal modo que so much that;
    de cualquier modo anyway, anyhow;
    en cierto modo in a way o sense
    * * *
    modo nm
    1) manera: way, manner, mode
    de un modo u otro: one way or another
    a mi modo de ver: to my way of thinking
    2) : mood (in grammar)
    3) : mode (in music)
    a modo de : by way of, in the manner of, like
    a modo de ejemplo: by way of example
    de cualquier modo : in any case, anyway
    de modo que : so, in such a way that
    de todos modos : in any case, anyway
    en cierto modo : in a way, to a certain extent
    * * *
    modo n way

    Spanish-English dictionary > modo

  • 9 en líneas generales

    in general
    * * *
    = broadly speaking, generally, loosely, on the whole, in outline, in basic outline, roughly speaking, as a rough guide
    Ex. Broadly speaking, the former are framework regulations, such as the basic regulations for the common organization of markets and the annual CAP fixing, within which the Commission exercises delegated powers.
    Ex. Specific entry is generally recommended.
    Ex. The term category has been at times used somewhat loosely in the literature of indexing and, for this reason, it can cause confusion.
    Ex. I have myself a well-known dislike for historical fiction; it is a genre that on the whole gives me little pleasure.
    Ex. The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.
    Ex. In basic outline school libraries the world over share similar philosophy and objectives.
    Ex. Roughly speaking one-third of book publishers publish only one new book each every six months.
    Ex. As a rough guide, if you've had severe period pain (known as dysmenorrhoea) since around the time your periods first started, it's less likely a particular cause will be found.
    * * *
    = broadly speaking, generally, loosely, on the whole, in outline, in basic outline, roughly speaking, as a rough guide

    Ex: Broadly speaking, the former are framework regulations, such as the basic regulations for the common organization of markets and the annual CAP fixing, within which the Commission exercises delegated powers.

    Ex: Specific entry is generally recommended.
    Ex: The term category has been at times used somewhat loosely in the literature of indexing and, for this reason, it can cause confusion.
    Ex: I have myself a well-known dislike for historical fiction; it is a genre that on the whole gives me little pleasure.
    Ex: The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.
    Ex: In basic outline school libraries the world over share similar philosophy and objectives.
    Ex: Roughly speaking one-third of book publishers publish only one new book each every six months.
    Ex: As a rough guide, if you've had severe period pain (known as dysmenorrhoea) since around the time your periods first started, it's less likely a particular cause will be found.

    Spanish-English dictionary > en líneas generales

  • 10 manera

    1 way, manner.
    a manera de as, by way of (como)
    a la manera de in the style of, after the fashion of
    a mi manera de ver the way I see it
    de cualquier manera any old how; (sin cuidado) anyway, in any case (de todos modos)
    de esta manera in this way
    lo hice de la misma manera que ayer/tú I did it the same way as yesterday/you
    de manera que so (that)
    de ninguna manera, en manera alguna by no means, under no circumstances; (refuerza negación) no way!, certainly not! (respuesta exclamativa)
    de una manera o de otra one way or another
    no hay manera there is no way, it's impossible
    ¡contigo no hay manera! you're impossible!
    ¡qué manera de llover! just look at that rain!
    manera de pensar way of thinking
    manera de ser way of being, nature
    2 fashion, style.
    * * *
    1 (gen) way, manner
    1 (educación) manners
    a manera de by way of
    a la manera de in the style of
    de cualquier manera (en cualquier caso) in any case 2 (sin cuidado, consideración, interés) carelessly
    de manera que so that
    de ninguna manera certainly not
    de todas maneras in any case, anyhow
    ¡de una manera! in such a way!
    en gran manera enormously
    no hay manera it's impossible
    ¡qué manera de... ! what a way to... !
    manera de ser character
    * * *
    noun f.
    way, manner
    - de ninguna manera
    - de todas maneras
    * * *
    1) (=modo) way

    eso no es manera de tratar a un animal — that's not the way to treat an animal, that's no way to treat an animal

    ¡llovía de una manera! — it was really pouring down!

    ¡nunca he visto nevar de esta manera! — I've never seen it snow like this!

    no hubo manera de convencerla — there was no convincing her, there was no way we could convince her

    a mi/tu etc manera — my/your etc way

    a mi manera de ver, tenemos dos opciones — the way I see it, we have two options

    a la manera de algn/algo, siguen arando a la manera de sus abuelos — they still plough as o in the way their grandfathers did

    de manera perfecta — perfectly, in a perfect way

    de esta manera — (in) this way, (in) this fashion

    de la misma manera — (in) the same way, (in) the same fashion

    manera de ser, es su manera de ser — that's the way she is

    2) [locuciones]

    de alguna manera — (=en cierto modo) to some extent; (=de cualquier modo) somehow; [al principio de frase] in a way, in some ways

    en cierta manera — in a way, to a certain extent

    de cualquier manera — (=sin cuidado) any old how; (=de todos modos) anyway

    en gran manera — to a large extent

    de mala manera, le pegó de mala manera — he hit her really hard

    lo estafaron de mala manera* they really ripped him off *

    ese tío se enrolla de mala manera* that guy just can't stop jabbering *

    de ninguna manera, eso no lo vamos a aceptar de ninguna manera — there's no way we are going to accept that

    ¡de ninguna manera! — certainly not!, no way!

    de otra manera — (=de otro modo) in a different way; (=por otra parte) otherwise

    de otra manera, no es posible entender su actitud — otherwise, it's impossible to understand his attitude

    dicho de otra manera — in other words, to put it another way

    sobre manera — exceedingly

    de tal manera que... — in such a way that...

    de todas maneras — anyway, in any case


    de manera que[antes de verbo] so; [después de verbo] so that

    ¿de manera que esto no te gusta? — so you don't like this?

    4) pl maneras (=modales) manners

    malas maneras — bad manners, rudeness

    tener maneras LAm to have good manners, be well-mannered

    5) liter (=tipo) kind
    6) (Arte, Literat) (=estilo) style
    MANERA, FORMA, MODO De manera + ((adjetivo)) Cuando de manera + ((adjetivo)) añade información sobre una acción, la traducción más frecuente al inglés es un adverbio terminado en -ly. En inglés este tipo de adverbio es mucho más común que el equivalente - mente español: Todos estos cambios ocurren de manera natural All these changes happen naturally La Constitución prohíbe de manera expresa la especulación inmobiliaria The Constitution expressly forbids speculation in real estate ► De manera + ((adjetivo)) también se puede traducir por in a + ((adjetvo)) + way si no existe un adverbio terminado en -ly que equivalga al adjetivo: Se lo dijo de manera amistosa He said it to her in a friendly way ► En los casos en que se quiere hacer hincapié en la manera de hacer algo, se puede utilizar tanto un adverbio en -ly como la construcción in a + ((adjetivo)) + way, aunque esta última posibilidad es más frecuente: Tienes que intentar comportarte de manera responsable You must try to behave responsibly o in a responsible way Ellos podrán ayudarte a manejar tu negocio de manera profesional They'll be able to help you run your business professionally o in a professional way Para otros usos y ejemplos ver manera, forma, modo
    * * *
    a) (modo, forma) way

    yo lo hago a mi manera — I do it my way, I have my own way of doing it

    ¿qué manera de comer es ésa? — that's no way to eat your food

    comimos de una manera...! — you should have seen the amount we ate!

    no saldrás a la calle vestida de esa manera ¿no? — you're not going out dressed like that, are you?

    no lo pongas así de cualquier manera, dóblalo — don't just put it in any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how, fold it up

    no hay/hubo manera — it is/it was impossible

    de cualquier manera or de todas maneras — anyway

    de manera que — ( así que) (+ indic) so; ( para que) (+ subj) so that, so

    de ninguna manera: ¿me lo das? - de ninguna manera will you give it to me? - certainly not; de ninguna manera lo voy a permitir there's no way I'm going to allow it; no son de ninguna manera inferiores they are in no way inferior; sobre manera sobremanera; de mala manera: me contestó de muy mala manera she answered me very rudely; la trataba de mala manera he used to treat her badly; los precios han subido de mala manera (Esp) prices have shot up (colloq); lo malcrió de mala manera (Esp) she spoiled him terribly o (colloq) rotten; querer algo de mala manera — (Esp fam) to want something really badly

    2) maneras femenino plural ( modales) manners (pl)
    * * *
    = approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, form, guise, means, way, manner, fashion.
    Ex. During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.
    Ex. In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
    Ex. It is under the chosen form of heading that the catalogue entry for a particular document is filed and hence located.
    Ex. In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.
    Ex. The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.
    Ex. They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.
    Ex. City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.
    Ex. It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.
    * a + Posesivo + manera = in + Posesivo + own way.
    * buscar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * conseguido de manera dudosa = ill-gotten.
    * de alguna manera = in some sense, in some way, somehow, in any sense, some way.
    * de buena manera = good-humouredly, good-humoured.
    * de cualquier manera = anyhow, higgledy-piggledy, willy-nilly, in any way at all, in any way [in anyway].
    * de esta manera = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.
    * de igual manera = by the same token, in like fashion, in like manner, in like vein, in equal measure(s).
    * dejar que Alguien haga las cosas a su manera = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * de la manera normal = in the normal manner.
    * de la mejor manera posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * de la misma manera = by the same token.
    * de la misma manera (que) = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as).
    * de la otra manera = the other way (a)round.
    * de las dos maneras = in both ways.
    * de la siguiente manera = in the following terms.
    * de manera amena = pleasantly.
    * de manera clara = distinctly, clearly.
    * de manera confusa = hazily.
    * de manera conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * de manera constructiva = constructively.
    * de manera decepcionante = disappointingly.
    * de manera deprimente = sombrely [somberly, -USA].
    * de manera despreocupada = casually.
    * de manera desproporcionada = disproportionately.
    * de manera divertida = funnily.
    * de manera encantadora = winningly.
    * de manera escandalosa = outrageously.
    * de manera especial = in a certain way, in a special way.
    * de manera esquemática = briefly.
    * de manera estupenda = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].
    * de manera extraña = oddly, funnily.
    * de manera global = holistically.
    * de manera graciosa = funnily.
    * de manera grotesca = grotesquely.
    * de manera humillante = abjectly.
    * de manera inconsecuente = inconsistently.
    * de manera informal = casually.
    * de manera inquietante = eerily.
    * de manera insinuante = suggestively.
    * de manera intermitente = intermittently.
    * de manera involuntaria = involuntarily.
    * de manera lamentable = lamentably, miserably.
    * de manera lógica = in a meaningful way.
    * de manera maravillosa = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].
    * de manera marginal = tangentially.
    * de manera memorable = memorably.
    * de manera misteriosa = eerily.
    * de manera muy clara = in no uncertain terms.
    * de manera muy similar a = in much the same way as.
    * de manera muy superficial = sketchily.
    * de manera negativa = in a negative light.
    * de manera obsesiva = neurotically.
    * de manera óptima = optimally.
    * de manera poco convincente = lamely.
    * de manera poco ética = unethically.
    * de manera poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    * de manera positiva = in a positive light.
    * de manera precisa = precisely.
    * de manera preocupante = disturbingly.
    * de manera previsible = predictably.
    * de manera protectora = protectively.
    * de manera provocativa = suggestively.
    * de manera que = in a form that.
    * de manera rara = oddly, funnily.
    * de manera realista = realistically.
    * de manera semipermanente = on a semi-permanent basis.
    * de manera significativa = to any significant extent, to a significant extent.
    * de manera similar = in a similar way.
    * de manera similar a = in a similar manner to.
    * de manera sofisticada = sophisticatedly.
    * de manera sorprendente = shockingly.
    * de manera sutil = subtly.
    * de manera tangencial = tangentially.
    * de manera uniforme = evenly.
    * de manera vaga = hazily.
    * de mejor manera = best.
    * de muchas maneras = in every way, in more ways than one.
    * de ninguna manera = at all, in any sense of the word, not at all, under no/any circumstances, on no account, not on any account, in any way at all.
    * !de ninguna manera! = Not on your life!, over + Posesivo + dead body.
    * de nuevas maneras = in new ways.
    * de tal manera que = so that.
    * de todas maneras = at any rate.
    * de una manera + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + fashion, in a + Adjetivo + manner, in + Adjetivo + manner, in a + Adjetivo + vein.
    * de una manera eficaz = competently.
    * de una manera extraña = strangely.
    * de una manera genial = in a masterful way.
    * de una manera lógica = logically.
    * de una manera más sencilla = in digestible form.
    * de una manera rara = strangely.
    * de una manera satisfactoria = neatly.
    * de una manera seductora = seductively.
    * de una manera significativa = meaningfully.
    * de una manera simple = in a simple manner.
    * de una manera solemne = solemnly.
    * de una manera tentad = seductively.
    * de una manera tentadora = seductively.
    * de una manera torpe = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de una misma manera = in a similar fashion.
    * de una nueva manera = in a new way.
    * estudiar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * expresar de otra manera = rephrase.
    * fracasar de manera lamentable = fail + miserably, fail + dismally.
    * justo de la misma manera que = in just the same way as.
    * la manera de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * la mejor manera = how best.
    * la mejor manera de = the best way of.
    * manera de actuar = line of attack.
    * manera de pensar = way of thinking.
    * manera de trabajar = work practice.
    * manera de tratar = avenue of approach.
    * manera de ver las cosas = line of thought.
    * no haber manera de = there + be + no way.
    * no hay manera de que = for the life of me.
    * pero no hubo manera = but no dice.
    * ponerlo de otra manera = put it + in a different way.
    * por decirlo de alguna manera = so to speak.
    * por la manera = by the way.
    * presentar de manera esquemática = give + overview.
    * redactar de otra manera = reword.
    * ser la manera de = be a recipe for.
    * ser la mejor manera de = be the conduit for.
    * una manera de empezar = a foot in the door.
    * usar de manera general = be in general use.
    * ver las cosas de diferente manera = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de una manera diferente = see + things differently.
    * * *
    a) (modo, forma) way

    yo lo hago a mi manera — I do it my way, I have my own way of doing it

    ¿qué manera de comer es ésa? — that's no way to eat your food

    comimos de una manera...! — you should have seen the amount we ate!

    no saldrás a la calle vestida de esa manera ¿no? — you're not going out dressed like that, are you?

    no lo pongas así de cualquier manera, dóblalo — don't just put it in any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how, fold it up

    no hay/hubo manera — it is/it was impossible

    de cualquier manera or de todas maneras — anyway

    de manera que — ( así que) (+ indic) so; ( para que) (+ subj) so that, so

    de ninguna manera: ¿me lo das? - de ninguna manera will you give it to me? - certainly not; de ninguna manera lo voy a permitir there's no way I'm going to allow it; no son de ninguna manera inferiores they are in no way inferior; sobre manera sobremanera; de mala manera: me contestó de muy mala manera she answered me very rudely; la trataba de mala manera he used to treat her badly; los precios han subido de mala manera (Esp) prices have shot up (colloq); lo malcrió de mala manera (Esp) she spoiled him terribly o (colloq) rotten; querer algo de mala manera — (Esp fam) to want something really badly

    2) maneras femenino plural ( modales) manners (pl)
    * * *
    = approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, form, guise, means, way, manner, fashion.

    Ex: During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.

    Ex: In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
    Ex: It is under the chosen form of heading that the catalogue entry for a particular document is filed and hence located.
    Ex: In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.
    Ex: The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.
    Ex: They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.
    Ex: City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.
    Ex: It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.
    * a + Posesivo + manera = in + Posesivo + own way.
    * buscar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * conseguido de manera dudosa = ill-gotten.
    * de alguna manera = in some sense, in some way, somehow, in any sense, some way.
    * de buena manera = good-humouredly, good-humoured.
    * de cualquier manera = anyhow, higgledy-piggledy, willy-nilly, in any way at all, in any way [in anyway].
    * de esta manera = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.
    * de igual manera = by the same token, in like fashion, in like manner, in like vein, in equal measure(s).
    * dejar que Alguien haga las cosas a su manera = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * de la manera normal = in the normal manner.
    * de la mejor manera posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * de la misma manera = by the same token.
    * de la misma manera (que) = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as).
    * de la otra manera = the other way (a)round.
    * de las dos maneras = in both ways.
    * de la siguiente manera = in the following terms.
    * de manera amena = pleasantly.
    * de manera clara = distinctly, clearly.
    * de manera confusa = hazily.
    * de manera conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * de manera constructiva = constructively.
    * de manera decepcionante = disappointingly.
    * de manera deprimente = sombrely [somberly, -USA].
    * de manera despreocupada = casually.
    * de manera desproporcionada = disproportionately.
    * de manera divertida = funnily.
    * de manera encantadora = winningly.
    * de manera escandalosa = outrageously.
    * de manera especial = in a certain way, in a special way.
    * de manera esquemática = briefly.
    * de manera estupenda = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].
    * de manera extraña = oddly, funnily.
    * de manera global = holistically.
    * de manera graciosa = funnily.
    * de manera grotesca = grotesquely.
    * de manera humillante = abjectly.
    * de manera inconsecuente = inconsistently.
    * de manera informal = casually.
    * de manera inquietante = eerily.
    * de manera insinuante = suggestively.
    * de manera intermitente = intermittently.
    * de manera involuntaria = involuntarily.
    * de manera lamentable = lamentably, miserably.
    * de manera lógica = in a meaningful way.
    * de manera maravillosa = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].
    * de manera marginal = tangentially.
    * de manera memorable = memorably.
    * de manera misteriosa = eerily.
    * de manera muy clara = in no uncertain terms.
    * de manera muy similar a = in much the same way as.
    * de manera muy superficial = sketchily.
    * de manera negativa = in a negative light.
    * de manera obsesiva = neurotically.
    * de manera óptima = optimally.
    * de manera poco convincente = lamely.
    * de manera poco ética = unethically.
    * de manera poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    * de manera positiva = in a positive light.
    * de manera precisa = precisely.
    * de manera preocupante = disturbingly.
    * de manera previsible = predictably.
    * de manera protectora = protectively.
    * de manera provocativa = suggestively.
    * de manera que = in a form that.
    * de manera rara = oddly, funnily.
    * de manera realista = realistically.
    * de manera semipermanente = on a semi-permanent basis.
    * de manera significativa = to any significant extent, to a significant extent.
    * de manera similar = in a similar way.
    * de manera similar a = in a similar manner to.
    * de manera sofisticada = sophisticatedly.
    * de manera sorprendente = shockingly.
    * de manera sutil = subtly.
    * de manera tangencial = tangentially.
    * de manera uniforme = evenly.
    * de manera vaga = hazily.
    * de mejor manera = best.
    * de muchas maneras = in every way, in more ways than one.
    * de ninguna manera = at all, in any sense of the word, not at all, under no/any circumstances, on no account, not on any account, in any way at all.
    * !de ninguna manera! = Not on your life!, over + Posesivo + dead body.
    * de nuevas maneras = in new ways.
    * de tal manera que = so that.
    * de todas maneras = at any rate.
    * de una manera + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + fashion, in a + Adjetivo + manner, in + Adjetivo + manner, in a + Adjetivo + vein.
    * de una manera eficaz = competently.
    * de una manera extraña = strangely.
    * de una manera genial = in a masterful way.
    * de una manera lógica = logically.
    * de una manera más sencilla = in digestible form.
    * de una manera rara = strangely.
    * de una manera satisfactoria = neatly.
    * de una manera seductora = seductively.
    * de una manera significativa = meaningfully.
    * de una manera simple = in a simple manner.
    * de una manera solemne = solemnly.
    * de una manera tentad = seductively.
    * de una manera tentadora = seductively.
    * de una manera torpe = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de una misma manera = in a similar fashion.
    * de una nueva manera = in a new way.
    * estudiar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * expresar de otra manera = rephrase.
    * fracasar de manera lamentable = fail + miserably, fail + dismally.
    * justo de la misma manera que = in just the same way as.
    * la manera de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * la mejor manera = how best.
    * la mejor manera de = the best way of.
    * manera de actuar = line of attack.
    * manera de pensar = way of thinking.
    * manera de trabajar = work practice.
    * manera de tratar = avenue of approach.
    * manera de ver las cosas = line of thought.
    * no haber manera de = there + be + no way.
    * no hay manera de que = for the life of me.
    * pero no hubo manera = but no dice.
    * ponerlo de otra manera = put it + in a different way.
    * por decirlo de alguna manera = so to speak.
    * por la manera = by the way.
    * presentar de manera esquemática = give + overview.
    * redactar de otra manera = reword.
    * ser la manera de = be a recipe for.
    * ser la mejor manera de = be the conduit for.
    * una manera de empezar = a foot in the door.
    * usar de manera general = be in general use.
    * ver las cosas de diferente manera = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de una manera diferente = see + things differently.

    * * *
    1 (modo, forma) way
    yo lo hago a mi manera I do it my way, I have my own way of doing it
    ¿qué manera de comer es ésa? that's no way to eat your food
    ¡comimos de una manera …! you should have seen the amount we ate!
    ¡qué manera de llover! it's absolutely pouring (with rain)
    ¡qué manera de malgastar el dinero! what a waste of money!
    no saldrás a la calle vestida de esa manera ¿no? you're not going out dressed like that, are you?
    se puede ir vestido de cualquier manera you can dress however you want, you can wear whatever you like
    no lo pongas así, de cualquier manera, dóblalo don't just put it in any which way ( AmE) o ( BrE) any old how o way, fold it up
    de esta manera iremos más cómodos we'll be more comfortable this way o like this
    de alguna manera tendré que conseguir el dinero I'll have to get the money somehow (or other)
    sus novelas son, de alguna manera, un reflejo de su propia juventud her novels are, to some extent o in some ways, a reflection of her own youth
    de una manera u otra habrá que terminarlo it'll have to be finished one way or another
    no hay/hubo manera it is/was impossible
    2 ( en locs):
    a manera de by way of
    a manera de ejemplo by way of example
    se levantó el sombrero a manera de saludo he lifted his hat in greeting
    de cualquier manera or de todas maneras anyway
    de cualquier manera or de todas maneras ya tenía que lavarlo I had to wash it anyway o in any case
    de manera que (así que) (+ indic) so;
    (para que) (+ subj) so that, so
    ¿de manera que te casas en julio? so you're getting married in July, are you?
    dilo en voz alta, de manera que todos te oigan say it out loud, so (that) everyone can hear you
    de ninguna manera: ¿me lo das? — de ninguna manera will you give it to me? — certainly not
    de ninguna manera lo voy a permitir there's no way I'm going to allow it
    no son de ninguna manera inferiores they are in no way inferior
    de mala manera: me contestó de muy mala manera she answered me very rudely
    la trataba de mala manera he used to treat her badly
    los precios han subido de mala manera ( Esp); prices have shot up ( colloq), prices have risen exorbitantly
    lo malcrió de mala manera ( Esp); she spoiled him terribly o ( colloq) rotten
    querer algo de mala manera ( Esp fam); to want sth really badly, want sth in the worst way ( AmE colloq)
    su manera de ser the way she is
    tiene una manera de ser que se lleva bien con todos she has a nice way about her, she gets on well with everyone ( colloq)
    su manera de ser le acarrea muchos problemas his manner o the way he comes across causes him a lot of problems
    B maneras fpl (modales) manners (pl)
    * * *


    manera sustantivo femenino
    1 (modo, forma) way;

    a manera de by way of;
    de todas maneras anyway;
    su manera de ser the way she is;
    se puede ir vestido de cualquier manera you can dress however you want;
    no lo pongas así, de cualquier manera don't just put it in any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how;
    de ninguna manera lo voy a permitir there's no way I'm going to allow it;
    de alguna manera tendré que conseguirlo I'll have to get it somehow (or other);
    no hay/hubo manera it is/it was impossible;
    de manera que so;
    de mala manera ‹ contestar rudely;

    tratar badly
    maneras sustantivo femenino plural ( modales) manners (pl)

    I sustantivo femenino
    1 way, manner: hagámoslo a nuestra manera, let's do it our way
    lo hace todo de cualquier manera, he does everything any old how
    no hay manera de que me escuche, there is no way to make him listen to me
    me disgusta su manera de ser, I don't like the way he behaves
    II fpl maneras, manners: contestó con malas maneras, she answered rudely
    ♦ Locuciones: a manera de, as: se puso una cacerola a manera de casco, she used a cooking pot as a helmet
    de cualquier manera/de todas maneras, anyway, at any rate, in any case
    de manera que, so (that)
    de ninguna manera, in no way, certainly not: no pienso disculparme de ninguna manera, there's no way that I'm going to apologise
    de tal manera que, in such a way that
    en cierta manera, in some sense: en cierta manera todos somos responsables de ella, to a certain degree we are all responsible for her
    ' manera' also found in these entries:
    - arrancar
    - categórica
    - categórico
    - como
    - como quiera
    - comoquiera
    - cortante
    - despatarrarse
    - despeluchar
    - encantar
    - enfocar
    - escritura
    - expiar
    - igual
    - inri
    - letra
    - mal
    - ninguna
    - ninguno
    - peculiar
    - perfectamente
    - precisamente
    - tal
    - tener
    - tuntún
    - bien
    - cómo
    - en
    - escándalo
    - forma
    - fórmula
    - habla
    - hacer
    - ilegal
    - inconsciente
    - índole
    - inesperado
    - interesado
    - medio
    - modo
    - norma
    - ordinariez
    - otro
    - plantear
    - seguir
    - temperamento
    - tirar
    - torpe
    - trato
    - abusive
    - accusingly
    - angrily
    - as
    - brittle
    - by
    - certainly
    - challenging
    - conciliatory
    - decidedly
    - definitive
    - differently
    - distant
    - dramatically
    - effective
    - elaborately
    - fashion
    - friendly
    - gait
    - impersonally
    - impossibly
    - in
    - intimidate
    - jabber
    - jangle
    - logical
    - manner
    - means
    - mimic
    - miserably
    - mismanage
    - naturally
    - nice
    - not
    - oddly
    - originally
    - other
    - otherwise
    - persuasively
    - pleasantly
    - practically
    - pretence
    - pretense
    - propose
    - radiantly
    - realistically
    - reception
    - remotely
    - should
    * * *
    manera nf
    1. [forma] way, manner;
    manera de pensar way of thinking;
    tiene una manera de ser muy agradable she has a very pleasant nature;
    no me gusta su manera de ser I don't like the way he is;
    no encuentro la manera de dejar el tabaco whatever I do, I just can't seem to give up smoking;
    esa no es manera de decir las cosas that's no way to speak;
    ¿has visto la manera en que o [m5] la manera como te mira? have you seen how o the way he's looking at you?;
    esta vez lo haremos a mi manera this time we'll do it my way;
    a la manera de in the style of, after the fashion of;
    a manera de [como] as, by way of;
    a mi manera de ver the way I see it;
    se le cayó el botón porque lo cosió de cualquier manera the button fell off because he sewed it on carelessly o any old how;
    hazlo de cualquier manera do it however you like;
    no te preocupes, de cualquier manera no pensaba ir don't worry, I wasn't going to go anyway;
    de esta/esa manera this/that way;
    trata a su hijo de mala manera he treats his son badly;
    lo dijo de mala manera she said it very rudely;
    Esp Fam
    estuvo lloviendo de mala manera it was pouring o Br bucketing down;
    Esp Fam
    se pusieron a beber de mala manera they started a serious drinking session;
    Esp Fam
    tu hermana se enrolla de mala manera your sister goes on a bit;
    de la misma manera similarly, in the same way;
    lo hice de la misma manera que ayer/tú I did it the same way as yesterday/you;
    lo organizaron de manera que acabara antes de las diez they organized it so (that) it finished before ten;
    ¿de manera que no te gusta? so, you don't like it (then)?;
    de ninguna manera o [m5] en manera alguna deberíamos dejarle salir under no circumstances should we let her out;
    de ninguna manera o [m5] en manera alguna quise ofenderte I in no way intended to offend you;
    ¿te he molestado? – de ninguna manera o [m5] en manera alguna did I annoy you? – not at all o by no means;
    ¿quieres que lo invitemos? – ¡de ninguna manera! shall we invite him? – no way o certainly not!;
    de otra manera… [si no] otherwise…;
    de tal manera (que) [tanto] so much (that);
    de todas maneras, ¿qué es eso que decías de un viaje? anyway, what's that you were saying about going away?;
    de una manera o de otra one way or another;
    en cierta manera in a way;
    la ópera me aburre en gran manera I find opera exceedingly tedious;
    no hay manera there is no way, it's impossible;
    no hay manera de que haga los deberes it's impossible to get him to do his homework;
    ¡contigo no hay manera! you're impossible!;
    ¡qué manera de hacer las cosas! that's no way to do things!;
    ¡qué manera de llover! just look at that rain!;
    me place sobre manera que recurran a nuestros servicios I'm exceedingly pleased that you should have decided to use our services
    maneras [modales] manners;
    buenas/malas maneras good/bad manners;
    de muy buenas maneras nos dijo que saliéramos she very politely asked us to leave;
    atiende a los clientes de malas maneras he's rude to the customers;
    de aquella manera: lo hicieron de aquella manera they did it any old how;
    ¿crees en Dios? – de aquella manera do you believe in God? – well, sort of
    * * *
    f way;
    esa es su manera de ser that’s the way he is;
    maneras pl manners;
    lo hace a su manera he does it his way;
    un cuadro a la manera de los cubistas a Cubist-style picture;
    no hay manera de it is impossible to;
    de manera que so (that);
    de ninguna manera certainly not;
    en gran manera greatly;
    sobre manera exceedingly;
    de todas maneras anyway, in any case;
    de cualquier manera anyway, anyhow;
    de la misma manera que in the same way that;
    de tal manera que in such a way that, so that
    * * *
    manera nf
    1) modo: way, manner, fashion
    de todas maneras : anyway, anyhow
    de manera que : so, in order that
    de ninguna manera : by no means, absolutely not
    manera de ser : personality, demeanor
    * * *
    manera n way
    de manera + adjetivo in a... way
    de manera extraña in a strange way / strangely

    Spanish-English dictionary > manera

  • 11 a

    1 to.
    voy a Madrid I'm going to Madrid
    me voy al extranjero I'm going abroad
    llegó a Buenos Aires/a la fiesta he arrived in Buenos Aires/at the party
    2 at (moment).
    a las siete at seven o'clock
    a los once años at the age of eleven
    al caer la noche at nightfall
    al oír la noticia se desmayó on hearing the news, she fainted
    Llegué al amanecer I arrived at dawn.
    3 per, every (frecuency).
    40 horas a la semana 40 hours per o a week
    tres veces al día three times a day
    4 to.
    dáselo a Ricardo give it to Ricardo
    dile a Ricardo que venga tell Ricardo to come
    5 to.
    entró a pagar he came in to pay
    aprender a nadar to learn to swim
    6 by, about to, for.
    * * *
    A, a
    nombre femenino (pl as o aes)
    1 (la letra) A, a
    1 ( Alteza) Highness; (abreviatura) H
    1 ( autopista) motorway; (abreviatura) M
    1 ( amperio) ampere, amp; (símbolo) A
    * * *
    1) to
    2) into
    3) in
    4) at
    5) on
    6) with
    * * *
    SF = a (=letra) A, a
    * * *
    a femenino (pl aes) ( read as [a]) the letter A, a
    * * *
    = for, per, to.
    Ex. The fine policy matrix corresponds to the loan policy matrix, cell for cell.
    Ex. Indexing can thus be achieved at a detailed level, with often many terms per document, with almost no indexing effort.
    Ex. Accessibility to the documents stored in files is an important factor, so the physical storage is important.
    * a + Adjetivo + escala = on a + Adjetivo + scale.
    * a alguna parte = someplace.
    * a alta presión = high-pressured, high-pressure.
    * a altas horas de la noche = late at night.
    * a ambas orillas del Atlántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de = on either side of.
    * a ambos lados del Altántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de + Lugar = on both sides of + Lugar.
    * a años luz de = light years away from.
    * a bajas temperaturas = at low temperature.
    * a bajo coste = low-cost.
    * a bajo costo = low-cost.
    * a bajo nivel = low-level.
    * a bajo precio = lower-cost, at a low price, on the cheap.
    * a base de = in the form of, on a diet of.
    * a base de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
    * a base de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a base de errores = the hard way.
    * a boca de jarro = at close range.
    * a bocajarro = point blank.
    * a bombo y platillo = fanfare, with a bang.
    * a bordo = aboard, on board ship.
    * a bordo de = aboard, onboard.
    * a bordo de un barco = shipboard, on board ship.
    * a buen recaudo = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * a caballo = on horseback, astride.
    * a caballo entre = astride... and..., midway between.
    * a caballo entre... y... = half way between... and....
    * a caballo regalado no se le mira el diente = never look a gift horse in the mouth.
    * a cada rato = every so often, every now and then, every now and again, every once in a while.
    * a cambio = in return.
    * a cambio de = in exchange for, in return for.
    * a cambio de nada = for nothing.
    * a cántaros = cats and dogs.
    * a cargo = in the saddle.
    * a cargo (de) = charged with, in charge (of), at the helm (of).
    * a cargo de Alguien = under supervision.
    * a cargo de las riendas = in the saddle.
    * a cargo del ayuntamiento = local authority-run.
    * a cargo del gobierno = government-operated, government-run.
    * a cargo de una sola persona = one-man band.
    * a cargo de voluntarios = volunteer-run.
    * a chorros = profusely.
    * a ciegas = blindfold, blindly, blindfolded, in the dark.
    * a ciencia cierta = for sure, for certain.
    * a cierta distancia = some distance away.
    * a cierta distancia de = off.
    * a cierta distancia de la costa = offshore.
    * a cierta distancia del litoral = offshore.
    * a cobro revertido = reverse charges.
    * a color = multi-colour [multi-color -USA].
    * a comienzos de + Expresión Temporal = early + Expresión Temporal, the.
    * a comienzos de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha, in the early part of + Fecha.
    * a comienzos de + Período de Tiempo = by the turn of + Período de Tiempo, at the turn of + Período de Tiempo.
    * a conciencia = deliberately, wilfully [willfully, -USA], by design, on purpose.
    * a condición de que + Subjuntivo = provided (that), providing (that), as long as.
    * a contenido enriquecido = content-enriched.
    * a continuación = next, then, in the following, herewith.
    * a continuación se enumeran = given below.
    * a contracorriente = against the grain.
    * a contraluz = against the light.
    * a contrapelo = against the grain, against the nap.
    * a coro = with one voice, in unison.
    * a corto plazo = before very long, short term [short-term], in the short run, short-range, at short notice, in the short term, short-run.
    * a costa de = at the cost of, at the expense of, at + Nombre's + expense, at cost of.
    * a costa de mucho = at (a) great expense.
    * a costa de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a costa de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a criterio de = at the discretion of.
    * a cualquier hora = anytime, around the clock.
    * a cualquier hora del día o de la noche = at any hour of the day or night, at any time of the day or night.
    * a cualquier precio = at any cost, at all costs, at any price.
    * a cuatro aguas = hipped.
    * a cuatro patas = on all fours, on four legs.
    * a cuenta de = at the expense of.
    * a cuenta de la empresa = at company expense.
    * a cuenta de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a cuenta de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a cuenta propia = at + Posesivo + expense, at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * a cuerpo de rey = the lap of luxury.
    * a cuestas = in tow.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * a decir verdad = to tell the truth, if the truth be known, if the truth be told, in all truth, in truth, fact is, the fact is (that), to be fair.
    * a decir verdad... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * a demanda = pro re nata.
    * a deshora(s) = at odd times, out of hours.
    * a día de hoy = as of today.
    * a diario = every day.
    * a diestro y siniestro = like there's no tomorrow.
    * a dieta = on a diet.
    * a diferencia de = apart from, as opposed to, in contradistinction to, as contrasted with, in contrast (to/with), quite apart from, in sharp contrast (with).
    * a diferencia de + Nombre = unlike + Nombre.
    * a diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * a discreción = at will, no holds barred.
    * a disgusto = unwillingly, reluctantly.
    * a disposición de = at the disposal of.
    * a distancia = remote, remotely, distantly.
    * a doble espacio = double-spaced.
    * a domicilio = domiciliary.
    * ¿a dónde se dirige(n)...? = whither?.
    * ¿a dónde va(n)...? = whither?.
    * ¿a dónde vas? = quo vadis, whither thou goest.
    * a dos niveles = two-tier.
    * a dos velas = skint, penniless, broke.
    * a duras penas = with great difficulty.
    * a efectos de = in terms of, for the purpose of + Nombre.
    * a efectos prácticos = to all intents and purposes, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes, to all intents.
    * a él = him.
    * a ellos = them.
    * a escala = drawn-to-scale.
    * a escala industrial = on an industrial scale, industrial-scale.
    * a escala mundial = globally, on a global scale.
    * a escala natural = full-scale.
    * a escondidas = by stealth, stealthily, furtively, on the quiet, on the sly.
    * a eso = thereto.
    * a espaldas de = out of sight of.
    * a estas alturas = by now.
    * a este fin = to this end.
    * a este paso = at this rate.
    * a este respecto = in this respect.
    * a este ritmo = at this rate.
    * a estrenar = brand new.
    * a examen = under the microscope.
    * a excepción de = barring, except for, excepting, other than, with the exception of, short of.
    * a excepción de que = except that.
    * a excepción de uno = with one exception.
    * a expensas de = at the expense of, at + Nombre's + expense.
    * a expensas de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a expensas de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a + Expresión Temporal = as of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a falta de = for want of, in the absence of, in default of, for lack of, short of.
    * a favor = in favour.
    * a favor de = in favour of.
    * a favor de la decisión personal sobre el aborto = pro-choice.
    * a favor de la esclavitud = pro-slavery.
    * a favor de la raza negra = pro-black [problack].
    * a favor de la vida humana = pro-life.
    * a favor y en contra = pro and con.
    * a + Fecha = as per + Fecha.
    * a finales de = by the end of, at the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a finales de + Expresión Temporal = as of late + Expresión Temporal, at the end of + Expresión Temporal, by the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a finales de + Fecha = in the late + Fecha, in late + Fecha.
    * a finales de los + Década = late + Década, the.
    * a finales del + Siglo = late + Siglo, late period of + Siglo.
    * a fin de cuentas = at the end of the day, in the end, in the final count, in the grand scheme of things, when all is said and done, after all is said and done.
    * a fondo = fully, thoroughly, full-scale.
    * a fondo perdido = non-refundable.
    * ¡a freír espárragos! = on your bike!.
    * a fuerza de = by dint of.
    * a fuerza de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a fuerza de errores = the hard way.
    * a gas = gas-powered.
    * a gatas = on all fours.
    * a grandes rasgos = broadly, rough draft.
    * a granel = in bulk.
    * a gran escala = large scale [large-scale], massive, on a wide scale, high-volume, wide-scale, on a broad scale, in a big way, on a grand scale.
    * a gran velocidad = at great speed.
    * a grito limpio = at the top of + Posesivo + voice.
    * a grito pelado = at the top of + Posesivo + voice.
    * a gritos = vociferously.
    * a groso modo = crudely.
    * a grosso modo = roughly, rough draft.
    * a gusto = at ease, at leisure.
    * a gusto de = to the liking of, at the pleasure of.
    * a horcajadas = astride.
    * a hurtadillas = surreptitiously, by stealth, stealthily, furtively, on the sly.
    * a imitación de lo clásico = classicising [classicizing, -USA], classicised [classicized, -USA].
    * a iniciativa de = at the initiative of.
    * a iniciativas del gobierno = government-led.
    * a instancia de = at the urging of.
    * a instancias de = at the instigation of, at the behest of, under the auspices of.
    * a intervalos = at intervals.
    * a intervalos + Adjetivo = at + Adjetivo + intervals.
    * a intervalos semanales = at weekly intervals.
    * a invitación de = at the invitation of.
    * a jabón = soapy [soapier -comp., soapiest -sup.].
    * a juicio = on trial.
    * a juicio público = in the public eye.
    * a juzgar por = to judge by, judging by, judging from.
    * a la acuarela = water-coloured [water-colored, -USA].
    * a la alcaldía = mayoral.
    * a la altura de = of the stature of, equal to.
    * a la altura de la cintura = waist high, waist deep.
    * a la altura de la rodilla = knee-high.
    * a la altura de los hombros = shoulder-high.
    * a la anchura de los hombros = shoulder-width.
    * a la anochecida = at nightfall.
    * a la antigua = old-style.
    * a la antigua usanza = old-style.
    * a la atención de = c/o (care of).
    * a la baja = on the wane.
    * a la brasa = grilled.
    * a la buena de Dios = out in the cold.
    * a la cabeza de = in the forefront of/in.
    * a la caída de la noche = at nightfall, at twilight.
    * a la caída de la tarde = at twilight.
    * a la carta = a la carte.
    * a la defensiva = on the defensive.
    * a la derecha = at the right.
    * a la derecha de = on the right side of, on the right-hand side of.
    * a la deriva = rudderless.
    * a la discreción de = at the discretion of.
    * a la disposición de Alguien = at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * a la expectativa de = on the lookout for, on the alert for.
    * a la + Expresión Temporal = a + Expresión Temporal.
    * a la fuerza = forcefully, of necessity, forcibly, compulsorily.
    * a la fuga = on the run, on the lam.
    * a la hora de + Infinitivo = when it came to + Gerundio, when it comes to + Gerundio.
    * a la hora de la verdad = when push comes to shove, if it comes to the crunch, when it comes to the crunch, when the worst comes to the worst, if the worst comes to the worst, when the crunch comes to the crunch, if the crunch comes to the crunch.
    * a la hora del café = at coffee.
    * a la intemperie = in the open, exposed.
    * a la inversa = mirror-fashion, mirror image, in reverse.
    * a la izquierda = at the left.
    * a la larga = in the long term, over the long term, in the end, eventually, for the long pull, over a period of time, over the long haul, in the far term, ultimately, by and by.
    * a la ligera = lightly.
    * a la luz de = in light of, in the light of.
    * a la luz de la luna = by moonlight, in the moonlight, moonlit.
    * a la luz de las estrellas = by starlight.
    * a la luz de las velas = by candlelight, candlelight, candlelit.
    * a la luz del día = in the light of day.
    * a la luz de una lámpara de gas = by gaslight.
    * a la misma altura que = in the same league as.
    * a la moda = trendy [trendier -comp., trendiest -sup.].
    * a la onda = in the know.
    * a la opinión pública = in the public eye.
    * a la par = in concert, in tandem, neck and neck, in a tandem fashion, in parallel.
    * a la par que = in tandem with, hand in hand (with), as the same time as.
    * a la parrilla = grilled, on the grill.
    * a la perfección = superbly.
    * a la plancha = griddled, on the griddle, on the hotplate.
    * a largo plazo = in the long term, over the long term, long-range, in the long run, long-term, over the long run, over the long haul, long-run, in the far term, far-term.
    * a la salida = on the way out.
    * a la sazón = at that time.
    * a las doce del mediodía = at high noon.
    * a la semana = a week, per week.
    * a las mil maravillas = marvellously [marvelously, -USA], famously, like a house on fire.
    * a la sombra de = in the shadow of.
    * a las puertas de = on the threshold of.
    * a la última = hip [hipper -comp., hippest -sup.], on the fast track, hipped.
    * a la vanguardia = on the cutting edge, on the leading edge, in the fast lane, on the fast track, at the leading edge, on the bleeding edge.
    * a la vanguardia de = in the vanguard of, at the forefront of, in the forefront of/in, at the vanguard of.
    * a la velocidad de la luz = at the speed of light.
    * a la velocidad del rayo = at the speed of lightning.
    * a la velocidad del sonido = at the speed of sound.
    * a la venta = on release.
    * a la vez = at once, at one time, at similar times, at the same time, concurrently, side-by-side, simultaneously, at the same instant, in parallel, in tandem, at the one time, in a tandem fashion, at a time, in unison.
    * a la vez que = hand in hand (with), cum, in conjunction with, in unison with.
    * a la vista = in sight, within sight.
    * a la vista de = in light of, in the light of.
    * a la vuelta de = on the return leg of.
    * a la zaga = not far behind, in tow.
    * al azar = lucky draw, lucky dip.
    * al extremo norte = northernmost.
    * al extremo oeste = westernmost.
    * al hacer esto = in doing so.
    * al norte del estado = upstate.
    * a lo extremo = to the extreme.
    * a lo grande = in a big way, big time, grandly, on a grand scale.
    * a lo hecho, pecho = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk, you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.
    * a lo largo de = along, down, throughout.
    * a lo largo de + Expresión Temporal = sometime + Expresión Temporal.
    * a lo largo de la historia = over time.
    * a lo largo de la ruta = along the way.
    * a lo largo del tiempo = longitudinal, longitudinally.
    * a lo largo de todo = the entire length of.
    * a lo largo y ancho del país = countrywide [country-wide].
    * a lo largo y ancho de + Lugar = up and down + Lugar.
    * a lo lejos = in the distance.
    * a lo loco = helter-skelter, like there's no tomorrow.
    * a lo máximo = at best, at most, at the most.
    * a lo mejor = perhaps.
    * a lo que salga = come what may.
    * a los ojos de = in the eyes of.
    * a lo sumo = at best, at most, at the most.
    * al otro lado del atlántico = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del charco = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del océano = across the pond.
    * a lo zombi = zombielike.
    * a mano = by hand, manually, nearby [near-by], handy, within reach, within easy reach.
    * a mano alzada = by a show of hands.
    * a mano derecha de = on the right side of, on the right-hand side of.
    * a manojos = by the handful.
    * a manos de = at the hands of.
    * a marchas forzadas = in a rush, against the clock.
    * a mares = cats and dogs.
    * a más largo plazo = longer-term.
    * a más..., más... = the + Comparativo..., the + Comparativo....
    * a más tardar = at the latest.
    * a mata caballo = in a hurry, hurried, hurriedly, helter-skelter.
    * a media asta = at half-mast, at half staff.
    * a mediados de = in the middle decades of.
    * a mediados de + Fecha = in the mid + Fecha.
    * a mediados de semana = midweek.
    * a media jornada = half-time [half time].
    * a media mañana = mid-morning.
    * a medianoche = at midnight.
    * a medias = half-hearted [halfhearted], qualified.
    * a medias entre... y... = betwixt and between.
    * a medida = custom, bespoke.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que pasaba el tiempo = as time passed (by), as time went by.
    * a medida que pasa el tiempo = as time passes (by).
    * a medida que pasa + Expresión Temporal = as + Expresión Temporal + go by.
    * a medida que + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que se necesite = on demand, on request, as required.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medio abrir = half-opened.
    * a medio camino = halfway [half-way/half way].
    * a medio comprender = half-understood.
    * a medio formar = half-formed.
    * a medio fuego = medium heat.
    * a medio hacer = halfway done, half done.
    * a medio plazo = medium-term, near-term, in the medium term, in the mid-term, mid-term [midterm].
    * a medio rimar = half-rhymed.
    * a medio vestir = half dressed.
    * a menor escala = at a reduced rate.
    * a menos que = unless, short of.
    * a menudo = oftentimes [often times], ofttimes [oft-times].
    * a merced de = at the mercy of.
    * a mí = me.
    * a mi entender = to my mind.
    * a mi modo de ver = in my books.
    * a mi parecer = to my mind, methinks, in my books.
    * a mitad de = half way through, halfway through.
    * a mitad de camino = halfway [half-way/half way].
    * a mitad de camino entre... y... = midway between, half way between... and....
    * a mitad de camino entre... y... = astride... and....
    * a mitad de precio = at half price.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * a modo de = by way of, in the vein of, as a kind of.
    * a modo de aclaración = in parenthesis, on a sidenote.
    * a modo de advertencia = cautionary.
    * a modo de ejemplo = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de explicación = parenthetically.
    * a modo de ilustración = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de inciso = in passing, by the way of (a) digression.
    * a modo de paréntesis = parenthetical.
    * a modo de prólogo = prefatory.
    * a modo de resumen = wrap-up.
    * a mogollón = aplenty [a-plenty].
    * a montón = aplenty [a-plenty].
    * a montones = in droves, by the sackful.
    * a muchos niveles = many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * a muerte = bitter, bitterly.
    * a nadie le importa nada = nobody + gives a damn.
    * a nivel de barrio = neighbourhood-based.
    * a nivel de calle = on the ground level.
    * a nivel de la calle = at ground level.
    * a nivel del suelo = at ground level.
    * a nivel estatal = statewide [state-wide].
    * a nivel federal = federally, federally.
    * a nivel individual = privately.
    * a nivel local = locally, domestically.
    * a nivel multicultural = multi-culturally [multiculturally].
    * a nivel mundial = worldwide [world-wide], globally.
    * a nivel nacional = nationally, domestically, countrywide [country-wide].
    * a nivel privado = privately.
    * a nivel regional = regionally.
    * a nombre de = payable to.
    * a no ser que = unless.
    * a nosotros = us.
    * a ojo = ocular.
    * a ojos vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * a orillas del océano = oceanfront.
    * a orillas del río = riverfront.
    * a orillas de un lago = lakeside, lakefront, by the lakeside.
    * a otro sitio = somewhere else.
    * a pares = in pairs.
    * a partes iguales = share and share alike, in equal measure(s).
    * a partir de = on the basis of, based on, working from, from, on a diet of, in response to.
    * a partir de ahora = from now on, from this point on, henceforth, as of now.
    * a partir de ahora y durante + Cuantificador + años = for + Cuantificador + years to come.
    * a partir de aquí = hereupon.
    * a partir de ello = therefrom.
    * a partir de entonces = from this time on, hereafter, thereafter, whereafter, from then on, thenceforth, henceforth, from that moment on.
    * a partir de ese momento = from that moment on.
    * a partir de este momento = hereinafter.
    * a partir de esto = on this basis, on that basis.
    * a partir de + Fecha = from + Fecha, effective + Fecha.
    * a partir de hoy = as from today.
    * a partir de la medianoche = late night.
    * a partir de los títulos = title-based.
    * a paso de tortuga = at a snail's pace.
    * a paso ligero = on the double.
    * a pasos agigantados = at an exponential rate, at exponential rates, by leaps and bounds.
    * a pedir de boca = without a hitch.
    * a pequeña escala = in a small way, small scale [small-scale].
    * a perpetuidad = in perpetuity.
    * a pesar de (que) = albeit (that), despite, in spite of, notwithstanding, although, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that.
    * a pesar de todo = all the same, in spite of everything, despite everything, despite it all, in spite of it all, all this said.
    * a pesar de todo + Posesivo + Nombre = for all + Posesivo + Nombre.
    * a petición de = at the request of, at the urging of, at the behest of.
    * a petición del usuario = on demand, on request.
    * a petición popular = by popular demand.
    * a pie = on foot, afoot, dismounted.
    * a pilas = battery-operated.
    * a pique = sinking.
    * a placer = at will.
    * a plena luz del día = in broad daylight.
    * a poca distancia = not far behind.
    * a poca distancia andando = within walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a poca distancia a pie = within an easy walk, within walking distance.
    * a pocos minutos andando = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a pocos minutos a pie = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a porrillo = by the handful.
    * a + Posesivo + aire = to + Posesivo + heart's content.
    * a + Posesivo + alcance = in the ballpark for + Pronombre, in + Posesivo + ballpark range.
    * a + Posesivo + costa = at + Posesivo + expense.
    * a + Posesivo + cuidado = in + Posesivo + safekeeping.
    * a + Posesivo + discreción = at will, at + Posesivo + discretion.
    * a + Posesivo + disposición = at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * a + Posesivo + entender = to the best of + Posesivo + belief.
    * a + Posesivo + espaldas = behind + Posesivo + back.
    * a + Posesivo + expensas = at + Posesivo + expense.
    * a + Posesivo + favor = in + Posesivo + favour, to + Posesivo + credit.
    * a + Posesivo + juicio = in + Posesivo + estimation.
    * a + Posesivo + manera = in + Posesivo + own way.
    * a + Posesivo + saber = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge.
    * a + Posesivo + saber y entender = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge and belief.
    * a + Posesivo + servicio = at + Posesivo + service.
    * a + Posesivo + sorprender = much to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * a + Posesivo + vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * a posteriori = reactive, in retrospect, after-the-fact, hindsight, with hindsight, a posteriori, in hindsight.
    * a precio de coste = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de costo = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de ganga = at a steal.
    * a precio especial = at reduced cost, discounted, cut-rate, cut-price.
    * a precio razonable = at reasonable cost(s).
    * a precio reducido = at a discount.
    * a precios competitivos = competitively priced.
    * a precios especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a precios razonables = at affordable prices.
    * a presión = pressurised [pressurized, -USA].
    * a primera hora de la mañana = first thing in the morning.
    * a primera hora de + Período del Día = first thing + Período del Día.
    * a primeras horas de la tarde = late afternoon.
    * a primera vista = on first acquaintance, at first sight, on first inspection, on the face of it, at first blush, at first glance, on the surface, prima facie, first-blush.
    * a primeros de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de los + Década = early + Década, the.
    * a priori = proactive [pro-active], foresight, a priori, on the surface.
    * a prisa = quickly.
    * a propósito = deliberate, for the record, incidentally, intentionally, by the way, in passing, anecdotally, purposely, by design, on purpose, wilfully [willfully, -USA], on a sidenote, studiously, by the way of (a) digression, by the by(e), speaking of which, designedly.
    * a propósito de = apropos of.
    * a propósito de nada = for no specific reason, for no particular reason.
    * a prueba = on trial.
    * a prueba de bombas = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA], bomb-proof.
    * a prueba de conejos = rabbit-proof.
    * a prueba de fallos = fail-safe.
    * a prueba de incendios = fireproof [fire-proof].
    * a prueba de niños = childproof.
    * a prueba de robos = theft proof.
    * a prueba de tornados = tornado proof.
    * a prueba de un tratamiento duro = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA].
    * a prueba de viento = windproof.
    * a puerta cerrada = behind closed doors.
    * a punta de pistola = at gunpoint.
    * a punto de = on the verge of, a heartbeat away from.
    * a punto de + Infinitivo = about to + Infinitivo.
    * a punto de irse a pique = on the rocks.
    * a punto de morir = on + Posesivo + deathbed.
    * a puñados = by the sackful, by the handful.
    * a quemarropa = point blank.
    * a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda = the early bird catches the worm.
    * a quienquiera que = whomever.
    * a rachas = by fits and starts.
    * a ráfagas = in bursts.
    * a raíz de = in the wake of.
    * a rajatabla = to the letter.
    * a ras de = flush with.
    * a ras de la calle = ground-floor.
    * a ras del suelo = at ground level.
    * a rastras = in tow.
    * a ratos = intermittently.
    * a reacción = jet-assisted.
    * a rebosar (de) = jam-packed (with), filled to capacity.
    * a regañadientes = grudgingly, grudging, begrudgingly, unwillingly, reluctantly.
    * a régimen = on a diet.
    * a remolque = in tow.
    * a reventar (de) = jam-packed (with), filled to capacity.
    * a saber = namely, viz, to wit.
    * a sabiendas = knowing, knowingly, wilfully [willfully, -USA].
    * a sabiendas de que = on the understanding that.
    * a sacudidas = jerkily.
    * a saltitos = jerky [jerkier -comp., jerkiest -sup.].
    * a salvo = in a safe place, in safekeeping, out of harm's way.
    * a sangre fría = cold-blooded.
    * a ser posible = if possible.
    * a simple vista = by the naked eye, superficially, on first thought.
    * a solas = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * a su debido tiempo = in due course, timely, in due time.
    * a sueldo = paid.
    * a su precio normal = at full price.
    * a su propio ritmo = at an individual pace.
    * a su tiempo = in a timely fashion, in due course, in a timely manner.
    * a su vez = Verbo + further, in turn, in its/their turn.
    * a tal efecto = to this effect.
    * a tales efectos = hereto.
    * a tarifa reducida = at reduced cost.
    * a tarifas especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a temperatura ambiente = at room temperature.
    * a tener en cuenta en el futuro = for future reference.
    * a tenor de = in light of, in the face of, in the light of, in view of.
    * a ti = you, thee.
    * a tiempo = in timely fashion, on time, promptly, timely, just in time, in time.
    * a tiempo completo = full-time.
    * a tiempo parcial = part-time.
    * a tientas = in the dark.
    * a tientas y a ciegas = blindly, in the dark.
    * a ti mismo = yourself, thyself.
    * a tiro = within gunshot, within range.
    * a tirones = jerky [jerkier -comp., jerkiest -sup.].
    * a título de = by way of, for the sake of.
    * a título gratuito = gratuitous.
    * a título personal = in a personal capacity, in a private capacity.
    * a toda costa = absolutely, at all costs, come what may, at any cost, at any price.
    * a toda máquina = in the fast lane, fast lane, full steam ahead, at full tilt, full-tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda marcha = at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda mecha = at a rate of knots, full steam ahead, at full blast, at full throttle, at top speed, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda pasta = at a rate of knots.
    * a toda pastilla = in the fast lane, on the fast track, fast lane, overdrive, full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at a rate of knots, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda prueba = unswerving.
    * a todas horas = at all hours, around the clock.
    * a todas luces = patently.
    * a todas partes = far and wide.
    * a toda velocidad = full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a todo alrededor = all round.
    * a todo color = full-colour, in full colour.
    * a todo gas = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo lo largo de = the length of.
    * a todo meter = full steam ahead, at full stretch, at full speed, at full blast, at top speed, at full throttle.
    * a todo ritmo = in full swing, in full force, in full gear.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a todos los efectos = to all intents and purposes, to all intents, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a todos nosotros = us all.
    * a todos por igual = one size fits all.
    * a todo vapor = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo volumen = at full blast.
    * a tontas y a ciegas = headlong, runaway.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * a tope = packed to capacity, in the fast lane, fast lane, choc-a-block, chock-full, in full swing, in full gear, packed to the rafters.
    * a trancas y barrancas = with great difficulty, by fits and starts.
    * a través de = by way of, in the form of, through, via, out of, through the agency of.
    * a través de Internet = Internet-based, Web-based, Web-supported.
    * a través de la historia = over time.
    * a través de la TI = IT-enabled.
    * a través de la web = Web-based, Web-supported.
    * a través de los años = over the years, down the years.
    * a través de los ojos de = through the eyes of.
    * a través de los siglos = over the centuries.
    * a través del teléfono = call-in.
    * a través del tiempo = over time.
    * a través de operador = operator-assisted.
    * a tres bandas = three pronged.
    * a tres niveles = three-tiered.
    * a troche y moche = like there's no tomorrow.
    * a trompicones = by fits and starts.
    * a tropezones = falteringly, hesitantly, haltingly, jerkily.
    * a trozos = piecewise.
    * ¡A tu salud! = Here's to you!.
    * a última hora = at the last minute, at the eleventh hour, last minute [last-minute], at the very last minute, at the very last moment, at the very last.
    * a últimas horas de la tarde = late evening.
    [b]* a últ
    * * *
    a femenino (pl aes) ( read as [a]) the letter A, a
    * * *
    = for, per, to.

    Ex: The fine policy matrix corresponds to the loan policy matrix, cell for cell.

    Ex: Indexing can thus be achieved at a detailed level, with often many terms per document, with almost no indexing effort.
    Ex: Accessibility to the documents stored in files is an important factor, so the physical storage is important.
    * a + Adjetivo + escala = on a + Adjetivo + scale.
    * a alguna parte = someplace.
    * a alta presión = high-pressured, high-pressure.
    * a altas horas de la noche = late at night.
    * a ambas orillas del Atlántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de = on either side of.
    * a ambos lados del Altántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de + Lugar = on both sides of + Lugar.
    * a años luz de = light years away from.
    * a bajas temperaturas = at low temperature.
    * a bajo coste = low-cost.
    * a bajo costo = low-cost.
    * a bajo nivel = low-level.
    * a bajo precio = lower-cost, at a low price, on the cheap.
    * a base de = in the form of, on a diet of.
    * a base de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
    * a base de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a base de errores = the hard way.
    * a boca de jarro = at close range.
    * a bocajarro = point blank.
    * a bombo y platillo = fanfare, with a bang.
    * a bordo = aboard, on board ship.
    * a bordo de = aboard, onboard.
    * a bordo de un barco = shipboard, on board ship.
    * a buen recaudo = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * a caballo = on horseback, astride.
    * a caballo entre = astride... and..., midway between.
    * a caballo entre... y... = half way between... and....
    * a caballo regalado no se le mira el diente = never look a gift horse in the mouth.
    * a cada rato = every so often, every now and then, every now and again, every once in a while.
    * a cambio = in return.
    * a cambio de = in exchange for, in return for.
    * a cambio de nada = for nothing.
    * a cántaros = cats and dogs.
    * a cargo = in the saddle.
    * a cargo (de) = charged with, in charge (of), at the helm (of).
    * a cargo de Alguien = under supervision.
    * a cargo de las riendas = in the saddle.
    * a cargo del ayuntamiento = local authority-run.
    * a cargo del gobierno = government-operated, government-run.
    * a cargo de una sola persona = one-man band.
    * a cargo de voluntarios = volunteer-run.
    * a chorros = profusely.
    * a ciegas = blindfold, blindly, blindfolded, in the dark.
    * a ciencia cierta = for sure, for certain.
    * a cierta distancia = some distance away.
    * a cierta distancia de = off.
    * a cierta distancia de la costa = offshore.
    * a cierta distancia del litoral = offshore.
    * a cobro revertido = reverse charges.
    * a color = multi-colour [multi-color -USA].
    * a comienzos de + Expresión Temporal = early + Expresión Temporal, the.
    * a comienzos de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha, in the early part of + Fecha.
    * a comienzos de + Período de Tiempo = by the turn of + Período de Tiempo, at the turn of + Período de Tiempo.
    * a conciencia = deliberately, wilfully [willfully, -USA], by design, on purpose.
    * a condición de que + Subjuntivo = provided (that), providing (that), as long as.
    * a contenido enriquecido = content-enriched.
    * a continuación = next, then, in the following, herewith.
    * a continuación se enumeran = given below.
    * a contracorriente = against the grain.
    * a contraluz = against the light.
    * a contrapelo = against the grain, against the nap.
    * a coro = with one voice, in unison.
    * a corto plazo = before very long, short term [short-term], in the short run, short-range, at short notice, in the short term, short-run.
    * a costa de = at the cost of, at the expense of, at + Nombre's + expense, at cost of.
    * a costa de mucho = at (a) great expense.
    * a costa de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a costa de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a criterio de = at the discretion of.
    * a cualquier hora = anytime, around the clock.
    * a cualquier hora del día o de la noche = at any hour of the day or night, at any time of the day or night.
    * a cualquier precio = at any cost, at all costs, at any price.
    * a cuatro aguas = hipped.
    * a cuatro patas = on all fours, on four legs.
    * a cuenta de = at the expense of.
    * a cuenta de la empresa = at company expense.
    * a cuenta de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a cuenta de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a cuenta propia = at + Posesivo + expense, at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * a cuerpo de rey = the lap of luxury.
    * a cuestas = in tow.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * a decir verdad = to tell the truth, if the truth be known, if the truth be told, in all truth, in truth, fact is, the fact is (that), to be fair.
    * a decir verdad... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * a demanda = pro re nata.
    * a deshora(s) = at odd times, out of hours.
    * a día de hoy = as of today.
    * a diario = every day.
    * a diestro y siniestro = like there's no tomorrow.
    * a dieta = on a diet.
    * a diferencia de = apart from, as opposed to, in contradistinction to, as contrasted with, in contrast (to/with), quite apart from, in sharp contrast (with).
    * a diferencia de + Nombre = unlike + Nombre.
    * a diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * a discreción = at will, no holds barred.
    * a disgusto = unwillingly, reluctantly.
    * a disposición de = at the disposal of.
    * a distancia = remote, remotely, distantly.
    * a doble espacio = double-spaced.
    * a domicilio = domiciliary.
    * ¿a dónde se dirige(n)...? = whither?.
    * ¿a dónde va(n)...? = whither?.
    * ¿a dónde vas? = quo vadis, whither thou goest.
    * a dos niveles = two-tier.
    * a dos velas = skint, penniless, broke.
    * a duras penas = with great difficulty.
    * a efectos de = in terms of, for the purpose of + Nombre.
    * a efectos prácticos = to all intents and purposes, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes, to all intents.
    * a él = him.
    * a ellos = them.
    * a escala = drawn-to-scale.
    * a escala industrial = on an industrial scale, industrial-scale.
    * a escala mundial = globally, on a global scale.
    * a escala natural = full-scale.
    * a escondidas = by stealth, stealthily, furtively, on the quiet, on the sly.
    * a eso = thereto.
    * a espaldas de = out of sight of.
    * a estas alturas = by now.
    * a este fin = to this end.
    * a este paso = at this rate.
    * a este respecto = in this respect.
    * a este ritmo = at this rate.
    * a estrenar = brand new.
    * a examen = under the microscope.
    * a excepción de = barring, except for, excepting, other than, with the exception of, short of.
    * a excepción de que = except that.
    * a excepción de uno = with one exception.
    * a expensas de = at the expense of, at + Nombre's + expense.
    * a expensas de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a expensas de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a + Expresión Temporal = as of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a falta de = for want of, in the absence of, in default of, for lack of, short of.
    * a favor = in favour.
    * a favor de = in favour of.
    * a favor de la decisión personal sobre el aborto = pro-choice.
    * a favor de la esclavitud = pro-slavery.
    * a favor de la raza negra = pro-black [problack].
    * a favor de la vida humana = pro-life.
    * a favor y en contra = pro and con.
    * a + Fecha = as per + Fecha.
    * a finales de = by the end of, at the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a finales de + Expresión Temporal = as of late + Expresión Temporal, at the end of + Expresión Temporal, by the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a finales de + Fecha = in the late + Fecha, in late + Fecha.
    * a finales de los + Década = late + Década, the.
    * a finales del + Siglo = late + Siglo, late period of + Siglo.
    * a fin de cuentas = at the end of the day, in the end, in the final count, in the grand scheme of things, when all is said and done, after all is said and done.
    * a fondo = fully, thoroughly, full-scale.
    * a fondo perdido = non-refundable.
    * ¡a freír espárragos! = on your bike!.
    * a fuerza de = by dint of.
    * a fuerza de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a fuerza de errores = the hard way.
    * a gas = gas-powered.
    * a gatas = on all fours.
    * a grandes rasgos = broadly, rough draft.
    * a granel = in bulk.
    * a gran escala = large scale [large-scale], massive, on a wide scale, high-volume, wide-scale, on a broad scale, in a big way, on a grand scale.
    * a gran velocidad = at great speed.
    * a grito limpio = at the top of + Posesivo + voice.
    * a grito pelado = at the top of + Posesivo + voice.
    * a gritos = vociferously.
    * a groso modo = crudely.
    * a grosso modo = roughly, rough draft.
    * a gusto = at ease, at leisure.
    * a gusto de = to the liking of, at the pleasure of.
    * a horcajadas = astride.
    * a hurtadillas = surreptitiously, by stealth, stealthily, furtively, on the sly.
    * a imitación de lo clásico = classicising [classicizing, -USA], classicised [classicized, -USA].
    * a iniciativa de = at the initiative of.
    * a iniciativas del gobierno = government-led.
    * a instancia de = at the urging of.
    * a instancias de = at the instigation of, at the behest of, under the auspices of.
    * a intervalos = at intervals.
    * a intervalos + Adjetivo = at + Adjetivo + intervals.
    * a intervalos semanales = at weekly intervals.
    * a invitación de = at the invitation of.
    * a jabón = soapy [soapier -comp., soapiest -sup.].
    * a juicio = on trial.
    * a juicio público = in the public eye.
    * a juzgar por = to judge by, judging by, judging from.
    * a la acuarela = water-coloured [water-colored, -USA].
    * a la alcaldía = mayoral.
    * a la altura de = of the stature of, equal to.
    * a la altura de la cintura = waist high, waist deep.
    * a la altura de la rodilla = knee-high.
    * a la altura de los hombros = shoulder-high.
    * a la anchura de los hombros = shoulder-width.
    * a la anochecida = at nightfall.
    * a la antigua = old-style.
    * a la antigua usanza = old-style.
    * a la atención de = c/o (care of).
    * a la baja = on the wane.
    * a la brasa = grilled.
    * a la buena de Dios = out in the cold.
    * a la cabeza de = in the forefront of/in.
    * a la caída de la noche = at nightfall, at twilight.
    * a la caída de la tarde = at twilight.
    * a la carta = a la carte.
    * a la defensiva = on the defensive.
    * a la derecha = at the right.
    * a la derecha de = on the right side of, on the right-hand side of.
    * a la deriva = rudderless.
    * a la discreción de = at the discretion of.
    * a la disposición de Alguien = at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * a la expectativa de = on the lookout for, on the alert for.
    * a la + Expresión Temporal = a + Expresión Temporal.
    * a la fuerza = forcefully, of necessity, forcibly, compulsorily.
    * a la fuga = on the run, on the lam.
    * a la hora de + Infinitivo = when it came to + Gerundio, when it comes to + Gerundio.
    * a la hora de la verdad = when push comes to shove, if it comes to the crunch, when it comes to the crunch, when the worst comes to the worst, if the worst comes to the worst, when the crunch comes to the crunch, if the crunch comes to the crunch.
    * a la hora del café = at coffee.
    * a la intemperie = in the open, exposed.
    * a la inversa = mirror-fashion, mirror image, in reverse.
    * a la izquierda = at the left.
    * a la larga = in the long term, over the long term, in the end, eventually, for the long pull, over a period of time, over the long haul, in the far term, ultimately, by and by.
    * a la ligera = lightly.
    * a la luz de = in light of, in the light of.
    * a la luz de la luna = by moonlight, in the moonlight, moonlit.
    * a la luz de las estrellas = by starlight.
    * a la luz de las velas = by candlelight, candlelight, candlelit.
    * a la luz del día = in the light of day.
    * a la luz de una lámpara de gas = by gaslight.
    * a la mano de = available at the fingertips of.
    * a la misma altura que = in the same league as.
    * a la moda = trendy [trendier -comp., trendiest -sup.].
    * a la onda = in the know.
    * a la opinión pública = in the public eye.
    * a la par = in concert, in tandem, neck and neck, in a tandem fashion, in parallel.
    * a la par que = in tandem with, hand in hand (with), as the same time as.
    * a la parrilla = grilled, on the grill.
    * a la perfección = superbly.
    * a la plancha = griddled, on the griddle, on the hotplate.
    * a largo plazo = in the long term, over the long term, long-range, in the long run, long-term, over the long run, over the long haul, long-run, in the far term, far-term.
    * a la salida = on the way out.
    * a la sazón = at that time.
    * a las doce del mediodía = at high noon.
    * a la semana = a week, per week.
    * a las mil maravillas = marvellously [marvelously, -USA], famously, like a house on fire.
    * a la sombra de = in the shadow of.
    * a las puertas de = on the threshold of.
    * a la última = hip [hipper -comp., hippest -sup.], on the fast track, hipped.
    * a la vanguardia = on the cutting edge, on the leading edge, in the fast lane, on the fast track, at the leading edge, on the bleeding edge.
    * a la vanguardia de = in the vanguard of, at the forefront of, in the forefront of/in, at the vanguard of.
    * a la velocidad de la luz = at the speed of light.
    * a la velocidad del rayo = at the speed of lightning.
    * a la velocidad del sonido = at the speed of sound.
    * a la venta = on release.
    * a la vez = at once, at one time, at similar times, at the same time, concurrently, side-by-side, simultaneously, at the same instant, in parallel, in tandem, at the one time, in a tandem fashion, at a time, in unison.
    * a la vez que = hand in hand (with), cum, in conjunction with, in unison with.
    * a la vista = in sight, within sight.
    * a la vista de = in light of, in the light of.
    * a la vuelta de = on the return leg of.
    * a la zaga = not far behind, in tow.
    * al azar = lucky draw, lucky dip.
    * al extremo norte = northernmost.
    * al extremo oeste = westernmost.
    * al hacer esto = in doing so.
    * al norte del estado = upstate.
    * a lo extremo = to the extreme.
    * a lo grande = in a big way, big time, grandly, on a grand scale.
    * a lo hecho, pecho = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk, you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.
    * a lo largo de = along, down, throughout.
    * a lo largo de + Expresión Temporal = sometime + Expresión Temporal.
    * a lo largo de la historia = over time.
    * a lo largo de la ruta = along the way.
    * a lo largo del tiempo = longitudinal, longitudinally.
    * a lo largo de todo = the entire length of.
    * a lo largo y ancho del país = countrywide [country-wide].
    * a lo largo y ancho de + Lugar = up and down + Lugar.
    * a lo lejos = in the distance.
    * a lo loco = helter-skelter, like there's no tomorrow.
    * a lo máximo = at best, at most, at the most.
    * a lo mejor = perhaps.
    * a lo que salga = come what may.
    * a los ojos de = in the eyes of.
    * a lo sumo = at best, at most, at the most.
    * al otro lado del atlántico = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del charco = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del océano = across the pond.
    * a lo zombi = zombielike.
    * a mano = by hand, manually, nearby [near-by], handy, within reach, within easy reach.
    * a mano alzada = by a show of hands.
    * a mano derecha de = on the right side of, on the right-hand side of.
    * a manojos = by the handful.
    * a manos de = at the hands of.
    * a marchas forzadas = in a rush, against the clock.
    * a mares = cats and dogs.
    * a más largo plazo = longer-term.
    * a más..., más... = the + Comparativo..., the + Comparativo....
    * a más tardar = at the latest.
    * a mata caballo = in a hurry, hurried, hurriedly, helter-skelter.
    * a media asta = at half-mast, at half staff.
    * a mediados de = in the middle decades of.
    * a mediados de + Fecha = in the mid + Fecha.
    * a mediados de semana = midweek.
    * a media jornada = half-time [half time].
    * a media mañana = mid-morning.
    * a medianoche = at midnight.
    * a medias = half-hearted [halfhearted], qualified.
    * a medias entre... y... = betwixt and between.
    * a medida = custom, bespoke.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que pasaba el tiempo = as time passed (by), as time went by.
    * a medida que pasa el tiempo = as time passes (by).
    * a medida que pasa + Expresión Temporal = as + Expresión Temporal + go by.
    * a medida que + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que se necesite = on demand, on request, as required.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medio abrir = half-opened.
    * a medio camino = halfway [half-way/half way].
    * a medio comprender = half-understood.
    * a medio formar = half-formed.
    * a medio fuego = medium heat.
    * a medio hacer = halfway done, half done.
    * a medio plazo = medium-term, near-term, in the medium term, in the mid-term, mid-term [midterm].
    * a medio rimar = half-rhymed.
    * a medio vestir = half dressed.
    * a menor escala = at a reduced rate.
    * a menos que = unless, short of.
    * a menudo = oftentimes [often times], ofttimes [oft-times].
    * a merced de = at the mercy of.
    * a mí = me.
    * a mi entender = to my mind.
    * a mi modo de ver = in my books.
    * a mi parecer = to my mind, methinks, in my books.
    * a mitad de = half way through, halfway through.
    * a mitad de camino = halfway [half-way/half way].
    * a mitad de camino entre... y... = midway between, half way between... and....
    * a mitad de camino entre... y... = astride... and....
    * a mitad de precio = at half price.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * a modo de = by way of, in the vein of, as a kind of.
    * a modo de aclaración = in parenthesis, on a sidenote.
    * a modo de advertencia = cautionary.
    * a modo de ejemplo = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de explicación = parenthetically.
    * a modo de ilustración = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de inciso = in passing, by the way of (a) digression.
    * a modo de paréntesis = parenthetical.
    * a modo de prólogo = prefatory.
    * a modo de resumen = wrap-up.
    * a mogollón = aplenty [a-plenty].
    * a montón = aplenty [a-plenty].
    * a montones = in droves, by the sackful.
    * a muchos niveles = many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * a muerte = bitter, bitterly.
    * a nadie le importa nada = nobody + gives a damn.
    * a nivel de barrio = neighbourhood-based.
    * a nivel de calle = on the ground level.
    * a nivel de la calle = at ground level.
    * a nivel del suelo = at ground level.
    * a nivel estatal = statewide [state-wide].
    * a nivel federal = federally, federally.
    * a nivel individual = privately.
    * a nivel local = locally, domestically.
    * a nivel multicultural = multi-culturally [multiculturally].
    * a nivel mundial = worldwide [world-wide], globally.
    * a nivel nacional = nationally, domestically, countrywide [country-wide].
    * a nivel privado = privately.
    * a nivel regional = regionally.
    * a nombre de = payable to.
    * a no ser que = unless.
    * a nosotros = us.
    * a ojo = ocular.
    * a ojos vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * a orillas del océano = oceanfront.
    * a orillas del río = riverfront.
    * a orillas de un lago = lakeside, lakefront, by the lakeside.
    * a otro sitio = somewhere else.
    * a pares = in pairs.
    * a partes iguales = share and share alike, in equal measure(s).
    * a partir de = on the basis of, based on, working from, from, on a diet of, in response to.
    * a partir de ahora = from now on, from this point on, henceforth, as of now.
    * a partir de ahora y durante + Cuantificador + años = for + Cuantificador + years to come.
    * a partir de aquí = hereupon.
    * a partir de ello = therefrom.
    * a partir de entonces = from this time on, hereafter, thereafter, whereafter, from then on, thenceforth, henceforth, from that moment on.
    * a partir de ese momento = from that moment on.
    * a partir de este momento = hereinafter.
    * a partir de esto = on this basis, on that basis.
    * a partir de + Fecha = from + Fecha, effective + Fecha.
    * a partir de hoy = as from today.
    * a partir de la medianoche = late night.
    * a partir de los títulos = title-based.
    * a paso de tortuga = at a snail's pace.
    * a paso ligero = on the double.
    * a pasos agigantados = at an exponential rate, at exponential rates, by leaps and bounds.
    * a pedir de boca = without a hitch.
    * a pequeña escala = in a small way, small scale [small-scale].
    * a perpetuidad = in perpetuity.
    * a pesar de (que) = albeit (that), despite, in spite of, notwithstanding, although, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that.
    * a pesar de todo = all the same, in spite of everything, despite everything, despite it all, in spite of it all, all this said.
    * a pesar de todo + Posesivo + Nombre = for all + Posesivo + Nombre.
    * a petición de = at the request of, at the urging of, at the behest of.
    * a petición del usuario = on demand, on request.
    * a petición popular = by popular demand.
    * a pie = on foot, afoot, dismounted.
    * a pilas = battery-operated.
    * a pique = sinking.
    * a placer = at will.
    * a plena luz del día = in broad daylight.
    * a poca distancia = not far behind.
    * a poca distancia andando = within walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a poca distancia a pie = within an easy walk, within walking distance.
    * a pocos minutos andando = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a pocos minutos a pie = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a porrillo = by the handful.
    * a + Posesivo + aire = to + Posesivo + heart's content.
    * a + Posesivo + alcance = in the ballpark for + Pronombre, in + Posesivo + ballpark range.
    * a + Posesivo + costa = at + Posesivo + expense.
    * a + Posesivo + cuidado = in + Posesivo + safekeeping.
    * a + Posesivo + discreción = at will, at + Posesivo + discretion.
    * a + Posesivo + disposición = at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * a + Posesivo + entender = to the best of + Posesivo + belief.
    * a + Posesivo + espaldas = behind + Posesivo + back.
    * a + Posesivo + expensas = at + Posesivo + expense.
    * a + Posesivo + favor = in + Posesivo + favour, to + Posesivo + credit.
    * a + Posesivo + juicio = in + Posesivo + estimation.
    * a + Posesivo + manera = in + Posesivo + own way.
    * a + Posesivo + saber = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge.
    * a + Posesivo + saber y entender = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge and belief.
    * a + Posesivo + servicio = at + Posesivo + service.
    * a + Posesivo + sorprender = much to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * a + Posesivo + vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * a posteriori = reactive, in retrospect, after-the-fact, hindsight, with hindsight, a posteriori, in hindsight.
    * a precio de coste = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de costo = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de ganga = at a steal.
    * a precio especial = at reduced cost, discounted, cut-rate, cut-price.
    * a precio razonable = at reasonable cost(s).
    * a precio reducido = at a discount.
    * a precios competitivos = competitively priced.
    * a precios especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a precios razonables = at affordable prices.
    * a presión = pressurised [pressurized, -USA].
    * a primera hora de la mañana = first thing in the morning.
    * a primera hora de + Período del Día = first thing + Período del Día.
    * a primeras horas de la tarde = late afternoon.
    * a primera vista = on first acquaintance, at first sight, on first inspection, on the face of it, at first blush, at first glance, on the surface, prima facie, first-blush.
    * a primeros de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de los + Década = early + Década, the.
    * a priori = proactive [pro-active], foresight, a priori, on the surface.
    * a prisa = quickly.
    * a propósito = deliberate, for the record, incidentally, intentionally, by the way, in passing, anecdotally, purposely, by design, on purpose, wilfully [willfully, -USA], on a sidenote, studiously, by the way of (a) digression, by the by(e), speaking of which, designedly.
    * a propósito de = apropos of.
    * a propósito de nada = for no specific reason, for no particular reason.
    * a prueba = on trial.
    * a prueba de bombas = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA], bomb-proof.
    * a prueba de conejos = rabbit-proof.
    * a prueba de fallos = fail-safe.
    * a prueba de incendios = fireproof [fire-proof].
    * a prueba de niños = childproof.
    * a prueba de robos = theft proof.
    * a prueba de tornados = tornado proof.
    * a prueba de un tratamiento duro = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA].
    * a prueba de viento = windproof.
    * a puerta cerrada = behind closed doors.
    * a punta de pistola = at gunpoint.
    * a punto de = on the verge of, a heartbeat away from.
    * a punto de + Infinitivo = about to + Infinitivo.
    * a punto de irse a pique = on the rocks.
    * a punto de morir = on + Posesivo + deathbed.
    * a puñados = by the sackful, by the handful.
    * a quemarropa = point blank.
    * a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda = the early bird catches the worm.
    * a quienquiera que = whomever.
    * a rachas = by fits and starts.
    * a ráfagas = in bursts.
    * a raíz de = in the wake of.
    * a rajatabla = to the letter.
    * a ras de = flush with.
    * a ras de la calle = ground-floor.
    * a ras del suelo = at ground level.
    * a rastras = in tow.
    * a ratos = intermittently.
    * a reacción = jet-assisted.
    * a rebosar (de) = jam-packed (with), filled to capacity.
    * a regañadientes = grudgingly, grudging, begrudgingly, unwillingly, reluctantly.
    * a régimen = on a diet.
    * a remolque = in tow.
    * a reventar (de) = jam-packed (with), filled to capacity.
    * a saber = namely, viz, to wit.
    * a sabiendas = knowing, knowingly, wilfully [willfully, -USA].
    * a sabiendas de que = on the understanding that.
    * a sacudidas = jerkily.
    * a saltitos = jerky [jerkier -comp., jerkiest -sup.].
    * a salvo = in a safe place, in safekeeping, out of harm's way.
    * a sangre fría = cold-blooded.
    * a ser posible = if possible.
    * a simple vista = by the naked eye, superficially, on first thought.
    * a solas = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * a su debido tiempo = in due course, timely, in due time.
    * a sueldo = paid.
    * a su precio normal = at full price.
    * a su propio ritmo = at an individual pace.
    * a su tiempo = in a timely fashion, in due course, in a timely manner.
    * a su vez = Verbo + further, in turn, in its/their turn.
    * a tal efecto = to this effect.
    * a tales efectos = hereto.
    * a tarifa reducida = at reduced cost.
    * a tarifas especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a temperatura ambiente = at room temperature.
    * a tener en cuenta en el futuro = for future reference.
    * a tenor de = in light of, in the face of, in the light of, in view of.
    * a ti = you, thee.
    * a tiempo = in timely fashion, on time, promptly, timely, just in time, in time.
    * a tiempo completo = full-time.
    * a tiempo parcial = part-time.
    * a tientas = in the dark.
    * a tientas y a ciegas = blindly, in the dark.
    * a ti mismo = yourself, thyself.
    * a tiro = within gunshot, within range.
    * a tirones = jerky [jerkier -comp., jerkiest -sup.].
    * a título de = by way of, for the sake of.
    * a título gratuito = gratuitous.
    * a título personal = in a personal capacity, in a private capacity.
    * a toda costa = absolutely, at all costs, come what may, at any cost, at any price.
    * a toda máquina = in the fast lane, fast lane, full steam ahead, at full tilt, full-tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda marcha = at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda mecha = at a rate of knots, full steam ahead, at full blast, at full throttle, at top speed, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda pasta = at a rate of knots.
    * a toda pastilla = in the fast lane, on the fast track, fast lane, overdrive, full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at a rate of knots, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda prueba = unswerving.
    * a todas horas = at all hours, around the clock.
    * a todas luces = patently.
    * a todas partes = far and wide.
    * a toda velocidad = full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a todo alrededor = all round.
    * a todo color = full-colour, in full colour.
    * a todo gas = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo lo largo de = the length of.
    * a todo meter = full steam ahead, at full stretch, at full speed, at full blast, at top speed, at full throttle.
    * a todo ritmo = in full swing, in full force, in full gear.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a todos los efectos = to all intents and purposes, to all intents, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a todos nosotros = us all.
    * a todos por igual = one size fits all.
    * a todo vapor = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo volumen = at full blast.
    * a tontas y a ciegas = headlong, runaway.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * a tope = packed to capacity, in the fast lane, fast lane, choc-a-block, chock-full, in full swing, in full gear, packed to the rafters.
    * a trancas y barrancas = with great difficulty, by fits and starts.
    * a través de = by way of, in the form of, through, via, out of, through the agency of.
    * a través de Internet = Internet-based, Web-based, Web-supported.
    * a través de la historia = over time.
    * a través de la TI = IT-enabled.
    * a través de la web = Web-based, Web-supported.
    * a través de los años = over the years, down the years.
    * a través de los ojos de = through the eyes of.
    * a través de los siglos = over the centuries.
    * a través del teléfono = call-in.
    * a través del tiempo = over time.
    * a través de operador = operator-assisted.
    * a tres bandas = three pronged.
    * a tres niveles = three-tiered.
    * a troche y moche = like there's no tomorrow.
    * a trompicones = by fits and starts.
    * a tropezones = falteringly, hesitantly, haltingly, jerkily.
    * a trozos = piecewise.
    * ¡A tu salud! = Here's to you!.
    * a última hora = at the last minute, at the eleventh hour, last minute [last-minute], at the very last minute, at the very last moment, at the very last.
    * a últimas horas de la tarde = late evening.
    * a últ

    * * *
    La preposición a suele emplearse precedida de ciertos verbos como empezar, ir, oler, sonar etc, en cuyo caso ver bajo el respectivo verbo.
    No se traduce cuando introduce el complemento directo de persona (ser humano, pronombres personales que lo representan como quien, alguien, etc) o un nombre con un objeto o animal personalizado: amo a mi patria = I love my country, pasear al perro = to walk the dog.
    En los casos en que precede al artículo definido el para formar la contracción al, ver bajo la siguiente entrada, donde también se encontrarán otros ejemplos y usos de a.
    A (en relaciones de espacio, lugar)
    voy a México/a la fiesta I'm going to Mexico/to the party
    voy a casa I'm going home
    dobla a la derecha turn right
    se cayó al río she fell into the river
    estaban sentados a la mesa they were sitting at the table
    a orillas del Ebro on the banks of the Ebro
    se sentó al sol he sat in the sun
    se sentó a mi derecha he sat down to the right of me o on my right
    a la vuelta de la esquina around the corner
    queda al norte de Toledo it's (to the) north of Toledo
    (indicando distancia): está a diez kilómetros de aquí it's ten kilometers from here, it's ten kilometers away
    está a unos 20 minutos de aquí it takes o it's about 20 minutes from here, it's a 20 minute drive ( o walk etc) from here
    1 (señalando hora, momento, fecha) at
    abren a las ocho they open at eight o'clock
    ¿a qué hora vengo? what time shall I come?
    a eso de las dos at around o about two o'clock
    a mediados de abril in mid-April
    hoy estamos a 20 it's the 20th today
    al día siguiente the next o following day
    empezó a hablar a los diez meses he started talking when he was ten months old o at ten months
    llegó a la mañana/noche ( RPl); he arrived in the morning/at night
    2 al + INF:
    se cayó al bajar del autobús she fell as she was getting off the bus
    al verlo me di cuenta de que ya no lo quería when I saw him o on seeing him, I realized that I no longer loved him
    al salir de la estación torcí a la izquierda I turned left out of the station
    (indicando distancia en el tiempo): a escasos minutos de su llegada (después) just a few minutes after she arrived; (antes) just a few minutes before she arrived
    trabajan de lunes a viernes/de una a cinco they work (from) Monday to Friday/from one to five
    a los diez minutos del primer tiempo ten minutes into the first half o after ten minutes of the first half
    estaré en París de martes a jueves I'll be in Paris from Tuesday until Thursday, I'll be in Paris Tuesday through Thursday ( AmE)
    (en relaciones de proporción, equivalencia): tres veces al día/a la semana three times a day/a week
    sale a 2.000 euros por cabeza it works out at 2,000 euros per person
    iban a 100 kilómetros por hora they were going (at) 100 kilometers per hour
    nos ganaron cinco a tres they beat us by five points to three, they beat us five three o ( AmE) five to three
    (indicando modo, estilo): fuimos a pie/a caballo we walked/rode, we went on foot/on horseback
    pollo al horno/a la brasa roast/barbecued chicken
    un peinado a lo Rodolfo Valentino a Rudolph Valentino hairstyle
    a crédito on credit
    ilustraciones a todo color full-color illustrations
    una tela a rayas a piece of striped material
    (introduciendo el complemento directo de persona): ¿viste a José? did you see José?
    la policía está buscando al asesino the police are looking for the murderer
    no he leído a Freud I haven't read (any) Freud
    busca una secretaria bilingüe he's looking for a bilingual secretary
    (introduciendo el complemento indirecto): le escribió una carta a su padre he wrote a letter to his father, he wrote his father a letter
    dáselo/dáselos a ella give it/them to her
    les enseña inglés a mis hijos she teaches my children English
    suave al tacto soft to the touch
    agradable al oído pleasing to the ear
    (indicando procedencia): se lo compré a una gitana I bought it from o ( colloq) off a gipsy
    enséñale a nadar teach him to swim
    fue a preguntar he went to ask
    a que + SUBJ:
    los instó a que participaran he urged them to take part
    voy a ir a que me hagan un chequeo I'm going to go and have a checkup
    2 ( fam)
    (para): ¿a qué tanta ceremonia? what's all the fuss for?
    ¿a qué le fuiste a decir eso? what did you go and tell him that for?
    a por ( Esp fam): bajo a por pan I'm going down to get some bread o for some bread ( colloq)
    ¿quién va a ir a por los niños? who's going to fetch o get the children?
    ¡a por ello! go for it!
    los puntos a tratar en la reunión de mañana the points to be discussed at tomorrow's meeting
    es una idea a tener en cuenta it's an idea to bear in mind o that should be borne in mind
    total a pagar total payable
    horario a convenir hours to be arranged
    (en órdenes): ¡a la cama, niños! off to bed, children!
    ¡a callar! shut up! ( colloq)
    vamos ¡a trabajar! come on, let's get some work done!
    a decir verdad to tell you the truth
    a juzgar por lo que tú dices judging from what you say
    3 ( fam)
    (en cuanto a): a tozudo no hay quien le gane when it comes to being stubborn there's nobody like him
    (indicando causa): a petición del interesado ( frml); at the request of the interested party
    al + INF:
    al no saber idiomas está en desventaja as he doesn't speak any languages he is at a disadvantage, he's at a disadvantage not speaking any languages
    (expresando desafío): ¿a que no sabes qué nota me puso? you'll never guess what mark she gave me!
    tú no te atreverías — ¿a que sí? you wouldn't dare — do you want to o a bet? ( colloq)
    ¡a que no puedes! bet you can't! ( colloq)
    * * *

    Multiple Entries:
    a sustantivo femenino (pl aes) (read as /a/) the letter A, a

    a preposición Nota:
    La preposición a suele emplearse precedida de ciertos verbos como empezar, ir, oler, sonar etc, en cuyo caso ver bajo el respectivo verbo.No se traduce cuando introduce el complemento directo de persona (ser humano, pronombres personales que lo representan, como quien, alguien, algún etc) o un nombre con un objeto o animal personalizado: amo a mi patria = I love my country, paseo a mi perro = I walk my dog.En los casos en que precede al artículo definido el para formar la contracción al, ver bajo la siguiente entrada, donde también se encontrarán otros ejemplos y usos de a.

    voy a México/la tienda I'm going to Mexico/to the shop;

    voy a casa I'm going home;
    se cayó al río she fell into the river

    a orillas del Ebro on the banks of the Ebro;
    se sentó al sol he sat in the sun;
    se sentó a mi derecha he sat down on my right

    a) (señalando hora, momento) at;

    a la hora de comer at lunch time;
    ¿a qué hora vengo? what time shall I come?;
    a mediados de abril in mid-April;
    al día siguiente the next o following day

    hoy estamos a lunes/a 20 today is Monday/it's the 20th today

    c) al + inf:

    al enterarse de la noticia when he learnt o on learning the news

    ( antes) a few minutes before she arrived;

    3 (en relaciones de proporción, equivalencia):

    sale a 100 euros cada uno it works out at 100 euros each;
    a 100 kilómetros por hora (at) 100 kilometers per hour;
    nos ganaron cinco a tres they beat us five three o (AmE) five to three
    4 (indicando modo, medio, estilo):
    a pie/a caballo on foot/on horseback;

    a crédito on credit;
    funciona a pilas it runs on batteries;
    a mano by hand;
    a rayas striped;
    vestirse a lo punk to wear punk clothes

    ¿viste a José? did you see José?;

    no he leído a Freud I haven't read (any) Freud

    dáselo a ella give it to her;
    les enseña inglés a mis hijos she teaches my children English;
    le echó (la) llave a la puerta she locked the door

    se lo compré a una gitana I bought it from o (colloq) off a gipsy

    A, a f (letra) A
    'A' also found in these entries:
    a. C.
    - a.m.
    - abajeña
    - abajeño
    - abanderada
    - abanderado
    - abandonar
    - abandonada
    - abandonado
    - abanico
    - abarquillada
    - abarquillado
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abasto
    - abatida
    - abatido
    - abatirse
    - abdicar
    - aberración
    - abertura
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - abigarrada
    - abigarrado
    - abigarrar
    - ablandar
    - ablusada
    - ablusado
    - abnegada
    - abnegado
    - abobada
    - abobado
    - abocada
    - abocado
    - abogacía
    - abogada
    - abogado
    - abombada
    - abombado
    - abonar
    - abonada
    - abonado
    - abonarse
    - abono
    - abordar
    - abordaje
    - aborregar
    - abortar
    - abortiva
    - A-level
    - a.m.
    - abandon
    - abandoned
    - abide by
    - ability
    - abject
    - abnormal
    - aboard
    - aborigine
    - abortion
    - abortive
    - about
    - above
    - above-board
    - above-mentioned
    - abrasive
    - abreast
    - abridged
    - abrupt
    - absent
    - absent-minded
    - absolute
    - absolutely
    - absorbed
    - abstemious
    - abstract
    - absurd
    - abundant
    - abuse
    - abusive
    - abysmal
    - academic
    - academy
    - accede
    - accent
    - acceptable
    - access
    - accident-prone
    - accidental
    - accidentally
    - acclimatized
    - accommodate
    - accommodation
    - accomplish
    - accomplished
    - account
    - account for
    - accountable
    * * *
    1. (abrev de autopista) Br M, US freeway
    2. (abrev de alfil) [en notación de ajedrez] B
    A, a [a] nf
    [letra] A, a;
    si por a o por be… if for any reason…
    * * *
    al este de to the east of;
    a casa home;
    ir a la cama/al cine go to bed/to the movies;
    ¡a trabajar! get to work!;
    vamos a Buenos Aires we’re going to Buenos Aires;
    voy a casa de Marta I’m going to Marta’s (house)
    a la mesa at the table;
    al lado de next to;
    a la derecha on the right;
    al sol in the sun;
    a treinta kilómetros de Cuzco thirty kilometers from Cuzco;
    está a cinco kilómetros it’s five kilometers away
    ¿a qué hora llegas? what time do you arrive?;
    a las tres at three o’clock;
    de once a doce from eleven (o’clock) to twelve;
    estamos a quince de febrero it’s February fifteenth;
    a los treinta años at the age of thirty;
    a la llegada del tren when the train arrives
    a la española the Spanish way;
    a mano by hand;
    a pie on foot;
    a 50 kilómetros por hora at fifty kilometers an hour
    ¿a cómo o
    cuánto está? how much is it?;
    están a dos pesos el kilo they are two pesos a kilo
    dáselo a tu hermano give it to your brother
    vi a mi padre I saw my father
    empezar a begin to;
    jugar a las cartas play cards;
    decidirse a hacer algo decide to do sth;
    voy a comprarlo I’m going to buy it;
    a decir verdad to tell the truth
    ¿a que no lo sabes? I bet you don’t know;
    a ver OK, right;
    a ver lo que pasa ahora let’s see what happens now
    abr (= alias) aka (= also known as)
    * * *
    a nf
    : first letter of the Spanish alphabet
    a prep
    1) : to
    nos vamos a México: we're going to Mexico
    ¿llamaste a tu papá?: did you call your dad?
    como a usted le guste: as you wish
    3) : in the manner of
    papas a la francesa: french fries
    4) : on, by means of
    a pie: on foot
    5) : per, each
    tres pastillas al día: three pills per day
    enséñales a leer: teach them to read
    problemas a resolver: problems to be solved
    * * *
    a prep
    3. (distancia) away
    está a un kilómetro de aquí it's one kilometre from here / it's one kilometre away
    4. (tiempo) at
    5. (distribución, cantidad, medida, precio) a / at
    tocamos a 1.000 cada uno it works out at 1,000 each
    fui a pie I walked / I went on foot
    hecho a mano handmade / made by hand
    ¿has visto a Iván? have you seen Iván?
    9. (para) for
    10. (de) from

    Spanish-English dictionary > a

  • 12 результат

    (см. также факт) result, effect, consequence, finding
    Результат более общего типа формулируется следующим образом. - The following is a more general result of the same kind.
    Более определенные результаты были сформулированы Смитом [1]. - More definite results have been formulated by Smith [1].
    В действительности данный результат означает, что... - This result means, in effect, that...
    В результате практически все, работающие в данной области, желали допустить, что... - As a result, practically everyone in the field was willing to admit that...
    В результате преобразования уравнение (1) принимает вид... - After simplification equation (1) becomes...
    В результате следует заключить, что... - Consequently, one must conclude that...
    В результате существовала тенденция... - As a result, there has been a tendency to...
    В результате этого происходит заметное уменьшение... - This results in a marked decrease in...
    В результате, теперь достаточно лишь доказать, что... - Consequently it is enough to prove that...
    В соответствии с данным результатом мы можем определить... - In accordance with this result, we may identify...
    В то же самое время, данные результаты указывают, что... - At the same time, the results indicate that...
    В этом приложении мы приводим результаты... - In this appendix we present the results of...
    Важность данного результата состоит в том, что он четко устанавливает... - The importance of this result is that it clearly establishes...
    Возможно, наилучший способ сформулировать результаты - это... - Probably the best way to express the results is to use...
    Можно грубо выразить (= сформулировать) тот же результат, говоря, что... - This result is expressed roughly by saying that...
    Данный результат должен выглядеть знакомым любому, кто изучал... - This result should look familiar to anyone who has studied...
    Данный результат допускает простую геометрическую интерпретацию. - The result admits a simple geometrical interpretation.
    Данный результат имеет простую физическую интерпретацию. - This result has a simple physical interpretation.
    Данный результат может быть сформулирован в несколько более простой форме следующим образом. - This result can be written in a slightly simpler form as follows.
    Данный результат находится в полном согласии с... - The result is in perfect agreement with...
    Данный результат объясняет/разъясняет... - This result explains...
    Данный результат объясняется и качественно, и количественно предположением, что... - This result is both qualitatively and quantitatively explained by the assumption that...
    Данный результат окажется полезным при обсуждении (чего-л). - This result will prove useful in the discussion of...
    Данный результат остается справедливым, если... - The result remains true if...
    Данный результат принадлежит Гауссу. - This result is due to Gauss.
    Данный результат следует немедленно, если мы можем показать, что... - The result will follow immediately if we can show that...
    Данный результат согласуется с... - This result is in agreement with...
    Данный результат также может быть получен с применением... - This result can also be obtained by the application of...
    Данный результат, который можно легко проверить, состоит в том, что... - The result, which may be easily verified, is...
    Для того, чтобы доказать этот результат, мы должны, во-первых, вычислить... - In order to prove this result we must first calculate...
    Другой интересный результат, принадлежащий Риману, состоит в том, что... - Another interesting result, due to Riemann, is. that...
    Другой способ получения того же результата появляется, если заметить, что... - Another way of obtaining the same result is to note that...
    Его результаты могут быть подытожены следующей теоремой. - His results may be summed up in the following theorem.
    Если мы используем результат (7), то видим, что... - If we make use of the result (7) we see that...
    Еще один интересный результат - это... - One further result of interest is that...
    Еще одним следствием этих результатов является то, что... - One further consequence of these results is that...
    За исключение последнего, все эти результаты немедленно вытекают из того факта, что... - All these results except the last follow immediately from the fact that...
    Значение этого последнего результата состоит в том, что... - The significance of this last result is that...
    Значительно лучший результат мог быть получен, если использовать... - A much better result would have been obtained using...
    Из... можно вывести много полезных результатов. - Many useful results may be deduced from...
    Из вышеуказанного утверждения следует дополнительный результат. - The above argument gives us the following additional result.
    Из предыдущих результатов вытекает, что... - It follows from the foregoing results that...
    Из процитированных выше результатов следует, что... - From the results quoted above it follows that...
    Из результатов последнего параграфа становится ясно, что... - It is apparent from the last section that...
    Из результатов экспериментов Смит [1] заключил, что... - From the results of experiments, Smith [1] concluded that...
    Из этих результатов вытекает, что... - These results imply that...
    Используя результат (10), мы видим, что... - Making use of the result (10) we see that...
    Используя этот результат... - With this result we can...
    Используя этот результат, мы можем заключить... - With the help of this result we can deduce...
    Исследование, продолжающееся два десятилетия, принесло удивительно немного результатов относительно... - Research spanning two decades has yielded surprisingly few results on...
    Исходя из этих результатов, можно сконструировать... - Prom these results it is possible to construct...
    Как мы можем понимать этот результат? - How can we understand this result?
    Как мы уже видели, те же самые результаты предсказываются для... - As we have seen, the same results are predicted for...
    Как побочный результат теоремы 4... - As a by-product of Theorem 4, we also obtain the convergence of...
    Как приложение данного результата, мы покажем, что... -As an application of this result, we show that...
    Как это показано ниже, этот результат можно также вывести непосредственно. - This result may also be derived directly as follows.
    Количественный анализ этих результатов показывает, что... - A quantitative analysis of these results shows that...
    Методом математической индукции этот результат может быть распространен на... - This result can be extended, by mathematical induction, to...
    Многие идеи и результаты последней главы могут быть распространены на случай... - Many of the ideas and results of the last chapter can now be extended to the case of...
    Многие из наших более ранних результатов могут быть лучше поняты, если... - Many of ounearlier results can be better understood if...
    Можно было бы интерпретировать, что эти результаты означают, что... - These results might be interpreted to mean that...
    Можно понять эти результаты, рассматривая... - One can understand these results by considering...
    Мы используем этот результат, чтобы... - We shall apply this result to...
    Мы могли бы взглянуть на данный результат с другой точки зрения. - We may look at this result in another way.
    Мы могли бы подытожить эти результаты утверждением, что... - We may summarize these results with the statement that...
    Мы могли бы получить этот же результат более просто, заметив, что... - We could have obtained this result more easily by noting that...
    Мы могли бы получить этот результат другим способом. - We could obtain this result by a different argument.
    Мы можем использовать этот результат, чтобы определить (= ввести)... - We can use this result to define...
    Мы можем подытожить предыдущие результаты в простых терминах, замечая, что... - We can summarize the preceding results in simpler terms by noting that...
    Мы можем получить данный результат следующим образом. - We can obtain the result as follows.
    Мы можем применить некоторые результаты этой главы, чтобы проиллюстрировать... - We may apply some of the results of this chapter to illustrate...
    Мы можем сформулировать этот результат в виде теоремы. - We can state the result as a theorem.
    Мы не можем ожидать выполнения этого результата в случае... - This result cannot be expected to hold for...
    Мы применим наши результаты к одному простому случаю. - We shall apply our results to a simple case.
    Мы только что доказали следующий результат. - We have proved the following result.
    Мы хотим взглянуть на этот результат с несколько иной точки зрения. - We want to look at this result from a slightly different, point of view.
    На основе данных результатов давайте теперь оценим... - On the basis of these results, let us now estimate...
    Наиболее важными результатами являются результаты, касающиеся (= связанные с)... - The most important results are those concerning...
    Наилучший результат получается, когда/ если... - The best result is obtained when...
    Наш основной результат будет заключаться в том, что... - Our main result will be that...
    Наш следующий результат демонстрирует, что... - Our next result demonstrates that...
    Наши первые результаты описывают соотношения между... - Our first results deal with the relations between...
    Наши результаты пересекаются с результатами Смита [1], который... - Our results overlap those of Smith [1], who...
    Наши результаты предпочтительны по сравнению с результатами Смита [1]. - Our results compare favorably with those of Smith [1].
    Немедленным следствием предыдущего результата является тот факт, что... - An immediate corollary of the above result is the fact that...
    Несколько более простой результат получается, если мы... - A somewhat simpler result is obtained if we...
    Несомненно, данные результаты не зависят от... - These results are of course independent of...
    Нижеследующее является обобщением результата, доказанного Смитом [1]. - The following is a generalization of a result proved by Smith [1].
    Объединяя эти результаты, мы видим, что... - On combining these results we see that...
    Обычно это происходит в результате... - This usually occurs as a result of...
    Однако имеются другие результаты, которые... - There are other results, however, which...
    Однако окончательные результаты теории не могут зависеть от... - But the final results of the theory must not depend on...
    Однако подобные усилия приносят положительный результат, только если... - Such efforts, however, are successful only if...
    Однако у этого результата имеется другое приложение. - However, this result has another application.
    Однако этот результат действительно предполагает, что... - The result does assume, however, that...
    Одним интересным свойством этих результатов является то, что они указывают... - One interesting feature of these results is that they indicate...
    Очевидно, данный результат мог бы быть получен, не используя... - Obviously this result could have been obtained without the use of...
    Очевидно, что подобный результат справедлив (и) для... - Obviously a similar result is true for...
    Очевидно, что эти результаты выполняются для любого... - These results clearly hold for any...
    Очевидной интерпретацией данного результата является... - The straightforward interpretation of this result is...
    Перед тем как установить только что упомянутые результаты, необходимо (рассмотреть и т. п.)... - Before establishing the results just mentioned it is necessary to...
    По результатам этого и подобных экспериментов обнаружено, что... - From this and similar experiments it is found that...
    Подобные результаты убедительно доказывают, что... - Such results conclusively prove that...
    В некотором роде подобный результат выполняется для... - A somewhat similar result holds for...
    Полученные результаты должны быть таковы, чтобы их можно было сравнить с... - The results obtained should be capable of comparison with...
    Помимо прочего, данный результат показывает, что... - Among other things, this result shows that...
    Помня об этом результате, давайте проверим... - With this result in mind, let us examine...
    Поучительно рассмотреть эти результаты с точки зрения... - It is instructive to consider these results from the standpoint of...
    Предыдущие результаты были получены в рамках предположения... - The above results have been obtained under the assumption of...
    Предыдущие результаты еще раз иллюстрируют... - The above results once more illustrate...
    Предыдущие результаты можно подытожить следующим образом. - The above results may be summarized as follows.
    Приведенная выше теория не предсказывает хорошо известный результат, что... - The theory given above does not predict the well-known result that...
    Простой иллюстрацией для этого результата является его приложение к... - A simple illustration of this result is its application to...
    Результат может быть найден (с помощью и т. п.)... - The output can be found by...
    Результат показан ниже. - The result is recorded below.
    Результат, представленный формулой (9), очень полезен при выводе свойств (чего-л). - The result (9) is very useful for deducing properties of...
    Результат, справедливость которого может быть проверена (самим) читателем, формулируется следующим образом. - The result, which may be verified by the reader, is...
    Результатом является представление... - The result is a representation of...
    Результаты были получены непосредственным наблюдением... - The results are obtained by direct observation of...
    Результаты были разочаровывающими, в основном потому... - The results have been disappointing, mainly because...
    Результаты всех этих методов согласуются с... - The results of all these methods are consistent with...
    Результаты данной главы позволяют нам... - The results of the present chapter enable us to...
    Результаты согласуются с пониманием, что... - The results are consistent with the view that...
    Следующий очень важный результат является основой для... - The following very important result is the basis for...
    Соответствующий результат справедлив (и) для... - A corresponding result holds for...
    Справедливость того же результата можно увидеть геометрически. - The same result can be seen geometrically.
    Сравнение с точным результатом (2) показывает, что... - A comparison with the exact result (2) shows that...
    Считается хорошей практикой выражать все результаты измерений в метрической системе. - It is considered good practice to express all measurements in metric units.
    Таким образом, данный результат доказан. - The result is therefore established.
    Таким образом, мы можем обобщить результаты из первого параграфа и сообщить, что... - Thus, we can generalize the results of Section 1 and state that...
    Таким образом, получен следующий основной (= центральный) результат... - The following key results are therefore obtained:...
    Такого же самого типа рассуждения доказывают следующий результат. - Arguments of the same type prove the following result.
    Такой результат более предпочтителен (другому результату). - The outcome is certainly preferable to...
    Твердо установленным результатом является, что... - It is a well-established result that...
    Тем не менее эта формальная работа привела к конкретному результату. - Nevertheless, this formal work has produced a concrete result.
    Теперь мы доказываем два фундаментальных результата. - We now prove two fundamental results.
    Теперь мы доказываем один фундаментальный результат. - We now prove a fundamental result.
    Теперь мы можем сформулировать следующий результат. - We are now in a position to state the following result.
    Теперь мы получаем желаемый результат. - We now have the desired result.
    Теперь мы собрали воедино основные определения и результаты (исследования и т. п.)... - We have now assembled the main definitions and results of...
    Тот же самый результат может быть получен простым (вычислением и т. п.)... - The same result may be obtained by simply...
    Тот же самый результат может быть сформулирован в другой форме. - The same result can be put in a different form.
    Тот же самый результат можно вывести из... - The same result may be deduced from...
    Физический смысл этого результата состоит в том, что... - The physical significance of this result is that...
    Формально этот результат выглядит весьма похожим на... - Formally, the result looks somewhat similar to...
    Численные результаты, основанные на соотношении (4), показывают, что... - Numerical computations based on (4) show that...
    Читатель мог бы сравнить этот результат с выражением (6). - The reader may compare this result with the expression (6).
    Читатель найдет этот результат в любом учебнике... - The reader will find this result in any textbook on...
    Чтобы объяснить получившийся результат, мы могли бы предположить, что... - То explain the above result, we could suppose that...
    Чтобы получить необходимый результат, мы... - То obtain the required result, let...
    Чтобы получить практический результат в подобных случаях, мы... - То obtain a practical result in such cases, we...
    Эти два результата имеют существенный интерес. - These two results are of considerable interest.
    Эти два результата совместно показывают, что... - These two results together show that...
    Эти кажущиеся тривиальными результаты приводят к... - These seemingly trivial results lead to...
    Эти результаты имели важные далеко ведущие последствия. - The results were of far reaching importance.
    Эти результаты могут быть легко описаны в терминах... - These results can easily be described in terms of...
    Эти результаты можно использовать, чтобы установить... - These results can be used to establish...
    Эти результаты можно очевидным образом обобщить (на случай и т. п.)... - These results can be extended in an obvious way to...
    Эти результаты не изменятся, если мы... - These results are not affected if we...
    Эти результаты представлены на рис. 3 и 4. - The results are displayed in Figures 3 and 4.
    Эти результаты согласуются с предположением, что... - These results are consistent with the assumption that...
    Эти результаты также поддержали точку зрения, что... - The results also lend support to the view that...
    Эти результаты теперь могут быть уточнены для случая... - These results can now be specialized to the case of...
    Эти результаты часто бывают необходимы. - These results are needed frequently.
    Эти результаты являются следствием... - These results are a consequence of...
    Эти результаты ясно показывают, что... - These results clearly show that...
    Эти результаты в основном согласуются с... - These results are broadly consistent with...
    Это важный результат. Он утверждает, что... - This is an important result. It says that...
    Это и есть тот самый предсказанный результат. - This is precisely the expected result.
    Это интересный результат. - This is an interesting result.
    Это интересный результат, так как... - This is an interesting result because...
    Это контрастирует с соответствующим результатом для... - This contrasts with the corresponding result for...
    Это очень важный результат. Он означает, что... - This is a very important result. It means that...
    Это подтверждается приведенными результатами. - This is confirmed by the results shown.
    Это результат важен для практики, так как... - The result is important in practical terms since...
    Это согласуется с нашим предыдущим результатом. - This is in agreement with our previous result.
    Это хорошо подтверждается результатами... - This is strongly supported by the results of...
    Это устанавливает данный результат. - This establishes the result.
    Это чрезвычайно важный результат, поскольку он позволяет нам... - This is an exceedingly important result, as it enables us to...
    Это ясно показано на рис. 1, который представляет результаты (чего-л). - This is clearly demonstrated in Figure 1 which shows the results of...
    Этот неверный результат получается вследствие... - This incorrect result is due to...
    Этот результат более или менее ожидаем, если исходить из того факта, что... - This result is more or less to be expected from the fact that...
    Этот результат был сформулирован довольно неопределенно (= неточно), потому что... - This result has been stated rather vaguely because...
    Этот результат было необходимо ожидать, исходя из факта, что... - This result was to be expected from the fact that...
    Этот результат вытекает из изучения... - This result follows from a study of...
    Этот результат заслуживает более пристального рассмотрения. - This result is worth a more careful look.
    Этот результат имеет поразительное сходство с... -. This result bears a striking resemblance to...
    Этот результат легко установить. - It is easy to establish this result.
    Этот результат легче запомнить... - This result is more easily remembered by...
    Этот результат мог бы быть выведен прямо из соотношения (6). - This result could have been deduced directly from (6).
    Этот результат мог бы нам позволить... - This result may allow us to...
    Этот результат можно было бы получить более легко, увидев, что... - This result could have been obtained more easily by recognizing that...
    Этот результат можно использовать без опасений, только если... - It is safe to use this result only if...
    Этот результат можно сделать более наглядным с помощью... - The result can be made more explicit by...
    Этот результат не зависит ни от каких предположений относительно... - This result is independent of any assumption about...
    Этот результат не слишком изменяется, если... - The result is not essentially different if...
    Этот результат не является простым, потому что... - The result is not simple because...
    Этот результат перестает быть верным, если... - This result no longer holds if...
    Этот результат подтверждает интуитивное понимание того, что... - This result confirms the intuitive view that...
    Этот результат полезен лишь тогда, когда... - This result is useful only when...
    Этот результат поражает тем, что... - The striking thing about this result is that...
    Этот результат предлагает естественное обобщение... - This result suggests a natural generalization of...
    Этот результат совпадает с полученным с помощью уравнения (4). - The result is exactly the same as that given by equation (4).
    Этот результат согласуется с тем фактом, что... - This result is in agreement with the fact that...
    Этот результат также можно было бы получить, применяя... - This result may also be obtained by means of...
    Этот результат является более или менее ожидаемым, однако исходя из того, что... - This result is more or less to be expected, however, from the fact that...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > результат

  • 13 z

    z, ze praep. 1. (przed określeniami miejsca) from (czegoś sth); (o pomieszczeniu, pojemniku) from, out of (czegoś sth); (o powierzchni) off (czegoś sth)
    - z Polski/ze Szkocji from Poland/Scotland
    - pamiątka z Japonii a souvenir from Japan
    - św. Franciszek z Asyżu St Francis of Assisi
    - jechać z Berlina do Warszawy to go from Berlin to Warsaw
    - wyszedł z domu o trzeciej he left home at three
    - wyjął pieniądze z portfela he took some money out of his wallet
    - zjechał na sankach z górki he went down the hill on a sledge
    - gwóźdź wystający z deski a nail sticking out of a plank
    - zdjął obraz ze ściany he took the picture off the wall
    - sprzątnęła brudne naczynia ze stołu she cleared the dirty dishes off the table
    - podniósł coś z podłogi he picked something up off the floor
    - zsiadł z konia he got off the horse
    2. (określający kierunek, stronę) from (czegoś sth)
    - hałasy dochodzące z góry noises coming from upstairs
    - widok z wieży kościoła the view from the church tower
    - z każdej strony a. ze wszystkich stron from all sides, from every side
    - z lewej/prawej strony (znajdować się) on a. to the left/right; (zbliżać się) from the left/right
    - z mojej lewej/prawej strony (tuż obok) by my left/right side; (nieco dalej) to my left/right
    - z tamtej strony brzeg jest bagnisty on the other side the shore is marshy
    - z przodu/tyłu at the front/back
    3. (określający źródło, pochodzenie) from (czegoś sth)
    - dane z rocznika statystycznego data from a statistical yearbook
    - wiadomość z pewnej gazety information from a certain newspaper
    - znał jej adres z książki telefonicznej he knew her address from the telephone directory
    - wiem o tym z doświadczenia I know it from experience
    - z badań rynkowych wynika, że… from market research it emerges that…
    - dyrektor z wyboru/nominacji an elected/a nominated director
    - towary z importu imported goods
    - odrzuty z eksportu export rejects
    - znalazł sobie pracę z ogłoszenia he found a job through an ad
    4. (z określeniami czasu) from, of (czegoś sth)
    - zamek z XV wieku a castle (dating) from the 15th century
    - fotografie z lat szkolnych photographs from one’s school days
    - jego list z 12 maja his letter of 12 May
    - to jest rachunek za telefon z ubiegłego miesiąca this is the phone bill for a. from last month
    - z rana in the morning
    - z samego rana first thing in the morning
    5. (wskazuje na podstawę, wzór) from (czegoś sth)
    - rysunek z natury a drawing from nature
    - odpis z oryginału a duplicate of the original
    - wyrecytować coś z pamięci to recite sth from memory
    - przepisał dane z tablicy he copied down the data from the board
    6. (wskazuje na surowiec) of, from (czegoś sth)
    - z drzewa/ze stali of a. from wood/steel
    - zasmażka z mąki i wywaru a roux of a. from flour and stock
    - z czego to jest zrobione? what is it made of a. from?
    - wiązanka z czerwonych róż a bunch of red roses
    - sok z wiśni/malin cherry/raspberry juice
    - sałatka z pomidorów/selera a tomato/celery salad
    - dom wybudowany z cegieł a brick-built house
    7. (wskazuje na zbiór) of (kogoś/czegoś sb/sth)
    - któryś z nich/nas one of them/us
    - jeden z uczniów one of the pupils
    - żaden z nauczycieli none of the teachers
    - najstarszy/najmłodszy z nich the oldest/youngest of them
    - czy któryś z was go zna? do any of you know him?
    - czy coś z tego rozumiesz? do you understand any of that?
    8. (wskazuje na przyczynę stanu) out of, from (czegoś sth)
    - z radości/ze strachu out of joy/fear
    - z konieczności (out) of necessity
    - zemdleć z wyczerpania to faint from exhaustion
    - umrzeć z głodu die of starvation
    - wyszła za mąż z miłości she married for love a. out of love
    - udusił się z braku powietrza he suffocated through lack of air
    9 (wskazuje na stan początkowy) from (kogoś/czegoś sb/sth)
    - z nasion/pąków from seeds/buds
    - wyrosła z niej śliczna dziewczyna she grew into a very pretty girl
    - z majora awansował na pułkownika he was promoted from major to colonel
    - inflacja spadła z 10 do 8 procent inflation went down from 10 to 8 per cent
    - z niewinnej sprzeczki zrobiła się wielka awantura an innocent tiff turned into a big row pot.
    10 (wskazuje na cechę) znany/słynny z czegoś well-known/famous for sth
    - miasto słynie z zabytkowych budowli the town is famous for its historic buildings
    - z oczu jest podobna do matki her eyes are like her mother’s
    - ze sposobu bycia przypominał ojca he resembled his father in manner
    11 (wskazuje na natężenie) z całego serca with all one’s heart
    - ze wszystkich sił with all one’s might
    - z całą dokładnością with the utmost accuracy
    - podkreślić z całą mocą to emphasize most strongly
    - z grubsza roughly
    - z lekka lightly
    - z rzadka rarely, seldom
    - z uwagą attentively
    - z wysiłkiem with (an) effort
    12 (wskazuje na element całości) with (kimś/czymś sb/sth)
    - kawa z mlekiem coffee with milk
    - dom z ogrodem a house with a garden
    - dziewczyna z niebieskimi oczami a girl with blue eyes
    - matka z dzieckiem na ręku a mother carrying a. with a baby in her arms
    - samolot ze stu osobami na pokładzie a plane with a hundred people on board
    - chleb z masłem bread and butter
    - mieszkanie z umeblowaniem a furnished flat
    - sklep z używaną odzieżą a second-hand clothes shop
    - podróżowała z mężem i dwojgiem dzieci she travelled with her husband and two children
    - dyskutował z synem he was arguing with his son
    - rozstał się ze swą przyjaciółką he parted with his girlfriend
    - zaprzyjaźniła się z nim dwa lata temu she became friendly with him two years ago
    - pójdziesz z nami do kina? are you going to the cinema with us?
    - wyszedł na spacer z psem he took the dog for a walk
    - porozmawiam z nim o tym jutro I’ll talk to him about it tomorrow
    13 (wskazuje na sposób) with (czymś sth)
    - z niedowierzaniem/ze zdumieniem in a. with disbelief/astonishment
    - okno zamknęło się z trzaskiem the window closed with a bang
    - obudził się z bólem głowy he woke up with a headache
    - leżał na trawie z rękami pod głową he was lying on the grass with his hands behind his head
    - płynąć z wiatrem/prądem to sail with the wind/current
    14 (wskazuje na cel) pójść do kogoś z prośbą o radę to go to sb to request advice
    - pośpieszyć komuś z pomocą to go to sb’s aid
    - pojechał do Niemiec z wykładami he went to Germany on a lecture tour
    15 (wskazuje na współzależność) with (czymś sth)
    - z wiekiem with age
    - wraz ze wzrostem ciśnienia with the growth of a. in pressure
    - z czasem with a. in time
    - z upływem czasu with the passing of time
    - z każdym dniem/rokiem with each passing day/year
    16 (z określeniami pory) with (czymś sth)
    - z końcem/początkiem sierpnia at the end/beginning of August
    - z nadejściem lata with the approach of summer
    17 (eliptyczne) about (kimś/czymś sb/sth)
    - co z artykułem? what about the article?
    - co się z tobą działo? what have you been doing with yourself?
    - co zrobić z tymi szmatami? what shall I do with these rags?
    - z babcią jest źle, znowu miała atak Granny’s not well, she’s had another seizure
    18 (w przysłówkach) literatura zwana z angielska science fiction literature known by the English name of science fiction
    - ubrany z niemiecka dressed in German style
    - mówił trochę z cudzoziemska he spoke with a slight foreign accent
    part. around, about
    - zajęło mi to z godzinę it took me around an hour
    - miał ze czterdzieści lat he was around forty
    * * *
    inv ( litera) Z, z

    Z jak Zygmunt — ≈Z for zebra

    * * *
    z1, ze
    + Gen.
    1. ( punkt wyjścia) from; z domu from home.
    2. ( źródło informacji) from; z gazet/książki/doświadczenia from newspapers/the book/experience.
    3. ( czas) from, of; z dziesiątego wieku from the 10th century; z rana in the morning; list z drugiego maja a letter of 2nd May.
    4. (surowiec, składnik) of, from; zrobiony z drewna made of wood; stół z drewna wooden table.
    5. (przynależność, zbiorowość) of, from; jeden z nas one of us; kolega ze szkoły a friend from school, school friend; z domu Janowska née l. nee Janowska.
    6. ( przyczyna) (out) of; z bólu/nudów/radości (out) of pain/boredom/joy; z jakiej racji? for what reason?, how come?; ni z tego, ni z owego all of a sudden.
    7. ( zmiana stanu) of; co z nami będzie? what's going to become of us?
    8. ( nasilenie) with; z całych sił with all one's might; z całego serca with all one's heart, wholeheartedly.
    9. (wzór, model) from; wyrecytować z pamięci recite from memory.
    10. ( ograniczenie zakresu) at, by, in; podobny z wyglądu similar-looking; egzamin z angielskiego examination in English; ona jest dobra z biologii she's good at biology; on jest z zawodu leksykografem he's a lexicographer by profession.
    11. ( tworzy wyrażenia przysłówkowe) z grubsza roughly; z lekka lightly, delicately; z rzadka rarely.
    12. + Ins. ( towarzyszenie) with; jedź z nami come with us; deszcz ze śniegiem sleet.
    13. + Ins. (element, składnik) and, with; chleb z masłem bread and butter; bułka z dżemem bread roll with jam; kawa ze śmietanką/mlekiem coffee with cream/milk; sklep z zabawkami toy store l. shop.
    14. + Ins. ( stan) with; z wysiłkiem with effort; z uwagą attentively.
    15. + Ins. (obiekt podlegający działaniu, stanowi) co z nim? how is he?
    16. + Ins. ( cel) przyjść z pomocą come to sb's aid; przyjść do kogoś z wizytą pay sb a visit.
    17. + Ins. ( skutek) with; z dobrym skutkiem with a good result; z powodzeniem successfully.
    z2, ze
    pot. (= około) about; z godzinę about an hour.
    Z, z
    ( litera) Z, z; Z jak Zygmunt Z is for Zulu; Z as in Zulu.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > z

  • 14 ze

    z, ze praep. 1. (przed określeniami miejsca) from (czegoś sth); (o pomieszczeniu, pojemniku) from, out of (czegoś sth); (o powierzchni) off (czegoś sth)
    - z Polski/ze Szkocji from Poland/Scotland
    - pamiątka z Japonii a souvenir from Japan
    - św. Franciszek z Asyżu St Francis of Assisi
    - jechać z Berlina do Warszawy to go from Berlin to Warsaw
    - wyszedł z domu o trzeciej he left home at three
    - wyjął pieniądze z portfela he took some money out of his wallet
    - zjechał na sankach z górki he went down the hill on a sledge
    - gwóźdź wystający z deski a nail sticking out of a plank
    - zdjął obraz ze ściany he took the picture off the wall
    - sprzątnęła brudne naczynia ze stołu she cleared the dirty dishes off the table
    - podniósł coś z podłogi he picked something up off the floor
    - zsiadł z konia he got off the horse
    2. (określający kierunek, stronę) from (czegoś sth)
    - hałasy dochodzące z góry noises coming from upstairs
    - widok z wieży kościoła the view from the church tower
    - z każdej strony a. ze wszystkich stron from all sides, from every side
    - z lewej/prawej strony (znajdować się) on a. to the left/right; (zbliżać się) from the left/right
    - z mojej lewej/prawej strony (tuż obok) by my left/right side; (nieco dalej) to my left/right
    - z tamtej strony brzeg jest bagnisty on the other side the shore is marshy
    - z przodu/tyłu at the front/back
    3. (określający źródło, pochodzenie) from (czegoś sth)
    - dane z rocznika statystycznego data from a statistical yearbook
    - wiadomość z pewnej gazety information from a certain newspaper
    - znał jej adres z książki telefonicznej he knew her address from the telephone directory
    - wiem o tym z doświadczenia I know it from experience
    - z badań rynkowych wynika, że… from market research it emerges that…
    - dyrektor z wyboru/nominacji an elected/a nominated director
    - towary z importu imported goods
    - odrzuty z eksportu export rejects
    - znalazł sobie pracę z ogłoszenia he found a job through an ad
    4. (z określeniami czasu) from, of (czegoś sth)
    - zamek z XV wieku a castle (dating) from the 15th century
    - fotografie z lat szkolnych photographs from one’s school days
    - jego list z 12 maja his letter of 12 May
    - to jest rachunek za telefon z ubiegłego miesiąca this is the phone bill for a. from last month
    - z rana in the morning
    - z samego rana first thing in the morning
    5. (wskazuje na podstawę, wzór) from (czegoś sth)
    - rysunek z natury a drawing from nature
    - odpis z oryginału a duplicate of the original
    - wyrecytować coś z pamięci to recite sth from memory
    - przepisał dane z tablicy he copied down the data from the board
    6. (wskazuje na surowiec) of, from (czegoś sth)
    - z drzewa/ze stali of a. from wood/steel
    - zasmażka z mąki i wywaru a roux of a. from flour and stock
    - z czego to jest zrobione? what is it made of a. from?
    - wiązanka z czerwonych róż a bunch of red roses
    - sok z wiśni/malin cherry/raspberry juice
    - sałatka z pomidorów/selera a tomato/celery salad
    - dom wybudowany z cegieł a brick-built house
    7. (wskazuje na zbiór) of (kogoś/czegoś sb/sth)
    - któryś z nich/nas one of them/us
    - jeden z uczniów one of the pupils
    - żaden z nauczycieli none of the teachers
    - najstarszy/najmłodszy z nich the oldest/youngest of them
    - czy któryś z was go zna? do any of you know him?
    - czy coś z tego rozumiesz? do you understand any of that?
    8. (wskazuje na przyczynę stanu) out of, from (czegoś sth)
    - z radości/ze strachu out of joy/fear
    - z konieczności (out) of necessity
    - zemdleć z wyczerpania to faint from exhaustion
    - umrzeć z głodu die of starvation
    - wyszła za mąż z miłości she married for love a. out of love
    - udusił się z braku powietrza he suffocated through lack of air
    9 (wskazuje na stan początkowy) from (kogoś/czegoś sb/sth)
    - z nasion/pąków from seeds/buds
    - wyrosła z niej śliczna dziewczyna she grew into a very pretty girl
    - z majora awansował na pułkownika he was promoted from major to colonel
    - inflacja spadła z 10 do 8 procent inflation went down from 10 to 8 per cent
    - z niewinnej sprzeczki zrobiła się wielka awantura an innocent tiff turned into a big row pot.
    10 (wskazuje na cechę) znany/słynny z czegoś well-known/famous for sth
    - miasto słynie z zabytkowych budowli the town is famous for its historic buildings
    - z oczu jest podobna do matki her eyes are like her mother’s
    - ze sposobu bycia przypominał ojca he resembled his father in manner
    11 (wskazuje na natężenie) z całego serca with all one’s heart
    - ze wszystkich sił with all one’s might
    - z całą dokładnością with the utmost accuracy
    - podkreślić z całą mocą to emphasize most strongly
    - z grubsza roughly
    - z lekka lightly
    - z rzadka rarely, seldom
    - z uwagą attentively
    - z wysiłkiem with (an) effort
    12 (wskazuje na element całości) with (kimś/czymś sb/sth)
    - kawa z mlekiem coffee with milk
    - dom z ogrodem a house with a garden
    - dziewczyna z niebieskimi oczami a girl with blue eyes
    - matka z dzieckiem na ręku a mother carrying a. with a baby in her arms
    - samolot ze stu osobami na pokładzie a plane with a hundred people on board
    - chleb z masłem bread and butter
    - mieszkanie z umeblowaniem a furnished flat
    - sklep z używaną odzieżą a second-hand clothes shop
    - podróżowała z mężem i dwojgiem dzieci she travelled with her husband and two children
    - dyskutował z synem he was arguing with his son
    - rozstał się ze swą przyjaciółką he parted with his girlfriend
    - zaprzyjaźniła się z nim dwa lata temu she became friendly with him two years ago
    - pójdziesz z nami do kina? are you going to the cinema with us?
    - wyszedł na spacer z psem he took the dog for a walk
    - porozmawiam z nim o tym jutro I’ll talk to him about it tomorrow
    13 (wskazuje na sposób) with (czymś sth)
    - z niedowierzaniem/ze zdumieniem in a. with disbelief/astonishment
    - okno zamknęło się z trzaskiem the window closed with a bang
    - obudził się z bólem głowy he woke up with a headache
    - leżał na trawie z rękami pod głową he was lying on the grass with his hands behind his head
    - płynąć z wiatrem/prądem to sail with the wind/current
    14 (wskazuje na cel) pójść do kogoś z prośbą o radę to go to sb to request advice
    - pośpieszyć komuś z pomocą to go to sb’s aid
    - pojechał do Niemiec z wykładami he went to Germany on a lecture tour
    15 (wskazuje na współzależność) with (czymś sth)
    - z wiekiem with age
    - wraz ze wzrostem ciśnienia with the growth of a. in pressure
    - z czasem with a. in time
    - z upływem czasu with the passing of time
    - z każdym dniem/rokiem with each passing day/year
    16 (z określeniami pory) with (czymś sth)
    - z końcem/początkiem sierpnia at the end/beginning of August
    - z nadejściem lata with the approach of summer
    17 (eliptyczne) about (kimś/czymś sb/sth)
    - co z artykułem? what about the article?
    - co się z tobą działo? what have you been doing with yourself?
    - co zrobić z tymi szmatami? what shall I do with these rags?
    - z babcią jest źle, znowu miała atak Granny’s not well, she’s had another seizure
    18 (w przysłówkach) literatura zwana z angielska science fiction literature known by the English name of science fiction
    - ubrany z niemiecka dressed in German style
    - mówił trochę z cudzoziemska he spoke with a slight foreign accent
    part. around, about
    - zajęło mi to z godzinę it took me around an hour
    - miał ze czterdzieści lat he was around forty
    * * *
    prep; = z
    * * *
    z1, ze
    + Gen.
    1. ( punkt wyjścia) from; z domu from home.
    2. ( źródło informacji) from; z gazet/książki/doświadczenia from newspapers/the book/experience.
    3. ( czas) from, of; z dziesiątego wieku from the 10th century; z rana in the morning; list z drugiego maja a letter of 2nd May.
    4. (surowiec, składnik) of, from; zrobiony z drewna made of wood; stół z drewna wooden table.
    5. (przynależność, zbiorowość) of, from; jeden z nas one of us; kolega ze szkoły a friend from school, school friend; z domu Janowska née l. nee Janowska.
    6. ( przyczyna) (out) of; z bólu/nudów/radości (out) of pain/boredom/joy; z jakiej racji? for what reason?, how come?; ni z tego, ni z owego all of a sudden.
    7. ( zmiana stanu) of; co z nami będzie? what's going to become of us?
    8. ( nasilenie) with; z całych sił with all one's might; z całego serca with all one's heart, wholeheartedly.
    9. (wzór, model) from; wyrecytować z pamięci recite from memory.
    10. ( ograniczenie zakresu) at, by, in; podobny z wyglądu similar-looking; egzamin z angielskiego examination in English; ona jest dobra z biologii she's good at biology; on jest z zawodu leksykografem he's a lexicographer by profession.
    11. ( tworzy wyrażenia przysłówkowe) z grubsza roughly; z lekka lightly, delicately; z rzadka rarely.
    12. + Ins. ( towarzyszenie) with; jedź z nami come with us; deszcz ze śniegiem sleet.
    13. + Ins. (element, składnik) and, with; chleb z masłem bread and butter; bułka z dżemem bread roll with jam; kawa ze śmietanką/mlekiem coffee with cream/milk; sklep z zabawkami toy store l. shop.
    14. + Ins. ( stan) with; z wysiłkiem with effort; z uwagą attentively.
    15. + Ins. (obiekt podlegający działaniu, stanowi) co z nim? how is he?
    16. + Ins. ( cel) przyjść z pomocą come to sb's aid; przyjść do kogoś z wizytą pay sb a visit.
    17. + Ins. ( skutek) with; z dobrym skutkiem with a good result; z powodzeniem successfully.
    z2, ze
    pot. (= około) about; z godzinę about an hour.
    Z, z
    ( litera) Z, z; Z jak Zygmunt Z is for Zulu; Z as in Zulu.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > ze

  • 15 more or less

    Синонимический ряд:
    1. inexact (adj.) approximate; by rule of thumb; close; fair; imperfect; imprecise; inexact; roughly estimated; similar
    2. nearly (other) about; all but; almost; approximately; around; as good as; getting on for (British); just about; most; much; nearly; nigh; practically; roughly; round; roundly; rudely; say; somewhere; virtually; well-nigh
    3. somewhat (other) fairly; kind of; moderately; pretty; rather; ratherish; some; something; somewhat; sort of

    English-Russian base dictionary > more or less

  • 16 correspond

    1) ((with to) to be similar; to match: A bird's wing corresponds to the arm and hand in humans.) corresponder a, equivaler a
    2) ((with with) to be in agreement with; to match.) concordar, ir bien con
    3) (to communicate by letter (with): Do they often correspond (with each other)?) mantener correspondencia con, cartearse con
    - correspondent
    - corresponding
    - correspondence course

    1. coincidir / corresponderse
    2. equivaler
    the American President roughly corresponds to the British Prime Minister el Presidente americano equivale más o menos al Primer Ministro británico
    3. cartearse
    1 (match, be consistent) corresponderse ( with, con), concordar ( with, con); (be equivalent, be similar) corresponder (to, a), equivaler (to, a)
    2 (write) escribirse ( with, con), mantener correspondencia ( with, con)
    correspond [.kɔrə'spɑnd] vi
    1) match: corresponder, concordar, coincidir
    2) write: corresponderse, escribirse
    corresponderse v.
    escribir v.
    'kɔːrə'spɑːnd, ˌkɒrə'spɒnd
    a) ( tally)

    to correspond (WITH something)corresponderse or concordar* (con algo)

    to correspond (TO something) — equivaler* or corresponder (a algo)

    to correspond (WITH somebody) — mantener* correspondencia (con alguien)

    1) (=be in accordance) corresponder ( with con); (=be equivalent) equivaler (to a)
    2) (by letter) escribirse, mantener correspondencia ( with con)
    * * *
    ['kɔːrə'spɑːnd, ˌkɒrə'spɒnd]
    a) ( tally)

    to correspond (WITH something)corresponderse or concordar* (con algo)

    to correspond (TO something) — equivaler* or corresponder (a algo)

    to correspond (WITH somebody) — mantener* correspondencia (con alguien)

    English-spanish dictionary > correspond

  • 17 ὄρος

    ὄρος, ους, τό (Hom.+) pl. τὰ ὄρη; gen., uncontracted ὀρέων (as early as X., An. 1, 2, 21 [Kühner-Bl. I 432]; SIG 646, 18 [170 B.C.]; LXX [Thackeray 151; Helbing 41f]; EpArist 119. Joseph. prefers ὀρῶν.—Schweizer 153; B-D-F §48; Mlt-H. 139) Rv 6:15; 1 Cl; Hermas (Reinhold 52); a relatively high elevation of land that projects higher than a βοῦνος (‘a minor elevation, hill’), mountain, mount, hill (in Eng. diction what is considered a ‘mountain’ in one locality may be called a ‘hill’ by someone from an area with extremely high mountain ranges; similar flexibility prevails in the use of ὄρος, and the Eng. glosses merely suggest a comparative perspective; in comparison w. Mt. Everest [8848 meters] or Mount McKinley [6194 meters] any mountain in Palestine is a mere hill) w. βουνός Lk 3:5 (Is 40:4); 23:30 (Hos 10:8). W. πέτρα Rv 6:16; cp. vs. 15. W. πεδίον (SIG 888, 120f) Hs 8, 1, 1; 8, 3, 2. W. νῆσος Rv 6:14; 16:20. As the scene of outstanding events and as places of solitude (PTebt 383, 61 [46 A.D.] ὄρος denotes ‘desert’; Dio Chrys. 19 [36], 40 Zoroaster withdraws fr. among men and lives ἐν ὄρει; Herm. Wr. 13 ins. Hermes teaches his son Tat ἐν ὄρει) mountains play a large part in the gospels and in the apocalypses: Jesus preaches and heals on ‘the’ mountain Mt 5:1 (HCarré, JBL 42, 1923, 39–48; Appian, Mithrid. 77 §334 understands τὸ ὄρος in ref. to the Bithynian Olympus, but without naming it.—On the Sermon on the Mount s. GHeinrici, Beiträge II 1899; III 1905; JMüller, D. Bergpredigt 1906; KProost, De Bergrede 1914; HWeinel, D. Bergpr. 1920; KBornhäuser, D. Bergpr. 1923, 21927; PFiebig, Jesu Bergpr. 1924; GKittel D. Bergpr. u. d. Ethik d. Judentums: ZST 2, 1925, 555–94; ASteinmann, D. Bergpr. 1926; AAhlberg, Bergpredikans etik 1930; MMeinertz, Z. Ethik d. Bergpr.: JMausbach Festschr. ’31, 21–32; HHuber, D. Bergpredigt ’32; RSeeberg, Z. Ethik der Bergpr. ’34; JSchneider, D. Sinn d. Bergpr. ’36; ALindsay, The Moral Teaching of Jesus ’37; MDibelius, The Sermon on the Mount ’40; TSoiron, D. Bergpr. Jesu ’41; DAndrews, The Sermon on the Mount ’42; HPreisker, D. Ethos des Urchristentums2 ’49; HWindisch, The Mng. of the Sermon on the Mount [tr. Gilmour] ’51; WManson, Jesus the Messiah ’52, 77–93; TManson, The Sayings of Jesus ’54; GBornkamm, Jesus v. Naz. ’56, 92–100, 201–4 [Eng. tr. by JRobinson et al. ’60, 100–109, 221–25]; JJeremias, Die Bergpredigt ’59; JDupont, Les Béatitudes, I, rev. ed. ’58; II, ’69; W Davies, The Setting of the Sermon on the Mount, ’64; JManek, NovT 9, ’67, 124–31; HDBetz, The Sermon on the Mt [Hermeneia] ’95.—On the site of the Sermon, CKopp, The Holy Places of the Gosp., ’63, 204–13); 8:1; 15:29; calls the twelve Mk 3:13; performs oustanding miracles J 6:3; prays Mt 14:23; Mk 6:46; Lk 6:12; 9:28; ApcPt 2:4. On an ὄρος ὑψηλόν (Lucian, Charon 2) he is transfigured Mt 17:1; Mk 9:2 and tempted Mt 4:8; the risen Christ shows himself on a mountain (cp. Herm. Wr. 13, 1) Mt 28:16. Jesus is taken away by the Holy Spirit εἰς τὸ ὄρος τὸ μέγα τὸ Θαβώρ GHb 20, 61 (cp. Iren. 1, 14, 6 [Harv. I 139, 8: gnostic speculation]); likew. the author of Rv ἐπὶ ὄρος μέγα κ. ὑψηλόν Rv 21:10. From the top of one mountain the angel of repentance shows Hermas twelve other mountains Hs 9, 1, 4; 7ff. On the use of mt. in apocalyptic lang. s. also Rv 8:8; 17:9 (ἑπτὰ ὄρ. as En 24:2. Cp. JohJeremias, D. Gottesberg 1919; RFrieling, D. hl. Berg im A u. NT 1930). GJs 22:3 ὄρ. θεοῦ, where follows ἐδιχάσθη τὸ ὄρ. and ἦν τὸ ὄρ. ἐκεῖνο διαφαῖνον αὐτῇ φῶς the mt. split and that mt. was a bright light for her. On theophanies and mountain motif s. JReeves, Heralds of That Good Realm ’96, 148f.—Of the mt. to which Abraham brought his son, to sacrifice him there 1 Cl 10:7 (cp. Gen 22:2; Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 7 Jac.). Esp. of Sinai (over a dozen sites have been proposed for it) τὸ ὄρος Σινά (LXX.—τὸ Σιναῖον ὄρ. Jos., Ant. 2, 283f) Ac 7:30, 38; Gal 4:24f; 11:3 (cp. Is 16:1); 14:2 (cp. Ex 31:18); 15:1; also without mention of the name: Hb 8:5 (Ex 25:40); 12:20 (cp. Ex 19:13); 1 Cl 53:2; 4:7. Of the hill of Zion (Σιών) Hb 12:22; Rv 14:1. τὸ ὄρ. τῶν ἐλαιῶν the Hill or Mount of Olives (s. ἐλαία 1; about 17 meters higher than Jerusalem) Mt 21:1; 26:30; Mk 14:26; Lk 19:37; 22:39; J 8:1 al. τὸ ὄρ. τὸ καλούμενον Ἐλαιῶν Lk 19:29; 21:37; Ac 1:12 (s. ἐλαιών). Of Mt. Gerizim, about 868 meters in height (without mention of the name) J 4:20f (cp. Jos., Ant. 12, 10; 13, 74).—πόλις ἐπάνω ὄρους κειμένη a city located on an eminence or hill Mt 5:14 (cp. Jos., Ant. 13, 203 πόλις ἐπʼ ὄρους κειμένη). Also πόλις οἰκοδομημένη ἐπʼ ἄκρον ὄρους ὑψηλοῦ Ox 1 recto, 17 (GTh 32) (Stephan. Byz. s.v. Ἀστέριον says this city was so named ὅτι ἐφʼ ὑψηλοῦ ὄρους κειμένη τοῖς πόρρωθεν ὡς ἀστὴρ φαίνεται).—Pl. τὰ ὄρη hills, mountains, hilly or mountainous country (somet. the sing. also means hill-country [Diod S 20, 58, 2 an ὄρος ὑψηλὸν that extends for 200 stades, roughly 40 km.; Polyaenus 4, 2, 4 al. sing. = hill-country; Tob 5:6 S]) AcPl Ha 5, 18; as a place for pasture Mt 18:12.—Mk 5:11; Lk 8:32. As a remote place (s. above; also Dio Chrys. 4, 4) w. ἐρημίαι Hb 11:38. As a place for graves (cp. POxy 274, 27 [I A.D.]; PRyl 153, 5; PGrenf II, 77, 22: the grave-digger is to bring a corpse εἰς τὸ ὄρος for burial) Mk 5:5. Because of their isolation an ideal refuge for fugitives (Appian, Bell. Civ. 4, 30 §130 ἐς ὄρος ἔφυγεν=to the hill-country; 1 Macc 9:40) φεύγειν εἰς τὰ ὄρ. (Plut., Mor. 869b οἱ ἄνθρωποι καταφυγόντες εἰς τὰ ὄρη διεσώθησαν; Jos., Bell. 1, 36, Ant. 14, 418) Mt 24:16; Mk 13:14; Lk 21:21.—Proverbially ὄρη μεθιστάνειν remove mountains i.e. do something that seems impossible 1 Cor 13:2; cp. Mt 17:20; 21:21; Mk 11:23. Of God: μεθιστάνει τοὺς οὐρανοὺς καὶ τὰ ὄρη καὶ τοὺς βουνοὺς καὶ τὰς θαλάσσας (God) is moving from their places the heavens and mountains and hills and seas Hv 1, 3, 4 (cp. Is 54:10 and a similar combination PGM 13, 874 αἱ πέτραι κ. τὰ ὄρη κ. ἡ θάλασσα κτλ.).—B. 23. DELG. M-M. TW. Spicq. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ὄρος

  • 18 все они

    Point-to-point services, microwave repeaters, radio telescopes, all have characteristic types of antennas.

    * * *
    Все они
     It can be seen that all of them have roughly the same shut-off pressure rise.
     While all gave similar results the strain-fraction rule appeared to be the most accurate.
     All of these continued for the full chord length.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > все они

  • 19 выражать

    (= выразить) express, convey
    Автор выражает свою искреннюю благодарность (проф. Иванову)... - The author expresses his sincere appreciation to...
    Более удобно выразить это (соотношение, решение и т. п.) в терминах... - This is more conveniently expressed in terms of...
    Во-первых, мы хотели бы выразить нашу благодарность... - Firstly, we wish to express our thanks to...
    Можно грубо выразить (= сформулировать) тот же результат, говоря, что... - This result is expressed roughly by saying that...
    Другим способом выразить то же самое является... - Another way of expressing this is...
    Многие пользователи выразили свое разочарование (= неудовлетворение) в... - Many customers have expressed their dissatisfaction with...
    Мы выражаем свою благодарность профессору Смиту, который... - Our thanks are also due to Prof. Smith, who...
    Мы могли бы выразить это, сказав, что... - We may express this by saying that...
    Мы можем выразить данное соотношение в терминах следующей формулы. - We can express the relation in terms of the following formula.
    Мы можем выразить это более формально следующим образом. - A more formal way of saying this is as follows.
    Мы можем выразить это другим способом, сказав, что... - We can put this another way by saying that...
    Мы можем выразить это явно, написав... - We can make this explicit by writing...
    Наконец, мы выражаем свою благодарность проф. Смиту за... - Finally, thanks are due to due to Prof. Smith for...
    Однако относительно... были выражены сомнения. - But doubts have been expressed about...
    Первые исследователи выражали разочарование относительно того факта, что... - Early workers expressed disappointment over the fact that...
    Поучительно выразить соотношение (4) в терминах... - It is instructive to express (4) in terms of...
    Принято выражать... - It is customary to express...
    Следуя подобным образом, мы могли бы выразить... - Following a similar procedure, we may express...
    Также я хочу выразить свою искреннюю благодарность... - I also want'to express my sincere thanks to...
    Таким образом, возможно выразить F в терминах... - It is therefore possible to express F in terms of...
    Теперь мы выразим это более формально. - We now express this more formally.
    Теперь мы продолжим выражать... - We now proceed to express...
    Эта мысль (= идея) выражается более точно в... - This idea is expressed more precisely in...
    Это может быть формально выражено следующим образом. - This may be expressed formally as follows.
    Это условие может быть выражено как... - This condition can be expressed as...
    Я должен выразить свою благодарность (профессору)... - I must express my thanks to...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > выражать

  • 20 correspond

    intransitive verb
    1) (be analogous, agree in amount)

    correspond [to each other] — einander entsprechen

    2) (agree in position)

    correspond [to something] — [mit etwas] übereinstimmen; (be in harmony)

    correspond [with or to something] — [mit etwas] zusammenpassen

    correspond with somebodymit jemandem korrespondieren

    * * *
    1) ((with to) to be similar; to match: A bird's wing corresponds to the arm and hand in humans.) entsprechen
    2) ((with with) to be in agreement with; to match.) passen
    3) (to communicate by letter (with): Do they often correspond (with each other)?) im Briefwechsel stehen
    - academic.ru/16321/correspondence">correspondence
    - correspondent
    - corresponding
    - correspondence course
    * * *
    [ˌkɒrɪˈspɒnd, AM ˌkɔ:rəˈspɑ:nd]
    1. (be equivalent of) entsprechen; (be same as) übereinstimmen
    to \correspond closely/roughly to sth etw dat genau/ungefähr entsprechen
    to \correspond with sth mit etw dat übereinstimmen
    his story didn't \correspond with the witness' version seine Geschichte deckte sich nicht mit der Version des Zeugen
    2. (write)
    to \correspond [with sb] [mit jdm] korrespondieren
    * * *
    1) (= be equivalent) entsprechen (
    to, with +dat two or more to one another) sich entsprechen; (= be in accordance also) sich decken (with mit)
    2) (= exchange letters) korrespondieren (with mit)
    * * *
    correspond [ˌkɒrıˈspɒnd; US ˌkɔːrəˈspɑnd; a. ˌkɑrə-] v/i
    1. (to, with) entsprechen (dat), passen (zu), übereinstimmen (mit):
    correspond with sb’s expectations jemandes Erwartungen entsprechen
    2. übereinstimmen
    3. (to) entsprechen (dat), das Gegenstück sein (von), analog sein (zu)
    4. korrespondieren, in Briefwechsel stehen ( beide:
    with mit)
    5. WIRTSCH obs in Geschäftsbeziehungen stehen ( with mit)
    6. MATH korrespondieren
    corr. abk
    * * *
    intransitive verb
    1) (be analogous, agree in amount)

    correspond [to each other] — einander entsprechen

    correspond [to something] — [mit etwas] übereinstimmen; (be in harmony)

    correspond [with or to something] — [mit etwas] zusammenpassen

    * * *
    entsprechen v.
    korrespondieren v.
    übereinstimmen (Angaben) v.

    English-german dictionary > correspond

См. также в других словарях:

  • similar — sim|i|lar W1S1 [ˈsımələ, ˈsımılə US ər] adj [Date: 1500 1600; : French; Origin: similaire, from Latin similis like, similar ] almost the same →↑alike ≠ ↑different ▪ We have similar tastes in music. ▪ Both approaches seem to achieve similar… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • similar — adjective 1 almost the same but not exactly the same: We have similar tastes in music. | students of roughly similar abilities | These two signatures are so similar it s very difficult to tell them apart. | I saw something similar in yesterday s… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • similar — adj. VERBS ▪ be, feel, look, sound, taste ▪ appear, seem ▪ become ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • roughly — adv. Roughly is used with these adjectives: ↑analogous, ↑carved, ↑chronological, ↑circular, ↑comparable, ↑constant, ↑contemporary, ↑equal, ↑equivalent, ↑fifty fifty, ↑oval, ↑ …   Collocations dictionary

  • India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… …   Universalium

  • HSL and HSV — Fig. 1. HSL (a–d) and HSV (e–h). Above (a, e): cut away 3D models of each. Below: two dimensional plots showing two of a model’s three parameters at once, holding the other constant: cylindrical shells (b, f) of constant saturation, in this case… …   Wikipedia

  • Planet — This article is about the astronomical object. For other uses, see Planet (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • Extrasolar planet — Planet Fomalhaut b (inset against Fomalhaut s interplanetary dust cloud) imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope s coronagraph (NASA photo) …   Wikipedia

  • Moore's law — Plot of CPU transistor counts against dates of introduction. Note the logarithmic vertical scale; the line corresponds to exponential growth with transistor count doubling every two years …   Wikipedia

  • Poland — /poh leuhnd/, n. a republic in E central Europe, on the Baltic Sea. 38,700,291; ab. 121,000 sq. mi. (313,400 sq. km). Cap.: Warsaw. Polish, Polska. * * * Poland Introduction Poland Background: Poland is an ancient nation that was conceived around …   Universalium

  • keyboard instrument — ▪ music Introduction       any musical instrument on which different notes can be sounded by pressing a series of keys, push buttons, or parallel levers. In nearly all cases in Western music the keys correspond to consecutive notes in the… …   Universalium

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